Instruction d'utilisation InFocus SP-CEIL-003

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif InFocus SP-CEIL-003

Dispositif: InFocus SP-CEIL-003
Catégorie: Projecteur
Fabricant: InFocus
Dimension: 0.14 MB
Date d'addition: 10/3/2014
Nombre des pages: 2
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InFocus SP-CEIL-003 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

NOTE: If the (Optional) SP-LTMT-EXT Adjustable height
suspension adapter is a part of the installation, securely install

the ceiling adapter to the ceiling at this time.
Projector Mount

q Step 3
(Refer to its Installation Instructions)
Install the two (2) conical spacers (J) and two (2) flat washers (K) two

(2) hinge pin screws (L) loosely on both sides of the base box (H).
q Step 1
Raise the projector with the mounting bracket at

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

q Step 5 Install the two (2) conical spacers (J) and two (2) flat washers (K) two (2) hinge pin screws (L) loosely on both sides of the base box (H). Raise the projector with the mounting bracket attached and slip though the hinge pin slots openings on the bracket into the base box. Install the two (2) angle locking screws (I) adjust the angle, lock it, and then tighten the hinge pin screws (L). The ceiling should be capable of supporting a weight of See Figure 3

Instructions pareilles
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