Instruction d'utilisation Star Micronics LC-15

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Star Micronics LC-15

Dispositif: Star Micronics LC-15
Catégorie: Imprimante
Fabricant: Star Micronics
Dimension: 4.24 MB
Date d'addition: 9/11/2013
Nombre des pages: 130
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Star Micronics LC-15 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Trademark Acknowledgements LC-15, ND-10/15, NR-10/15: Star Micronics Co., Ltd. IBM PC, PC-AT, PC-XT, Proprinter XL, Proprinter II, PC-DOS: InternationalBusiness Machines Corp. Microsoft BASIC, MS-DOS: Microsoft Corporation FX-1050, EX-1000, FX86e, FX286e: Seiko Epson Corp NOTICE ● All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR’s express permission is forbidden. ● The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. ● All efforts have

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

I HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL Thismanualis organizedintoninechapters.Tolearnhowto makethebest use of yourprinteryou areurgedto readthroughchapters1through3.The remainingchaptersmay be treatedas a ~fenmce guide for programming operations,etc. It assumesa degree of acknowledgeoff the operationof computm (forinstance,it assumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptersare as follows: Chapter 1— Settingup the printer This chapterexplainshowto gettheprinterunpackedandsetup. Readthis chapterbeforeyou do

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I Chapter 6 — MS-DOSand yourprinter Since the PC or PC-AT family of computersrunningunder MS-DOS is currentlythe most popularconflgmationof microcomputer,we have in- cludeda fewhintsandtips to helpyouuse yourprinterwithsuchsystems. SincevirtuallyallPCsaresoldwithaMicrosoftBASICinterpreter,wehave also included some hints, and a sample program in this language to demonstratethe capabilitiesof the printer. Chapter 7 — Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprin

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FEATURES OF THE PRINTER Thisprinterisaconvenient,monochrome printerwithoutfrillsbutwithafull complementof features, making it an excellentpartner for a personal computer.It supportstheIBM/Epsonprintercommandsandcharactersets, enablingittoprintjustaboutanythingyourcomputercangenerate,bothtext and graphics.Someof its main featwes are the following: ● Extensivesoftwaresupport Sinceit is compatiblewiththe Epsonand IBMprinters,it workswith any softwarethat supportsthoseprintem.That includesmost word-

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER ...............................................1 Locating theprinter..........................................................................1 Unpacking andInspection ................................................................2 Checkthecartoncontents ........................................................2 Partsnameoftheprinter..........................................................3 Setting Up...........................................

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I Chapter 3 DIP SWITCH SETTING ..................................................29 Location oftheDIPSwitches .........................................................29 Functions oftheDIPSwitches .......................................................30 ................................33 Chapter 4 PRINTER CONTROL COMMANDS FontControl Commands ................................................................34 Character SetCommands ...............................................................39

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Chapter 8 SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................. 99 Chapter 9 CHARACTER SETS .............................................................103 Standard Character Set................................................................. 104 IBMCharacter Set#2 ................................................................... 106 IBMCharacter Set#1 ................................................................... 108 IBMSpecialCharacter Set .................

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chapter 1 SETTING UP THE PRINTER Subjects covered in Chapter 1 include — ● Locatingthe printer ● Unpackingand inspection(namesof parts) . Settingup and connection ● Loadingsinglesheets ● Loadingandparkingfanfoldforms ● Adjustingthe printinggap LOCATING THE PRINTER Beforeyoustartunpackingandsettingup yourprinter,make surethat you havea suitableplaceon whichto locateit. By“a suitableplace”,we mean: . A firm,level surfacewhichis fairlyvibration-free . Awayfromexcessiveheat (suchas directsunlight,he

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UNPACKING AND INSPECTION Checkthe cartoncontents Nowunpackthecontentsoftheprintershippingcarton,andcheckeachitem in the box againstFigure 1-1to make surethat youhave everything(there shouldbe five items). If anyof theseitems are missing,contactyoursupplier. Figuru I-I. Check to make sure you have all five items: 1) Printer, 2) Peperguide, 3) Platen knob, 4) Ribbon cartridge, and 5) Uaer’s manual. 2

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Theoptionalaccessorieswhichyoumayhaveorderedwithyourprinterare: ● Serial(RS-232)interfaceboard ● Automaticsheetfeeder ● Pull tractorunit Parts name of theprinter Makeanexternalinspectionoftheprinter.Notethelocationsofthefollow- ing parts: 1 1 Entry slot ase lever J ! Figure 1-2 The printer’s external parts Bail lever: opensandclosesthe paperbail whichholdsthepaper againstthe platen. Release lever: releases the platen. This lever must be down for printingon singlesheets,andup for fanfoldforms. pr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

SEITING UP Placethepnnterin thepositionwhereitisgoingtobepermanentlysited,and removeallpackingmaterialfrominsidethetopcover.Thispackingmaterial is intendedto preventdarnageto theprinterintransit.Youmayliketo keep thispackingwiththeprintercartonif youintendtransportingtheprinterfor use at a differentlocation. Mounttheplaten knob The platenknobis packedintoa recessofthe whitefoampackingmaterial whichheldyourprinterinsidethe printercarton.Be carefulto removethe knobbeforedisposingof the packing. Mo

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I F@IIU 1-4. Remoting the top cover 1. Usethe tensioningknobon the ribboncartridgeto tightenthe ribbonif it is slack (turnclockwise). 2. Use the grips on the side of the ribbon cartridge to help locate the cartridge(squeezetheminwardsgently),andmakesurethatthespindles on the cartridgeholderfit intothe socketson the cartridgeitself. igura 7-5. Installing the ribbon cartridge 5

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3. The ribbonshouldpassbetweentheprintheadandthepnnthead shield (seeFigure 1-6). Ffgure 1-6. Pass the ribbon between the print head and print head shield Now,holdthetopcoveruprightandengagethetabsattheback.Thenswing the frontedgedownuntilthe coveris closed. Leavethetopcoverclosedduringnormaloperation.Itkeepsoutdustanddirt and reducesthe printer’soperatingsounds.Openthe coveronlyto change the ribbonor make an adjustment. Connection Connectthe printerto yourcomputer,usinga standardparallel-typecab

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Interface cable Connector Figut-o1-7. Connecting the interface cable If youwanttousetheoptionalserialinterface,slideouttheparallelinterface board by grippingthe flips on both sides.Then insert the optionalserial interfaceboard all the way,as shownin Figure 1-8. Figura 1-8. Replacing the interface board

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LOADING SINGLE SHEETS This sectionwilltakeyouthroughtheproceduresfor loadingsinglesheets of paper. If you are usingthe optionalautomaticsheet feeder(ASF),read the ASF instructionbooklet. Automaticloading Singlesheetscanbe loadedmanuallywithpoweroff,or automaticallywith poweron. Wewill startthe easy way with automaticloading. 1. Placethe paperguidein position,locatingthelugson the bottomof the assemblyintothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. Figurs 1-9. Mounting the paper guide for single sh

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3. Adjustthepaperguidestomatchthesizeof paperyouwillbe using(re- memberingthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefromtheleft-handedge of the carriage). 4. Placea singlesheetbetweenthe guides,placingthe side on whichyou wanttoprinttowardsthebackoftheprinter.Gentlypushthepaperdown in the guidesuntilyou feelit stop. lever Figure 1-10. Loading a single sheet 5. Turnonthepowerusingtheswitchatthefrontoftheprinter.Theprinter willbeep,indicatingthatnopaperis inpositionforprinting.Theorange POWER indicatoralso

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Manualloading Itisalsopossibletoloadpapermanuallywhiletheprinter’spowerisoff.The procedureis: 1. Placethe paperguidein position,locatingthe lugson the bottomof the assemblyintothe slotson the rear coverof the printer. 2, Checkthat printerpoweris off and the releaselever at the backof the printeris down. 3, Openthetopcover,thenmovethebailleverontopofthepnnterforward to openthe paperbail. 4. Adjustthepaperguidestomatchthesizeof paperyouwillbe using(re- memberingthatprintingwillstartsomedistancefro

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LOADING AND PARKING FANFOLD FORMS Fanfold forms have holes along the sides and perforationsbetween the sheets.They are also calledsprocketforms,punchedforms, or just plain “computerpaper”.Thisprinteracceptsformsupto 16”wide.Fanfoldforms are loaded,parked,and unparkedas explainednext. Loadingthepaper from therear of theprinter Youcanloadthefanfoldpapereitherfromtherearor fromthebottomofthe printer. If you are going to load the paper from the bottomread the next section. 1. Placea stackof fanfoldp

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