Instruction d'utilisation APC LX

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif APC LX

Dispositif: APC LX
Catégorie: Alimentateur
Fabricant: APC
Dimension: 0.05 MB
Date d'addition: 4/2/2013
Nombre des pages: 14
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APC LX Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

APC Symmetra LX

Uninterruptible Power System
A. This specification describes the operation and functionality of a continuous duty, single-
phase, solid-state, static Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) hereafter referred to as
the UPS.
B. The UPS shall utilize modular power protection technology designed to allow internal
redundancy, scalability of power and runtime, and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM E. The UPS and associated equipment shall operate in conjunction with a primary power supply and an output distribution system to provide quality uninterrupted power for mission critical, electronic equipment load. F. All programming and miscellaneous components for a fully operational system as described in this specification shall be available as part of the UPS. 1.2 STANDARDS A. UL 1778 Uninterruptible Power Supply Equipment B. CSA C.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM F. External Service Bypass Panel (SBP): The maintenance service bypass cabinet shall provide power to the critical load bus from the bypass source, during times where maintenance or service of the UPS frame is required or when removal of the frame is desired. The SBP shall provide a mechanical means of complete isolation of the UPS from the electrical wiring of the installation. The SBP shall be constructed in a free- standing, rack mounted o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 2.2 SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS A. System Capacity: The system shall be rated for .8 Pf output in the following frame sizes: 1. 8 kVA/ 6.4kW - Can be configured with up to (3), 3.2kW power modules for N+1 2. 16 kVA/ 12.8kW - Can be configured with up to (5), 3.2kW power modules for N+1 B. Input: 1. AC Input Nominal Voltage: 208 V or 240V, Single Phase, 4 wire (2 Phase+ N + G), 60 Hz. 2. AC Input Voltage Window: 155 -276 for

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 1) >130% for 4 seconds 2) 105% continuous 3) <130% Continuous at N+1 b. Bypass Operation: 1) 100A continuous 8. System AC-AC Efficiency: >90% at 100% load 10. Output Power Factor Rating: The UPS output shall be .8 lagging 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL A. Storage Ambient Temperature: 5 °F to 113 °F (-15 °C to 45 °C). B. Operating Ambient Temperature: +32 °F to 104 °F (0 °C to 40 °C). (77 °F is ideal for most battery types). C.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 2. In cases where the source voltage to the UPS is nominal and the applied UPS load is equal to or less than 100% of UPS capacity, input current shall not exceed 130% of UPS output current, while providing full battery recharge power and importing necessary power for system losses. F. Redundancy: The UPS shall be configured with redundant input converters, each with semiconductor fusing, and logic controlled contactors to remove a failed mod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 2.7 AUTOMATIC BYPASS A. As part of the UPS, a system automatic bypass switch shall be provided. The system automatic bypass shall provide a break <11Ms transfer of the critical load from the Inverter output to the automatic bypass input source during times where maintenance is required, or the inverter can not support the critical bus. . Such times may be due to prolonged or severe overloads, or UPS failure. The additional manual bypass swit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM B. Metered Data: The following metered data, shall be available on the alphanumeric display: 1. Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second of occurring events 2. Source Input Voltage 3. Output AC voltage 4. Output AC current 5. Input Frequency 6. Battery voltage 7. Internal temperature C. Event log: The display unit shall allow the user to display a time and date stamped log of the 64 most recent status and al

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 15. Need Battery Replacement 16. The Redundant Intelligence Module is in control 17. UPS Fault 18. On Battery 19. Shutdown or unable to transfer to battery due to overload 20. Load Shutdown from Bypass. Input Frequency Volts outside limits 21. Fault, Internal Temp exceeded system normal limits 22. Input Circuit Breaker Open 23. System level fan failed 24. Bad Battery Module 25. Bad Power Module 26. Intelligence Module is installed and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM K. Controls: The following controls or programming functions shall be accomplished by use of the display unit. Pushbutton membrane switches shall facilitate these operations. 1. Silence audible Alarm 2. Display or set the date and time 3. Enable or disable the automatic restart feature 4. Transfer critical load to and from bypass 5. Test battery condition on demand 6. Set intervals for automatic battery tests 7. Adjust set points for

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM B. The battery jars housed within each removable battery module shall be of the Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) type. C. The UPS shall incorporate a battery management system to continuously monitor the health of each removable battery module as well as external battery modules installed in extended run battery cabinets. This system shall notify the user in the event that a failed or weak battery module is found. D. Additional battery modu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 1. The UPS, in conjunction with a network interface card, shall be capable of gracefully shutting down one or more operating systems during when the UPS is on reserve mode. 2. The UPS shall also be capable of using an RS232 port to communicate by means of serial communications to gracefully shut down one or more operating systems during an on battery situation. 3.5 REMOTE UPS MONITORING A. The following three methods of remote UPS mo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 1. Inspect equipment for signs of damage. 2. Verify installation per manufacturer s instructions. 3. Inspect cabinets for foreign objects. 4. Inspect Battery Units. 5. Inspect Power Modules. B. Mechanical Inspection 1. Check all UPS and external service bypass panel internal power wiring connections. 2. Check all UPS and external service bypass panel terminal screws, nuts, and/or spade lugs for tightne

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

CSI SECTION 16611 STATIC UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEM 8. Verify proper charger operation. 9. Document, sign, and date all test results. E. On-Site Operational Training: During the factory assisted start-up, operational training for site personnel shall include key pad operation, LED indicators, start-up and shutdown procedures, maintenance bypass and AC disconnect operation, and alarm information. 4.2 MANUFACTURER FIELD SERVICE A. Worldwide service: The UPS manuf

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