Instruction d'utilisation Xerox 180

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Xerox 180

Dispositif: Xerox 180
Catégorie: Imprimante
Fabricant: Xerox
Dimension: 0.51 MB
Date d'addition: 9/13/2014
Nombre des pages: 70
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Xerox 180 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

1. 1System overview This chapter introduces the DocuPrint NPS printing system and describes its hardware and software components, features, functions and modes of operation. Functional overview of the DocuPrint NPS The DocuPrint NPS system enables personal computer (PC), Sun Workstation, DEC workstation, HP/Apollo, IBM RS/6000, and Apple Macintosh users to print PostScript level 2, HP PCL5e, or ASCII documents on a high-speed Xerox DocuPrint NPS printer. The DocuPrint 96 NPS prints at a rat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

SYSTEM OVERVIEW Refer to figure 1-1 as you read the system component descriptions that follow. Figure 1-1. DocuPrint NPS system components 1 Customer-supplied client PC, workstation or host 2 Customer-supplied network 3 Xerox-supplied Printer Controller 4 Xerox-supplied printer interface 5 DocuPrint printer. Customer-supplied client PC or Users create their documents at the networked client PCs or workstation workstations using software applications that generate either PostScript, HP PCL 5e,

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SYSTEM OVERVIEW Xerox-supplied printer interface The printer interface cable provides high-speed data transport and communication between the Printer Controller and the printer. Printer The printer (also known as an IOT or print engine) accepts data from the Printer Controller and prints the document according to the print options specified by the user. The printer also provides paper stacking and optional finishing. DocuPrint Network Printing System The entire DocuPrint Network Printing Sy

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SYSTEM OVERVIEW Client workstations and system software To send print jobs to DocuPrint NPS, the customer needs to provide the proper client hardware, operating system, and network software. Supported hardware and operating systems Xerox DocuPrint supports the following types of networked client workstations and operating systems:  Sun Workstation running Sun operating system  PC running MS-DOS 6.2 and Microsoft Windows 3.1, configured for the network environment  PC running Windows 95/98,

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SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Xerox-provided software provides an interface with the Printer Controller, which allows you to submit print jobs and check job status. Note: The DocuPrint NPS printing options available to a client user vary according to the software loaded on the client workstation. For additional information on submitting jobs from a client workstation, refer to the job submission documentation. Ethernet LAN Users of networked client workstations may send print jobs to the DocuPrint NPS

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

SYSTEM OVERVIEW Multiple network connectivity DocuPrint NPS supports multiple network connectivity, that is, the ability for protocols such as TCP/IP to run on more than one network interface. For TCP/IP, DocuPrint NPS can support any combination of Ethernet, 100 Mbit Ethernet, Token Ring or FDDI. One interface is designated as the primary network interface. Novell NetWare can run on only the primary network interface, but the type of interface can be selected. AppleTalk can run on only on

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Xerox DocuPrint Network Printer Series
System Overview Guide
for Models 96/4635/180 NPS
Version 7.1
August 2000

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Xerox Corporation 701 S. Aviation Boulevard El Segundo, CA 90245 ©1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrightable material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs which are displayed on the screen, such as icons, screen displays, looks, etc. Printed in the United States of America. P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Laser safety Warning: Adjustments, use of controls, or performance of ! procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous light exposure. The Xerox DocuPrint printers are certified to comply with the performance standards of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for Class 1 laser products. Class 1 laser products do not emit hazardous radiation. The DocuPrint printers do not emit hazardous radiation because the laser beam is completely enclosed during a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

 Never use a ground adapter plug to connect equipment to an electrical outlet that lacks a ground connection terminal.  Always place equipment on a solid support surface with adequate strength for its weight.  Always use materials and supplies specifically designed for your Xerox equipment. Use of unsuitable materials may result in poor performance and may create a hazardous situation.  Never move either the printer or the Printer Controller without first contacting Xerox or your loc

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2. 2Printer Controller This chapter describes the DocuPrint Printer Controller. It includes a list of component hardware, software and fonts, and discusses the key elements of software operation. Printer Controller overview The Printer Controller manages print options, provides the user interface, and runs system management and diagnostic operations on demand. The Printer Controller receives PostScript, HP PCL 5e, HP PCL 5c for highlight color models, and ASCII files from the client throug

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PRINTER CONTROLLER When the job has been printed successfully, the print data file is deleted from the fixed disk. If there is an error at the printer (IOT) that inhibits job completion, the Printer Controller manages the recovery and completion of the job. DocuPrint can manage the processing of multiple jobs and the printing of another job simultaneously. Printer Controller components There are different Sun workstation models used for the Printer Controller, depending on your system confi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

PRINTER CONTROLLER Figure 2-2. Components of the Sun Ultra 2 2 1 6 5 4 3 1 Processor 2 Monitor 3 Mouse and mouse pad 4 Keyboard 5 Diskette drive 6 CD-ROM drive Monitor  20-inch monochrome gray scale monitor, or  20-inch color monitor Keyboard  Type 4, 5, or 6, 107-key keyboard Mouse  Mouse with pad Processor (CPU)  256 MB of base memory  High performance CPU  4.2 GB system disk drive – Additional drives (optional) – 9 GB external disk drive (optional) Diskette drive  1.44 MB 3.5-inch di

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PRINTER CONTROLLER External Modem  US Robotics Courier V. Everything 56KB V.90 External Voice/ Data Fax/Modem and serial cable. Cartridge tape drive (optional)  150 MB, 1/4-inch, SCSI cartridge tape drive  8 GB, 4mm, SCSI cartridge tape drive Note: Printer Controller hardware configurations are subject to upgrade. Printer Controller software and fonts The installation of Printer Controller software is performed by your service representative once all the hardware components are in place a

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Table of contents Laser safety iii Ozone information iii Operation safety iii Introduction vii About this guide vii Contents vii Conventions viii Related publications ix 1. System overview 1-1 Functional overview of the DocuPrint NPS 1-1 DocuPrint Dual Mode 1-3 Client workstations and system software 1-4 Supported hardware and operating systems 1-4 Client software 1-4 Ethernet LAN 1-5 FDDI Backbone LAN 1-5 Token Ring 1-5 Multiple network connectivity 1-6 2. Printer Controller 2-1 Printer Control

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TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Paper and other supplies A-1 Paper and other throughput stocks A-1 Selecting paper A-1 Paper width and printer performance A-3 Paper care A-9 Other supplies A-12 Dry ink A-12 Fuser agent A-12 Developer A-12 Diskettes A-13 Cartridge tapes A-13 Fonts A-13 MICR tools A-14 MICR Positioning and Dimension Gauge A-14 MICR comparator A-14 Consumable supplies tables A-15 Paper and special stocks tables A-15 Complete supplies list—96/4635/180 printers A-21 Ordering supplies A-22 B. Pa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Introduction This Xerox DocuPrint Network Printer Series System Overview Guide for Models 96/4635/180 NPS provides a description of the base and optional components of your system. It also identifies the network environments, workstations, and software that can be used to submit jobs to the printer. DocuPrint NPS allows you to print documents written in the PostScript page description language (PDL) and Printer Control Language (PCL). It also allows you to send ASCII files to the printer.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

INTRODUCTION  Appendix B, “Paper performance guidelines,” summarizes the capabilities of the paper trays, duplex printing considerations, and paper stock considerations. Conventions This guide uses the following conventions:  All caps and angle brackets—Within procedures, the names of keys are shown in all caps within angle brackets (for example, press ).  Angle brackets—Variable information, or the position of a specified argument in the command syntax, appears in angle bracket

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

INTRODUCTION Related publications The Xerox DocuPrint Network Printer Series includes the following documents: Decomposition Service and Tools Guide Guide to Configuring and Managing the System Guide to Managing Print Jobs Guide to Performing Routine Maintenance Guide to Submitting Jobs from the Client Guide to Using Page Description Language Installation Planning Guide Messages Guide System Overview Guide Troubleshooting Guide Glossary Master Index Customer Information Quick Reference Card Pri

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