Instruction d'utilisation ZyXEL Communications P-660W-Tx v2

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif ZyXEL Communications P-660W-Tx v2

Dispositif: ZyXEL Communications P-660W-Tx v2
Catégorie: Routeur
Fabricant: ZyXEL Communications
Dimension: 1.34 MB
Date d'addition: 5/30/2013
Nombre des pages: 11
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ZyXEL Communications P-660W-Tx v2 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

P-660W-Tx v2
ADSL Router over POTS/ISDN
Quick Start Guide
Version 3.40
Edition 1
IP Address
Password 1234
Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide Overview The P-660W-Tx v2 lets you: • Set up a wireless network with IEEE 802.1b and IEEE 802.1g capability • Set up a DSL connection to the Internet without the need for a modem • Set up advanced router features, including a firewall and wireless security. Internet Follow these steps to set up a DSL connection to the Internet and a wireless network using the P-660W-Tx v2. 1 Set Up Your Hardware, page 2 2 Configure the P-660W-Tx v2 for Internet Access, page 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 1 Set Up Your Hardware POWER ETHERNET 1 ON/OFF RESET DSL 5 2 4 3 1 Antenna: Point the antenna upwards (perpendicular to the ground). 2DSL: Connect the P-660W-Tx v2 to a telephone jack using a telephone wire. 3ETHERNET: Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port on your computer to the Ethernet port on the P-660W-Tx v2. 4POWER: Use the included power adaptor to connect the POWER socket to an appropriate power source (see the User’s Guide for power adapt

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide Look at the LEDs (lights) The DSL light blinks and then stays on when a DSL connection is detected. The ETHERNET light turns on if your computer is properly connected to the P-660W-Tx v2 using the Ethernet cable. When you connect the power, the POWER light blinks and stays on once the device is ready. Check your connections if the POWER or ETHERNET light does not turn on. If this doesn’t help, disconnect the P-660W-Tx v2 from its power source, wait for a few

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 2.2 Set up Internet Access with the Connection Wizard If Zero Configuration does not detect your Internet access settings, use the Connection Wizard to set up Internet Access. Access the P-660W-Tx v2’s web configurator so you can use the Wizard. (The web configurator is the P-660W-Tx v2’s software interface that lets you configure settings on the P-660W-Tx v2.) 2.2.1 Access the Connection Wizard 1 Launch a web browser such as Internet Explorer. Enter http://19

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 2.2.2 Configure Internet Access and Local Network Settings with the Connection Wizard Use the Connection Wizard to set up access to the Internet through your ISP. These are your WAN (wide area network) settings. Then use the Connection Wizard to set up the connection from your computer to the P-660W-Tx v2. These are your LAN (local area network) settings. Enter the Internet access information given to you by your ISP exactly in each wizard screen. Follow the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 3 Check your WAN and LAN settings in the screen that appears. Click Save Settings. Go to step 9 of this section. Routing • If you selected Routing in step 1 of this section, one of the following four screens appears depending on the Encapsulation you chose in step 1 of this section. • PPPoA, PPPoE: Type your User Name and Password. • PPPoE, PPPoA, ENET: Select Obtain an IP Address Automati- cally if your ISP (Internet Service RFC 1483 Provider) assigns IP

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 5 Check your WAN and LAN settings in the screen that appears. Click Change LAN Configuration to configure the P-660W-Tx v2 for your local area network (LAN) and go to step 6 of this section. • Otherwise click Save Settings and go to step 9 of this sec- tion. 6 If you clicked Change LAN Configuration, the following screen appears. • Type the IP address and subnet mask for the P- 660W-Tx v2 on your LAN. • Disable the DHCP Server if another device on your LA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 9 The P-660W-Tx v2 automatically tests the connection to the computer(s) connected to the LAN port. To test the connection from the P-660W-Tx v2 to the ISP, click Start Diagnose. Otherwise click Return to Main Menu to go back to the main screen. If the P-660W-Tx v2 cannot connect to the Internet, check the Internet connection settings in the wizard. Make sure you entered the correct user name and password if you are using PPPoE or PPPoA. 10 Congratulation

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 2 Click Wireless. 3 Select Enable Wireless LAN. 4 ESSID: Type the name (up to 32 characters) you want to give to your wireless network. 5Channel ID: Change the Channel ID from the default if interference is a problem on your network. 6 Security Mode: Select the strongest Security Mode that devices on your wireless network support. WPA2-PSK is a good choice for a home network. In this screen, select WPA Compatible and type a Pre-Shared Key using a combinat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

P-660W-Tx v2 Quick Start Guide 2 Select the ESSID name you gave the P- 660W-Tx v2 and click Connect. (The ESSID used here is an example.) 3 If you have set up wireless security, you are prompted to enter a password. Enter the Pre- Shared Key you set up in the previous section and click Connect. 4 If you connected successfully, a message similar to the following displays. If you cannot connect wirelessly to the P-660W-Tx v2, check that you are using the same ESSID and security key on both t

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