Instruction d'utilisation Samsung VP-D65

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Samsung VP-D65

Dispositif: Samsung VP-D65
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: Samsung
Dimension: 1.88 MB
Date d'addition: 7/6/2013
Nombre des pages: 66
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Samsung VP-D65 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Digital Video Camcorder Digit‡ln’ videokamera
VP-D55/D60/D65 VP-D55/D60/D65
AF Auto Focus AF Auto Focus
CCD Charge Coupled Device CCD Charge Coupled Device
LCD Liquid Crystal Display LCD Liquid Crystal Display
XDR Extended Dynamic Range XDR Extended Dynamic Range
Owner’s Instruction Book
Uìivatelsk‡ pޒru‹ka
Before operating the unit, please read
PÞed pouì’v‡n’m videokamery si pros’m
this instruction boo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

ENGLISH CZECH Obsah Contents .............................................. ................................................. Notices and Safety Instructions 4 Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ 4 Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou ............................................................. ......................................................... Accessories Supplied with camcorder 9 Pޒsluäenstv’ dod‡vanŽ s videokamerou 9 .....................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

ENGLISH CZECH Obsah Contents .................................................................................. ...................................................... PROGRAM AE 35 Program AE (Automatick‡ expozice) 35 ................................................................ ............................ DSE(Digital Special Effect) 36 DSE (Digital Special Effect) Ð Zvl‡ätn’ digit‡ln’ efekty 36 ............................................................................. ...................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

ENGLISH CZECH Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Notices and Safety Instructions Notices regarding rotation of LCD screen Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ot‡‹en’ LCD monitoru Please rotate the LCD screen carefully as illustrated. Unintended Pros’m ot‡‹ejte LCD monitorem opatrnž, dle n‡sleduj’c’ch obr‡zkó. rotation may cause damage to the inside of the hinge that connects the NepovolenŽ ot‡‹en’ móìe vŽst k poäkozen’ jeho pÞipojen’ k LCD screen to the Camcorder. videokameÞe. 1. LCD screen closed. 1. LCD mon

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

ENGLISH CZECH Notices and Safety Instructions Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Notices regarding COPYRIGHT Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se autorskùch pr‡v Television programs, video tapes, DVD titles, films, and other program Televizn’ programy, video kazety, DVD tituly, filmy a jinŽ programy materials may be copyrighted. mohou bùt chr‡nžny autorskùmi pr‡vy. Unauthorized copying of copyrighted material may be against the law. Neopr‡vnžnŽ kop’rov‡n’ materi‡ló chr‡nžnùch autorskùmi pr‡vy je protiz‡konnŽ. N

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

ENGLISH CZECH Notices and Safety Instructions Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Notices regarding the battery pack Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se bateri’ - Make sure that the battery pack is charged before - Ujistžte se, ìe baterie jsou dobity pÞed nahr‡v‡n’m shooting outdoors. venku. - To preserve battery power, keep your camcorder - Abyste zachovali baterie nabitŽ, videokameru turned off when you are not operating it. vypnžte, jestliìe ji nepouì’v‡te. - When your camcorder is in CAMERA mode, if it is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

ENGLISH CZECH Notices and Safety Instructions Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Notice regarding the LENS Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se objektivu - Do not shoot in direct sunlight with the LENS pointing towards the sun. - Nenahr‡vejte s objektivem nam’Þenùm na slunce. Direct sunlight can damage the CCD(Charge Coupled Device). PޒmŽ slune‹n’ svžtlo móìe poäkodit sn’ma‹ CCD. Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se elektronickŽho hled‡‹ku Notices regarding electronic viewfinder 1. Neukl‡dejte videokameru zpósobem, ìe hled‡‹

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

ENGLISH CZECH Notices and Safety Instructions Bezpe‹nostn’ a jin‡ upozornžn’ Notices regarding video head cleaning Upozornžn’ tùkaj’c’ se ‹iätžn’ video hlav - To ensure normal recording and a clear picture, clean the video heads. - Aby bylo nahr‡v‡n’ kvalitn’ a obraz ‹istù, vy‹istžte video hlavy. If square block-shaped noise distorts playback pictures, or if only a blue Jestliìe je obraz zkreslenù a ruäen nebo se bžhem pÞehr‡v‡n’ screen is displayed during playback, the video heads may be dirt

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Accessories Supplied with camcorder Pޒsluäenstv’ dod‡vanŽ s videokamerou Make sure that the following basic accessories are supplied PÞi zakoupen’ videokamery se pÞesvžd‹ete, ìe jsou pÞiloìeny väechny with your digital video camera. poloìky n’ìe uvedenŽho z‡kladn’ho pޒsluäenstv’. Basic Accessories 1. Lithium Ion Battery pack 2. AC Power Adaptor 3. AUDIO/VIDEO cable Z‡kladn’ pޒsluäenstv’ 1. Lithiov‡ baterie 1. Lithium Ion Ba

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Features Funkce a vlastnosti • • Funkce digit‡ln’ho pÞenosu dat pomoc’ IEEE 1394 Digital data transfer function with IEEE1394 By incorporating IEEE 1394 (i.LINK ™ : i.LINK is a serial data transfer protocol PÞipojen’m IEEE 1394 portu pro vysoce rychlostn’ pÞenos dat (i.LINK ™ : i.LINK and interconnection system, used to transmit DV data) high speed data transport je norma pro sŽriovù pÞenos dat pouì’van‡ pro pÞenos dat DV), m

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Front & Left View ‰eln’ pohled 12. Edit search +,- 11. PIP 10. Fade 1. Lens 9. XDR/BLC 2. Recording display light 8.TFT LCD monitor 3. Remote sensor 7. Auto Focus/Manual Focus select button 4. Hook for hand strap 6. Manual FOCUS dial 5. External MIC input 1. Lens 1. Objektiv 2. Recording display light 2. Svžtlo indikuj’c’ nat‡‹en’ 3. Remote sensor 3. D‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ 4. Hook for hand strap 4. H‡‹ek pro popruh na ruku 5.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Pohled z levŽ strany Left Side View 11. DSE ON/OFF 1. DATE/TIME 2. PROGRAM AE ON/OFF 10. MENU ON/OFF 3. RESET 9. Enter 4. A.DUB(Audio dub) 8. (UP), (DOWN) 5. C.RESET(Counter Reset) 6. Speaker 7. OSD ON/OFF 1. DATE/TIME (see page 41) 1. Datum a ‹as (viz str. 41) 2. PROGRAM AE ON/OFF (see page 35) 2. Program AE ON/OFF (viz str. 35) 3. RESET 3. Reset - All setting return to default. Ð veäker‡ nastaven’ se vr‡t’ k póvodn’mu nasta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Right & Top View Pohled zprava a shora 1. Viewfinder 9. S-VIDEO out 2. PHOTO button 3. Zoom lever 4. Power switch 8. RS-232C out (CAMERA or PLAYER) 5. Function keys 7. DV in/out( VP-D65) DV out (VP-D55/D60) 6. Audio/Video out 1. Viewfinder (see page 27) 1. Hled‡‹ek (viz str. 27) 2. PHOTO button (see page 47) 2. Tla‹’tko PHOTO (viz str. 47) 3. Zoom lever (see page 32) 3. Zoom p‡‹ka (viz str. 32) 4. Power switch(CAMERA or PLAYER

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Rear & Bottom View Pohled zezadu a zespoda 7. BATT. Eject 8.TAPE Eject 6. Mode indicator 1. Charging indicator 2. LCD open 3. Hook for shoulder strap 4. DC jack 5. START/STOP button 1. Charging indicator 1. Indik‡tor nab’jen’ 2. LCD open 2. Odklopen’ LCD monitoru 3. Hook for shoulder strap 3. H‡‹ek pro popruh na rameno 4. DC jack 4. Konektor DC 5. START/STOP button (see page 25) 5. Tla‹’tko Start/Stop (viz str. 25) 6. Mode ind

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou Remote control D‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ 1. PHOTO START/STOP PHOTO WIDE W 2. START/STOP SELF TIMER DISPLAY TELE 9. Zoom T 3. SELF TIMER SLOW STILL F.ADV 8. Display on/off 4. SLOW 7. Frame Advance (F. ADV) 5. STILL 6. Function key (PLAY) (REW) (FF) (STOP) 1. PHOTO 1. Photo 2. START/STOP 2. Start/Stop 3. SELF TIMER 3. Samospousé Ð Self timer 4. SLOW (see page 53) 4. PomalŽ pÞehr‡v‡n’ (viz str. 53) 5. STILL (see page 53) 5. Nehybnù obraz

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou OSD(On Screen Display) OSD - zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹ku 1. Battery level (see page 23) 1. Stav akumul‡toru (viz str. 23) 2. DEW condensation 2. DEW Ð indikace vlhkosti OSD in CAMERA mode Monitors the moisture condensation. Monitoruje kondenzaci vlhkosti. 3. Manual focus (see page 42) 3. Ru‹n’ zaostÞov‡n’ (Manual Focus) (viz str. 42) 4. XDR,BLC (see page 43) 23 22 21 20 19 4. XDR, BLC (viz str. 43) (XDR for VP-D65 only) W

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou OSD(On Screen Display) OSD - zobrazen’ na displeji hled‡‹ku 20.Self diagnosis (TAPE,TAPE END) 20. Pole kontroly (TAPE, TAPE END) Checks the operation of the CAMCORDER. Kontroluje ‹innost videokamery. 21. Digital zoom mode (see page 32) 21. Reìim digit‡ln’ho zoomu (viz str. 32) Indicates the digital zoom magnification mode. (2x, 20x) Indikuje reìim digit‡ln’ho zvžtäen’. (2x, 20x) 22. Remaining Tape (measured in minutes) 22. Zb

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

ENGLISH ENGLISH ENGLISH CZECH Getting to Know Your Camcorder Sezn‡men’ s videokamerou How to use the Remote Control Jak pouì’vat d‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ Battery Installation for the Remote Control Vloìen’ bateri’ do d‡lkovŽho ovl‡d‡n’ Baterie mus’te vloìit nebo vymžnit v You must insert or replace these batteries START/STOP PHOTO WIDE pޒpadž, ìe: W when : SELF TIMER DISPLAY TELE T Ð Jste zakoupili videorekordŽr SELF - You purchase the camcorder. SLOW STILL F.ADV TIMER Ð D‡lkovŽ ovl‡d‡n’ nepracuje - Th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

ENGLISH CZECH Preparing Pޒprava Adjusting the Hand Strap and Shoulder Strap Nastaven’ p‡sku pro ruku a popruhu pro pÞen‡äen’ It is very important to adjust the hand strap for better shooting. Spr‡vnŽ nastaven’ p‡sku pro ruku je velmi dóleìitŽ pro kvalitu nat‡‹en’. The hand strap enables you to : Pouì’v‡n’ p‡sku pro ruku v‡m umoìn’: - Hold the camcorder in a stable, comfortable position. Ð drìen’ videokamery ve stabiln’ a pohodlnŽ poloze. - Press the Zoom and START/STOP button without having to

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

ENGLISH CZECH Preparing Pޒprava Connecting a Power Source PÞipojen’ videokamery ke zdroji nap‡jen’ Jsou k dispozici dva druhù nap‡jec’ch zdrojó There are two power sources that can be connected. - Using the AC Power Adaptor and AC cord : used for indoor shooting. Ð s’éovù adaptŽr, pÞipojeny k videokameÞe kabelem pro - Using the Battery Pack : used for outdoor shooting. stejnosmžrnŽ nap‡jen’ Ð pouì’vejte pro z‡znam v interiŽru Ð akumul‡tor, kterù budete pouì’vat v exteriŽru To use the AC Powe

Instructions pareilles
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