Instruction d'utilisation Nikon os Speedlight SB-102

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Nikon os Speedlight SB-102

Dispositif: Nikon os Speedlight SB-102
Catégorie: Accessoires video
Fabricant: Nikon
Dimension: 17.1 MB
Date d'addition: 3/27/2014
Nombre des pages: 36
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Nikon os Speedlight SB-102 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

NIKONOS Speedlighf

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

NOMENCLATURE ______ _ CD Synchro socket index Joint collar @ Flash head positioning index @ Joint plate ® i ion mark @ i ion mark (@I (J) Sensor socket ® ro socket ® Synchro socket cover Joint @ @ Snp,erllinlht Arm@ ® Camera plug and locking ring Grip @ Sensor holder socket O-rings and lubricant @ @ Sensor holder positioning pin @ Bracket slot @ Bracket screw @Bracket Arm knob @ @ Buckle lock/release latch Battery chamber cap index @ Target-light holder @ @ calculation dial

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

CONTENTS ________ _ NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FOREWORD .. . .... . . .. ....... ......... .. ...... 4 PREPARATION .......... ................... 4-6 Examining and lubricating the O-rings ... .. 5 The O-rings and their sealing method .... . . 6 TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT CARE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 BASIC OPERATIONS . .. ..... ............... 8-16 CONTROLS IN DETAIL .......... ..... .. .... 17-30 Bracket ... .. ... .. .... . ....

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

FOREWORD ________ _ firing capability for wireless multiple flash photography, The Nikonos 8peedlight 88-102, an amphibious high­ performance electronic flash unit with a silicon-con­ and a target-light for close -up shooting. The target-light, trolled rectifier and series circuitry, is designed for use pOSitioned in the center of the flash head, shoots a with the Nikonos-V, Nikonos IV-A, and Nikonos III. The beam of light at the subject to help you aim the flash 88-102 can be submerged to

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

PREPARATION-continued ----------------------------------- Examining and lubricating the O-rings: tions. If an O-ring is properly lubricated, it will glisten 1. To remove the O-rings, except those in the synchro and will not have "gobs" of lubricant on it. socket and sensor socket covers, grasp the ring be­ To ensure the longest possible flash unit life, apply tween your thumb and forefinger. Pinch your fingers lubricant whenever necessary. Lubrication protects together as you slide them in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

PREPARATION-continued ______ _ The preceding instructions must be performed on each user-serviceable O-ring prior to each dive day and, if possible, prior to each dive. By following these pro­ cedures and all other procedures in this instruction manual, you will be able to enjoy using your Nikonos 8peedlight 8B-102 for many years. Reminder: An extra set of O-rings and a tube of lubri­ cant are supplied with the flash unit. Additional O-rings and lubricant are available from authorized Nik

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

TIPS ON SPEEDLIGHT CARE 1. After using the speedlight and camera under­ removed in one of these situations, for instance, water, rinse them both as soon as possible in to exchange batteries, use a vinyl bag to prevent fresh running water with the sync and sensor water or salt from entering the unit. cords attached. When the speedlightlcamera 8. When not using the speedlight, remove batteries assembly gets dirty, rinse it thoroughly in fresh to prevent damage from battery leakage. Leaking w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

BASIC OPERATI,;:::O ..:....: N~ S =======~===~=----==-= Unlock the silver buckle catches 2 Remove the battery 1. Unlock the buckle from the pins on the speedlight lock/release latches • chamber cap @ . case and pull up on the battery Push down on the buckles until the @ and unlock the chamber cap. battery chamber cap is separated buckles ®> . • After using the speedfight underwater, rinse from the speed/ight case. Pu ll up the buckle lock/release latch it thoroughly in running wat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

5 Replace the C-type 6. Replace the battery 7, lock the buckles. • Push the battery chamber cap • battery cartridge in chamber cap. against the speedlight case so it is While holding the buckles away the battery chamber. fully seated, hook the silver buckle from the battery chamber cap, Be sure the speedlight power switch catches onto the pins on the speed­ align the battery chamber cap ® is in the " OFF" position, then light case, and pull the buckles in­ index @ with the index on t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ 11 Insert the joint plate 12 Lock the joint. 13. Loosen the joint • Align the flash head position­ • into the joint collar @ . lever @. ing index @ with the "normal " posi­ While holding the base of the joint Turn the jOint lever counterclock­ tion mark on the flash head posi­ knob against the joint, slide the joint wise as far as it will go to loosen it. tioning scale, then turn the joint it is plate into the joint collar until knob clockwise until the jo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

• The correct arm/bracket position is with the 18 Attach the bracket 17 Loosen the arm three washers on the underside of the • knob @. • ® to the arm. bracket, the rubber side of the bracket facing Slide the open end of the bracket up, and flat side of the grip perpendicular Turn the arm knob counterclock­ to the bracket. between the arm knob and the grip, wise as far as it will go to loosen it seat the two bracket positioning (the two bracket positioning pins pins in the two indenta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ Check the a·ring: Before con­ 23 Remove the synchro 22 Connect the sync necting the camera plug to the • socket cover ®. • cord @ to the camera, examine the plug 's O-ring Turn the synchro socket cover camera. for dust and scratches and be sure counterclockwise, then pull it up. Remove the dust-proof plastic cap it is properly seated and lubricated. from the sync cord's camera plug o Do not apply excessive force to the sync (silver). Insert the cam

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

In the photograph, the shooting 27 Set the shutter 26. Set the ASA/ISO film situation mark ( .. : underwater • speed on the speed. photography) index is aligned with Turn the exposure calculation dial camera. ASAIISO 100. @ until the correct shooting situa­ When using the Nikonos-V, set the • For TTL operation with the Nikonos-V tion mark i@i is opposite the ASAIISO shutter 'speed/mode selector dial camera, the useable film speed range is speed of the film in the camera. to "A" o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ • When a plastic frame finder or optical view­ A·3. Set the f/stop on the lens. 288. Non-TTL. Automatic finder is mounted on the camera 's accessory When you have determined which Operation. shoe, use the optional sensor holder to flstop to use, set this flstop on the attach the SU-101 to the speedlight bracket. B·1. Attach the Sensor Unit lens. In the photograph, f/8 is set. SU·101 to the camera's acces· sory shoe. Turn the sensor unit's locking whe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

range is from 0.6 m (2 ft) to 4 m (13 ft). B·5. Select an f/stop with the B·6. Set the selector dial on exposure calculation dial. the Sensor Unit SU·101. o The closest shooting distance for non· TTL automatic operation is O.6m (2ft) regardless Select an aperture by using the Set the index on the selector dial to of the fifm speed and whether or not the non·TTL auto shooting aperture either the pink circle O or the green wide-flash adapter is being used. scale @ and non·TTL auto shootin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

BASIC OPERATIONS-confinued ___ _ • With a set of fully recharged NiCd batteries, · If the ffash unit fires at its maximum output, 31 Take the picture . the ready-light will light in approximately 5 its ready-light will blink for approximately • When the shutter is re­ seconds; with a fresh set of alkaline· 2 seconds after the shutter is released to leased, the speedlight fire s. After manganese batteries, it wiff light in approxi· warn that the shot may have been under­ mately 14 seconds

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

CONTROLS IN DETAIL~~::::;-:;=~k::sens~or un~it SU-::---101 Nikonos III attached to the bracket with the @@ Nikonos-V or Nikonos IV-A sensor holder. --- ., - " - Bracket ® As indicated in the diagram there are two positions for in the sensor holder ; then screw the knob clockwise the bracket screw @: one for Nikonos-V and Nikonos until it is tight. IV-A and another for the Nikonos III. To reposition the The small hole on the underside of the bracket is the bracket screw, unscrew it, t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ To detach Joint @ The joint connects the arm to the speedlight and allows tioning scale. The "normal" position is used for shooting the flash head to be positioned as required for various between 1 m (3.3ft) and infinity. For close-up shooting shooting situations. within approximately 1 m (3.3ft), loosen the joint knob, The arm can be inserted from either side of the joint, point the flash head toward the subject, then tighten the the normal position is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Synchro Socket ® To connect the sync cord @) to the speedlight, remove cord is not being used or the speedlight is being washed with the sync cord removed from the synchro socket, the synchro socket cover ® by turning it counterclock­ wise and pulling it up. Remove the dust-proof plastic attach the synchro socket cover to protect the socket. cap from the sync cord 's speedlight plug @ (black). To attach the socket cover press it against the socket to Insert the speedlight plug into the sync

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

CONTROLS IN DETAIL-continued ___ _ Mounting the SU·101 on the camera: Turn the sensor Sensor Unit SU-101 (Optional) unit's locking wheel counterclockwise as far as it will In combination with the optional Sensor Unit SU-101, go, slip the unit's mounting foot into the camera's the S8-102 provides non-TTL automatic flash exposure accessory shoe, and turn the locking wheel clockwise control. With the S8-102's shooting mode selector to tighten it. switch ® at "AUTO," the Sensor Unit SU-101

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