Instruction d'utilisation Miller Camera Support 1501

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Miller Camera Support 1501

Dispositif: Miller Camera Support 1501
Catégorie: Accessoires pour le caméra
Fabricant: Miller Camera Support
Dimension: 3.34 MB
Date d'addition: 11/6/2014
Nombre des pages: 8
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Miller Camera Support 1501 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

SOLO TRIPOD SERIES Operator’s Manual
#1630 Solo DV
75mm 2-Stage Alloy Tripod
#1501 Solo DV
75mm 2-Stage Carbon Fibre Tripod
#1505 Solo ENG
100mm 3-Stage Tripod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Features and Controls 75mm Bowl (#1501 & #1630) 100mm Bowl (#1505) Leg Angle Adjuster Leg Mounting Bolt Shoulder Strap Mounting Point Protective Leg Cover Leg Lock Direction Label (also leg strap mounting point) Upper Concentric Lock #1630 SOLO DV Middle Concentric Lock (#1505 only) 75mm 2-stage Alloy Tripod Lower Concentric Lock #1501 SOLO DV 75mm 2-stage Carbon Fibre Tripod Screw Down Rubber Foot #1505 SOLO ENG 2 Steel Spike 100mm 3-stage Tripod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Introduction Operation Manual Thank you for purchasing the Miller SOLO tripod. Please read this manual carefully prior to using the SOLO tripod. Do not omit any SOLO is a professional tripod, compatible with most 75/100mm ball steps. levelling pan & tilt heads. SOLO is designed to support lightweight MiniDV and DVCAM camcorders in location and studio production. The manual contains important set-up, pull-down, adjustment, safety and The telescopic carbon fibre tubing ensures optimum rigidity an

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Fig 3 Leg angle adjuster Tripod Setup raised Remove tripod from carry bag, undo clip on leg strap and Minimum Height stand on a level surface (if possible). Depending on Fig 1 Collapsed surface, screw out rubber foot for non-scratch contact position Note: It is recommended that to interior or hard surfaces or screw in for a spike on minimum height position is used only exterior soft surfaces such as dirt or sand. with legs at their shortest length. Note: Leg angle adjusters are spring loaded a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Tripod Setup (cont) Tripod Pull Down Mid Position 1 Remove camera from fluid head. Fig 5 Leg angle adjuster 2 Close the tripod legs so all are pointing raised Note: This refers to the mid leg straight down and disengage all angle position, not necessarily the concentric locks. height of the tripod. 3 Holding the bowl, lower tripod to its The SOLO tripod has three leg angle shortest length and re-engage positions. The middle leg angle position concentric locks. (Fig.7) is self-engaging after clo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Shoulder Strap Leg Pivot Adjustment SOLO’s Shoulder Carry Strap can The leg to bowl pivot joint on the SOLO tripod should have no lateral be used looped (both ends movement and should swing with a firm, smooth resistance. As this is attached to the mounting point on a spreader-less tripod, the leg pivot joint requires sufficient resistance the bowl), to carry the tripod on to hold the tripod legs together while being hand carried. Adjustment one shoulder, is usually not required, however, should

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Leg Strap Safety Read the Operator’s The Leg Strap is attached to largest diameter leg Manual tube (as delivered from factory) using ‘hook and loop’ tape. Miller recommends that all camera support equipment should be carried in a The Leg strap also has a “D” carry bag to reduce the risk of accidental ring attachment point for damage during transport. All Miller SOLO the shoulder strap if systems include a carry bag to protect the required. Check the Leg tripod and reduce exposure to dust and moi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

SOLO System Configurations Service and Sales Support Cat # 75mm Systems Miller Authorised Service Agents must carry out all service and repair work on SOLO tripods. Failure to observe this requirement may void #1637 SOLO 5 Alloy: SOLO DV 75mm Alloy Tripod (1630) with DS5 warranty. It is advisable to notify Miller or a Miller Authorised Service Fluid Head, Softcase (1518) Agent if a change of performance is observed as a result of impact or #1640 SOLO 10 Alloy: SOLO DV 75mm Alloy Tripod (1630) wi

Instructions pareilles
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4 Miller Camera Support 1580 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 0
5 Miller Camera Support 1630 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 0
6 Miller Camera Support Tripod Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 0
7 Miller Camera Support Projib 711 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 2
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12 Miller Camera Support DS10 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 1
13 Miller Camera Support DS5 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 4
14 Miller Camera Support HD Tripod Series 100 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour le caméra 0
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