Instruction d'utilisation Phase Technology HPCF8

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Phase Technology HPCF8

Dispositif: Phase Technology HPCF8
Catégorie: Haut-parleur
Fabricant: Phase Technology
Dimension: 0.3 MB
Date d'addition: 10/19/2013
Nombre des pages: 4
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Phase Technology HPCF8 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

High-Power In-Ceiling Speaker
Technical Information for System Engineers
Ke Key y F Fe ea at tur ure es s
• High-SPL, high-efficiency system for the
sound reinforcement and PA markets.
• BroadBeamHP wide dispersion pattern
provides smooth off-axis coverage and
reduces overall system costs.
• One 203 mm (8.0 in) concentric coaxial
coated fiber driver, 25 mm (1.0 in) com-
pression driver with a 50 mm (2.0 in)
titanium diaphragm.
Sp Spe ec ciiffic ica ations tio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

High-Power In-Ceiling Speaker H HP PC CF8 F8 Technical Information for System Engineers Technical data and downloads include: F Fr re eq qu ue en nc cy y R Re es sp po on ns se e (unequalized) Tech Sheets – Technical information and architectural specs for system engineers. Da Datta a A Ac cq qu uisition isition All performance data acquired at SoundTube’s Technical Measurement Center (TMC) are analyzed using standardized mea- surement techniques, including Measured Length Sequence (MLS) an

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

High-Power In-Ceiling Speaker H HP PC CF8 F8 Technical Information for System Engineers Hori Horiz zo on ntta all One O One Oc ctta av ve e P Po olla arrs s 1 125 25 H Hz z 25 250 0 H Hz z 50 500 0 H Hz z 1, 1,0 00 00 0 H Hz z 2 2,,000 000 H Hz z 4 4,,0 00 00 0 H Hz z 8 8,,000 000 H Hz z

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

High-Power In-Ceiling Speaker H HP PC CF8 F8 Technical Information for System Engineers M Me ec ch ha an niic ca all Dr Dra aw wiin ng gs s rectangular tile bridge [603 mm (23.75 in) x 413 mm (16.25 in)] which is constructed of 23-gauge steel that drops into standard drop-tile ceiling systems. Overall front face diameter shall not exceed 305 mm/12.0 in Dia. 368 mm (14.5 in); overall depth from the bottom of the ceiling shall not exceed 44 mm (1.75 in) and shall weight no more 368 mm/14.

Instructions pareilles
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