Instruction d'utilisation Linn KNEKT Multi-room

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Linn KNEKT Multi-room

Dispositif: Linn KNEKT Multi-room
Catégorie: Système des hauts-parleurs
Fabricant: Linn
Dimension: 0.22 MB
Date d'addition: 9/23/2014
Nombre des pages: 17
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Linn KNEKT Multi-room Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

KNEKT Multi-room
Owner’s Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Copyright and Acknowledgements English Copyright and Acknowledgements Copyright © 2003 Linn Products Ltd. First edition September 2003. Linn Products Limited, Floors Road, Waterfoot, Glasgow, G76 OEP, Scotland, United Kingdom All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents English Contents Your KNEKT Multi-room System 1 Advanced functions 9 Macros 9 How KNEKT works 1 Alarm function 11 Technical Details 2 Sleep Mode 12 Controlling your KNEKT System 2 BASIK 3 IR RCU 13 KNEKT RCU (Room Control Unit) 3 BASIK 3 RCU 13 KNEKT RCU operation 3 MAJIK or WAKONDA 14 Overview 3 Display 4 Switching the KNEKT RCU on/off 4 Volume adjustment 5 Balance adjustment 5 Tone adjustment 5 Muting & un-muting 5 Room selection 6 Source (CD player, tuner etc) selection 6 Source prod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Your KNEKT Multi-room System English player and VCR connected to the ‘KNEKT Receiver’ in that room, and so in ™ Your KNEKT Multi-room System addition to the Main-room sources, these ‘local’ sources can be listened to through the KNEKT system and can be controlled via the KNEKT RCU (Room At Linn, we believe that music is not a luxury, but a necessity. Your KNEKT Control Unit) in that bedroom. multi-room system ensures that you achieve the best sound available, distributed throughout your home an

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Controlling your KNEKT System Controlling your KNEKT System Technical Details KNEKT ensures quality sound throughout the home by utilising full volume, Your KNEKT system can be controlled in a number of ways and will utilise one line-level, balanced audio distribution. or more of the following control methods: Line-level transmission The KNEKT system amplifies the sound locally, which means that the signal is carried from the Main system to the other rooms at line level, rather than lou

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

KNEKT RCU operation English KNEKT RCU (Room Control Unit) KNEKT RCU operation The KNEKT RCU is a sophisticated, but discreet and stylish control panel. It is, Overview effectively a computer, which is programmed by your Linn Custom Installer to 1 incorporate your system specifications and is customised for your lifestyle. Your Linn Custom Installer can talk you through the various programming options available if they have not already done so. Some very useful options are available - for exampl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English KNEKT RCU operation Display Switching the KNEKT RCU on/off T To o b br riin ng g a a K KN NE EK KT T R RC CU U iin n a an nd d o ou ut t o of f s st ta an nd db by y:: Shows the source’s Shows what the left hand current status – e.g. stopped ● Press O ON N/ /O OF FF F to take the KNEKT RCU in or out of standby. ‘multi-function’ key does – e.g. pauses Shows source currently playing – e.g. CD player Shows what the T To o s sw wiit tc ch h a allll t th he e K KN NE EK KT T R

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

KNEKT RCU operation English Volume adjustment Muting & un-muting T To o a ad djju us st t t th he e v vo ollu um me e:: T To o m mu ut te e a an nd d u un n- -m mu ut te e t th he e s sy ys st te em m:: ● Press V VO OL L- - or V VO OL L+ + to decrease or increase the volume in the room you ● Press to mute the sound in the room or the zone you are in and are in. press again to restore it to its original volume. Balance adjustment T To o a ad djju us st t t th he e b ba alla an nc ce

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English KNEKT RCU operation Room selection Source product control T To o s se elle ec ct t w wh hiic ch h r ro oo om m y yo ou u w wiis sh h t to o lliis st te en n t to o:: T To o c co on nt tr ro oll t th he e s se elle ec ct te ed d s so ou ur rc ce e p pr ro od du uc ct t:: ● ● Press W WH HE ER RE E. Repeatedly pressing W WH HE ER RE E will step you through the Press D DO O to select which aspect of the source product you wish to options available. The options available will de

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

KNEKT RCU operation English ™ The item that you have selected from Listmode will now be available in the KIVOR features KIVOR main menu. The Listmode option that is available in the KIVOR main When a KNEKT system contains a KIVOR music archive and retrieval system, menu can be changed by repeating the above process. some additional features are available, i.e. sub-menus and disc/track information. Note: The Listmode option that is available in the KIVOR main menu will appear on T To o a ac cc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English KNEKT RCU operation Clock feature To perform a system clock update (INTERSEKT based systems only): T To o d diis sp plla ay y t th he e c cllo oc ck k:: If your KNEKT system incorporates the INTERSEKT, at the end of the above sequence the following display will appear: ● ‘System time update?’ Press repeatedly to step you through the clock display options And the ‘X’ ‘ ’ options will appear above the ‘‘m mu ullt tii- -f fu un nc ct tiio on n’’ keys. available – i.e. time with seco

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

KNEKT RCU advanced functions English T To o r re ec co or rd d a a m ma ac cr ro o:: Advanced functions ● Access macro mode, following the instructions above (To access macro Macros mode) and select the ‘Record’ option. A very convenient and powerful feature built into the KNEKT RCU is the ability to record a sequence of commands and replay them at a later time. This is ● Press the right-hand ‘‘m mu ullt tii- -f fu un nc ct tiio on n’’ key, under the symbol. known as a macro. For example, y

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English KNEKT RCU advanced functions T To o r re ep plla ay y a a m ma ac cr ro o:: T To o d de et ta ac ch h a a m ma ac cr ro o f fr ro om m a a k ke ey y:: ● To access macro mode, following the instructions above (To access ● Follow the instructions above - To attach a macro to a key, except in the macro mode). second last step, press the left-hand ‘‘m mu ullt tii- -f fu un nc ct tiio on n’’ key (below the ‘ ‘ -- symbol), repeatedly to step through the key options. ● Press W WH HA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

English KNEKT RCU advanced functions ● Press the ‘‘m mu ullt tii- -f fu un nc ct tiio on n’’ keys to change the flashing number. Alarm function ● Press D DO O to move to the next number. The KNEKT RCU contains a very flexible alarm function, which can activate a macro (see Macros above) at a specific time, or series of times of your choosing. This function will therefore switch on the KNEKT RCU as specified ● Once you have finished setting the alarm, press to store your setting. and play

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English KNEKT RCU advanced functions Sleep Mode Sleep mode shuts the system down after a designated time period. You may, for example wish to listen to music in bed but would like the system to automatically switch off so that the music is not playing for too long after you fall asleep. T To o s se et t t th he e K KN NE EK KT T R RC CU U s slle ee ep p m mo od de e:: ● Press and O ON N/ /O OF FF F simultaneously. The display will show 'Sleep mode', followed by 'Where?' ● Press W WH H

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

English BASIK 3 IR RCU / BASIK 3 RCU BASIK 3 IR RCU BASIK 3 RCU Remote control On/Off sensor location On/Off Vol - - Vol -- Vol + Vol - - -- VOLUME + ● Use the keys to control volume or switch the system on/off for the room ● Use the keys to control volume or switch the system on/off for the room or or sub-zone* in which the BASIK 3 IR RCU is operating. sub-zone* in which the BASIK 3 RCU is operating. ● Use a Linn remote control to control the above functions and also to control a so

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English MAJIK or WAKONDA T To o c co on nt tr ro oll t th he e M Ma aiin n- -r ro oo om m s sy ys st te em m:: MAJIK or WAKONDA ● Access the Main-room system, following instructions above. ● Use W WH HA AT T to step through the source products in the Main-room system, BAL BAL NO NO RECORD HEADPHONES LINN MAJIK listening to each in turn (the display will not identify which one is MUTE VOL VOL INPUT INPUT LISTEN selected). A MAJIK or WAKONDA control amplifier in a Secondary-room that is fitt

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