Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6
£.is>XTC-l6«L->X)tSJ!*^>*#L4'A'''b±U>X(?)jlKl; >?'£}|oT AF?U3>T0-l6ff)U>X)tK}|*»£±U>XmS>;«fll£A!-&TtT-KSItSl ^ (X.Mt>'hfLX)H<3?tlttn£T. a300mmF2S,a200mmF2S*f;ltH200mF2% ISUli f -t£#tiAFrU 3 >TC-l6%SB#ltSiS](JEB*-'ia-C)i;lHlLT <«*lV *>7*x-f^(7)ia'J#lt —Bi Lii*.±U>XmMlS4 U V^if c UAFxU = >TG- I6£}$ ^ TK»lt7jft{IE[BA- hM.r)iZiiL$.itX-ULir, ±U>Xi;H300imiF2S.H200m"F2Stfclt,HI20Q -a * •»>9*r- » O'JttlUKt , F3AFtff-r mramitat*u/<-*c¥Bii(±u> x(ii)i;(atiTPvi'i?nTi.>%c t *e<-t»
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7
T•!• 7j-*>^*g < JfTtAF^Ua >TC-I6OT u > XmKS *f < 0>ffifflKW#£ r#B8 < ftfS v . evhGMHI (*2) rr. %\*'sX t"> Kn • tii«g«tA!*«(i>2 )«£ > t-CO^iiSBOTl-* S-iffiH mn.tam ±u>Xm!gSU>#>Sifi7J^(clHlK?«t-r£. 300 ™ co~35m 200mm a>~l6m ±L->X«!6StB® Kn^riKHm 135mm oo~7.2m 105mm »-4.4 m !6«B#i;fi!EMflJi:'>7 I- LT , ffiEKOTjS?!* 85"™ co-2.9m ict"> h*!^i I i ici'J JT. 58mm co~l.4 m f;£ ili , asOmmFI .8S^±U>X£ Ltffll-t: 55™ t» ~ 1.3m 50mm
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8
• iU>X t LTHI35mmF2S, ai35m»F24-S« LTfl&JBT*>t§'<, iU>Xffl Smnmt"'-Zm*II(2) list, ti&wwvw)3S¥1*£iM*'f 5fc t . :m t t-r-ti35m*-tjiOm*T-m«¥#icitt"> MJ^iicccj' ) *T< H)AFxU3>TC-l6?-lJf LT. ±U>X%F3AF--T;T-W ICE'J#lt*T,. i2igS»»igtti::*5?S¥*i:tV^^*Tffii«U>?>BS£«TUS30o ™ F2S**»»tt# « 7>t 7 l-/7>ffll*5iff*lJT'?-„
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9
I»c<«. 7 7"f>y-rt!; rHj* <,SH-r6J ; 7 i;AF?u=i>TC-l6i;aiBS StfT*- h 7 * - * T.m.tei'frV- i t 'J ST 7 7l->y-rt«*¥(7)WSI«F3AF*T-VOTffifflKafl#«-z-#Ba< fc- SK.) 7* - WPy?*^/ ' —D f > hiSh«ti'»?WAF 7 7-f >?'-DX-lrtm;ii]!gv"->i:A'i'i'i.>J|-t 1 £'C*» J; 7 i'S3t* S Lit, (i)t*> h«-^*3*fci>»^«;5-7 j>-f >y-rtOTttJ*(;#h-&tT r !2i77-r>#'-rtmf> Hifticr^jA'fSCTL/ii #ic, 7»—axo-;?** >«-HL ST, l3i7t-*^n7>*?>SffW:SS . i7>«,«BlT 5 7 L-- ; >?'£ITT /;!*, -;± * W7<-r'y^«-0Ni;-t4t('>-f •y#-*?>*}i
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10
AFxb3>TC-l6£±u>Xi;gjt L tT£iu^*n«fl5SIJJ5i !4JK'JffiS« TLJT . <±u>xl;SflHFfl*X«i.>*»|#> #B50mmF I .2S. a50mn.F I .4S. a35mmF I .4S*MMF(S* ! F I .8«t>J feBflj, u u > X £±U>X t LT«ST5 t #« , AFxU3 >TC-l6A!@a:IS(XcoJx>J(it^f l.8J;tJ foW4< iaST£iiIiERttj*!f#tjni Si'iLT , Rijis«ff l.8iuii;lK-pT;-««< «*<•>. • tfc, MJ4F(ii*XS-±U>X i LTBl>4 t . UHiffilESr tBtIIET4*-&ttT*(*3)l;ttoT < £*(.>. («3 ) 7 i Jtigj t .y (. ij > #'>HUXfBiEr?,ti
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11
A|AFT-H3>"'<-?-TC-16Sfl6ffl_h.0>i±ii •AF-yuovTC-tStt.AFTTOy-OX-KtSajFSAFtff « ta-sfciu-Hm uvXtmWcSIt U **IE**l,Mtt;l.T* - h 7 *-*]*»«fcf f 1*S I) T U3 W«— * —"t!T, tfc, JFfU 3 >TC-l6rt<7)U>XOTjht -MiSfr'— KWIS'PsF3iSr•< fff)«m*y7«f-(i:8Sl,Ti.6(Si:|*l§8*l(;*:t5 iji>i-4 f^u =!>'<-:?-£ LTSBTS : fc«T# HtK. #AF?m>TC-i6£AF 7 j-oy-DX-ltt^FSAFt f rV^Bi'.l'ttltfci: t OT« JsT-AF^HlVTC-IBroON OFF 7- -f 7 ^A'ONl : i. X *> ') i t £ , SfafflBfl: 7-tf SiS-fr^il^ t #l;IJ, AFTI-3 >TC-I6»0N OFFX-f v^liOFF
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12
/JAF-rU-a>/<-?-TC-l6SI5'JI5t>±roi±.* A F x u a >TC-1612. **.«&•*-t-W*f*iM Lfcfflft««T-T. -Z X i *t •AF^f^aat^S'SftfcilSfr'ol'f:! ] LXl'iTt . *-!• 7*-*7.fF» £ 4 CUT „ A'A'Jitv < fa 'JiWfeUfc t #Utt. **7Ji<3-.H<*«*i&ittfc*«0>* x-a?iLt < fc-?u„ • AFfW3>TC-l6*«fflL-il.>«-&l*«»-*iaff)iim4-iKlt. So *-V v 7" B F- l«i[>'K.i.7;LF-l*S5>;ft(tT(*»LT < fc, 12
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13
7^-fe+MJ - « m »J * M |il*l-'y7"BF-l 7 7 (••»•—3N0.6I ».i:fcl_F-l •;»w**: BBJSM* f y (••&*>* : ^SSKTSittrtSK^-?-!;,! : UK») X<"jf-\ ON 0FF7W 7 f 7 * — 1} 2- a -y i> #9 >(l Tffi) MM : AF7 zO^-DX-l i ';AF*y-fiH*f>«-«UTfitSg W>t : z.3>Fv'j> Kaiftft) !*75v'7> MJAF*-ryiSt*t>'ft# ** * : J*J88»m(e*a)X2lmm(U>XKIH*ltffi*-b"'a*> y H*I{T-)f * (J 43.8mm M : f«85g *j££l * : ±u>Xc7)i.6fS(«ffiai:f > l-ft-'^ofcttSi) R'JSBEH : f i.#~f 32(**»F*Ttif/Z.9~t/5t) »¥J?S* : ± u > Xm I. I.6f3(«8itce > f*!
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14
NOMENCLATURE 1. Focus lock button 6. Lens mounting index 2. ON/OFF switch 7. Lens speed indexing post 3. Lens type signal pin 8. Focal length indexing ridge 4. AF connecting pins for F3AF 9. Lens release button 5. Camera mounting index 10. Meier coupling ridge BEFORE USING THE TC-16 (Read the following carefully and get the most out of your new AF teleconverter TC-16 now and in the many years to come.) Like Nikon cameras and lenses, your new teleconverter is a high-precision instrument
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15
LENS/TELECONVERTER COMPATIBILITY The following table lists a variety of Al-type Nikkor and Nikon Series E lenses which can be used with the Nikon AF Teleconverter TC-16. Wideangle HNikkor 24mm 1/2 H Nikkor 24mm f/2S HNikkor 28mm f/2 (Product number 540021 or higher) HNikkor 28mm f/2S HNikkor 35mm f/1.4S HNikkor 35mm f/2 (Product number 931001 or higher) HNikkor 35mm H2S Normal HNikkor 50mm f/1.2 HNikkor 50mm f/1.2S HNikkor 50mm f/1.4 (Product number 3980001 or higher) HNikkor 50mm
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16
CONNECTING LENS AND TELECONVERTER A„ A 2 Position the lens in the TC-16's bayonet mount with its aperture index aligned with the TC-16's lens mounting index ®; then, grasping the lens aperture ring, turn the lens counterclockwise until it click-stops into position- (With either the 300mm f/2 IF-ED or 200mm f/2 IF-ED, you turn the TC-16 clockwise until it click-stops into position.) To remove: Depress the lens release button ® on the TC-16 while grasping the lens aperture ring, and turn th
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17
5. Press the shutter release button all the way to release the shutter when both LED in-focus indicators 04 ) light up to indicate subject in-focus condition. For further information on viewfinder information, etc., refer to the F3AF camera body's instruction manual. Focus detection range when lens is at infinity (<*>) Lens in use Focus detection range 300mm Infinity (<») to 35m (114.8 ft) 200mm Infinity (<") to 16m (52,5 ft) 135mm Infinity (°°) to 7.2m (23.6 ft) 105mm Infinity (">) to
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3. When the distance scale of the prime lens is set to minimum or around there, you can focus on your subject even if it is beyond the original closest shoot ing distance. Note, however, that picture quality may somewhat be impaired. 4. If the prime lens is the 135mm f/2, make sure you set the distance scale between infinity (») and 2m (6.6 ft) in order to obtain precise in-focus indica tion. You should set it at closer than 2m (6.6 ft), or the precise in-focus indica tion may not occur.
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(1) Turn the focusing ring of the prime lens clockwise (i.e., while maintain ing shooting position) until both LED in-focus indicators (••^i light up. (2) Confirm the position of the distance scale set in Step 2 and the position reset at Step (1). (3) During autofocus operation, move the distance scale slightly between these two positions in accordance with the camera-to-subject dis tance, and make the final adjustment with the TC-16 until both LED in-focus indicators {••<) light up. * f
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EXPOSURE DETERMINATION Using the TC-16 not only increases the effective focal length by 1.6X, but also decreases the effective aperture by a 1 -1 /3 f/stop. Thus, when the TC-16 teleconverter is in use, you should disregard the prime lens's engraved aperture scale. If the TC-16 is attached to lenses with a maximum aperture larger than f/1.8 (e.g., 50mm f/1.2, 50mm f/1,4, 35mm f/1.4, etc.), the effective aperture becomes f/2.9 even if the aperture is larger than f/1.8. Thus, when using fas