Instruction d'utilisation Metz 28 CS-2

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Metz 28 CS-2

Dispositif: Metz 28 CS-2
Catégorie: Flash photographique
Fabricant: Metz
Dimension: 0.26 MB
Date d'addition: 9/1/2013
Nombre des pages: 33
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Metz 28 CS-2 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 1
MECABLITZ 28 CS-2 digital
Bedienungsanleitung Mode d’emploi
Gebruiksaanwijzing Operating instruction
Manuale istruzioni Manual de instrucciones

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 86 Foreword Contents: Congratulations on purchasing our 1. Safety instructions 88 flash 28 CS-2 digital and thank you for the confi- 2. Preparations 89 dence in our products. 2.1 Power supply 89 The following pages give useful instructions for 2.2 Loading and replacing the batteries 89 proper operation of the flash unit and a survey of 2.3 Mounting / Removing the flash unit 90 all its sophisticated functions. 2.4 Switching the flash unit on and of

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 87 8. Flash modes 99 11.3 Adapting the flash delay in slave mode with preflash suppression 106 8.1 Auto flash mode A 99 11.4 Re-establishing the flash unit settings 107 8.2 Manual flash mode M 100 12. Troubleshooting, remedies and 8.3 Metz-Remote Flash Mode SL 100 after-sales service 108 8.4 EASY Mode 101 13. Technical data 110 9. Flash parameters 102 9.1 Automatic f-stop 102 9.2 ISO speed 102 9.3 Reflector status 102 9.4 Flash exposure correctio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 88 • NEVER attempt to recharge dry batteries! 1. Safety instructions • Do not expose the flash unit to dripping or • The flash unit is intended and approved only for splashing water. photographical use. • Do not expose your flash unit to high tempera- • NEVER fire a flash from a very short distance tures and humidity. Do not keep it in the glove directly into the eyes of persons or animals. This compartment of your car. can cause damage to the ret

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 89 • The flash unit must not be used if the case has the flash unit if you are not going to use it for been so badly damaged that internal com- an extended period of time. ponents are exposed. Remove the batteries! 2.2 Loading and replacing the batteries • Do not use defective batteries! • Turn off the flash unit by its main switch. • Slide the battery compartment cover to the out- 2. Preparations side of the flash unit. 2.1 Power supply • Insert

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 90 2.3 Mounting / Removing the flash unit the LC display go out. After automatic switch-off the last used settings are retained and instantly Turn off the flash by their main switch!  available when the flash unit is switched on again. Fold down the flash unit’s pivoted camera bracket. The flash unit is reactivated merely by depression Secure the flash unit to the camera with the thread- of any key (wake-up function). ed tripod screw.  The flas

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 91 ject so that it can be triggered. The working  Please note that the effective range of the range of the assembly depends on the inten- flash light is diminished by using a wide- sity of the light pulse from the camera-inte- angle diffuser, and increased with a tele- grated flash, the reflective properties of the photo attachment . For digital cameras take subject and the prevailing ambient light. into account that the focal lengths are given

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 92 Adapting the slave flash unit • The LC display indicates the symbol “SL ” • Activate the camera’s internal flash unit. If ne- for adapted slave mode, “EASY” flash mode cessary, switch on the camera’s red-eye re- and the maximum flash range (see Chapter 10.3). ducing preflash function. • The slave flash unit is now ready for operation. • Turn on the slave flash unit by the main switch and wait for the flash readiness indicator to  Flash unit ad

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 93 Depress the “+” key on the flash unit for a positive the camera-integrated flash. The important point is correction value when the flash shots are too dark, to know whether the flash unit built into your came- and the “-” key for a negative correction value ra works with or without measuring preflashes. when the flash shots are too bright. The correction Selection of the slave mode determines whether value can be adjusted from +10 to -10. The

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 94 • Activate the camera’s internal flash unit. adapt the slave automatically to your camera’s flash function (see Chapter 6.3). • Deactivate the red-eye reducing preflash func- tion on the camera. 6.1 Slave mode without preflash • Select on the slave unit the “M” flash mode with suppression SL P 1/1 full light output (see Chapter 8.2). This slave mode is suitable for all cameras working • Then select the slave mode without preflash sup- without

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 95 6.2 Slave mode with  If necessary, you can modify the suppression preflash suppression SL of the preflash and reset the time between preflash and main flash for manual adapta- This slave mode is specifically intended for digital tion to your camera; see also Chapter 11.3. cameras working with preflash technology. In this mode, the slave flash unit is not triggered by the 6.3 Adapted slave mode SL measuring preflash but only by the main flash

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 96 • Set the required flash mode on the flash unit (A, • The slave flash unit is now ready for operation. M or EASY).  Flash unit adaptation only has to be com- • Keep the “Mode” and pre-select keys of the pleted once because the stored settings are flash unit simultaneously depressed for approx. retained, even when the mode is changed, 5 s until the symbols start to flash in the flash unit is switched off and the batteries an ascending sequence

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 97 7.1 Cameras where operating mode, ISO and 9.2). Set the closest possible value where the exact value cannot be set. and aperture can be set Shoot some test pictures. Camera setting Set a negative flash exposure correction value on Set on the camera the ISO speed rating. If possible the flash unit when the shots are too bright, and a avoid the AUTO-ISO setting! positive one when the shots are too dark (see Chap- Set the camera’s operating mode t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 98 aid of the maximum flash range indicated on the Set a negative flash correction value on the flash LC display (see Chapter 10.3). unit when the shots are too bright, and a positive one when the shots are too dark (see Chapter 9.4). EASY MODE of the flash unit Compare the exposure results to establish the opti-  Select the operating mode Program P or full mal setting for your camera. auto mode on the camera! When shooting pictures take into acc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 99 mum flash range indicated on the LC display (see The sensor has a measuring angle of 25° and only Chapter 10.3). measures while the flash unit is emitting light. The measurement takes into account the light of the EASY-MODE operation of the flash unit camera’s internal flash emitted at the same time as Please refer to Chapter 5 for the setting of the the light from the slave flash. EASY MODE.  If the duration of the flash from the camera’s int

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 100 8.2 Manual flash mode M 8.3 Metz-Remote Flash Mode SL In this mode the flash unit emits an uncontrolled The Metz-Remote Flash Mode permits cordless re- flash at full light output (P 1/1) or partial light out- mote triggering of one or more off-camera slaves put (P 1/2, P 1/4, P 1/8 or P 1/16). by a special on-camera master flash unit (control- ler). The slaves are controlled by the flash light from Adaptation to the photographic situation is a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 101 There is no maximum flash range indication • The slave flash unit is ready for use after the test nor correct exposure confirmation given in has been successfully completed. the Metz Remote Flash Mode.  Bright ambient light and/or a large aperture Testing the cordless Metz-Remote Flash Mode opening can result in the slave’s sensor re- prior to exposure: ceiving only an incomplete light pulse be- cause the electronic circuit of the controller

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 102 9.2 ISO speed 9. Flash parameters Continue depressing the pre-select key on the For correct performance of the flash unit in the auto flash unit until “ISO” and the ISO value flash on the flash mode A and manual flash mode M it will be ne- display. While the display is flashing depress the cessary to adapt the different flash parameters (f-stop, “+” or “-” key to adapt the ISO value on the flash ISO speed, diffuser) manually to the settings on

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 103 “TELE” flash on the LC display. Then press the “-” 9.4 Flash exposure correction value EV key to set “WIDE”. In various exposure situations it may be necessary Use of the telephoto attachment (“TELE”) to specifically influence the flash intensity of the slave flash unit, i.e. increase or decrease the inten- When using the 85 mm telephoto attachment sity. A corresponding flash exposure correction (7 mm height) in front of the reflector, continu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

703 47 0165.A1 Inh. 03.08.2004 7:38 Uhr Seite 104 9.5 Manual partial light output When flash readiness is established a test flash can be fired with the “TEST” button. In the auto  Manual partial light output can only be set in flash mode A and the manual flash mode M, this manual flash mode M. test flash is based on the adjusted flash parame- Continue depressing the pre-select key of the ters. In the Metz-Remote Flash Mode, the test flash flash unit until “P 1/” and the partial light output

Instructions pareilles
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