Instruction d'utilisation MacroSystem Digital Video SMART EDIT 5

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif MacroSystem Digital Video SMART EDIT 5

Dispositif: MacroSystem Digital Video SMART EDIT 5
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: MacroSystem Digital Video
Dimension: 4.13 MB
Date d'addition: 5/7/2013
Nombre des pages: 100
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MacroSystem Digital Video SMART EDIT 5 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

User manual
2nd edition

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Legal notices To avoid making mistakes during operation, we recommend that you carefully follow the instructions provided in this manual. We have taken a great deal of care whilst programming and checking this software. Nevertheless, since it is not possible to guarantee totally error-free software applications in all environments and at any time, we unfortunately cannot rule out the possibility that some errors may have crept in. MacroSystem Digital Video AG and its dealers therefore do not gu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of contents Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Congratulations!.............................................................................................. 5 1.2 What is SMART EDIT?..................................................................................... 6 1.3 HDV Video material......................................................................................... 6

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

The operating system VxWorks ® is used in license from Wind River Systems, Inc. For the IEEE 1394 interface (Firewire®, MiniDV®) a Firewire Stack from Intoto, Inc. is used. The module for converting graphics data in PNG format is the PNG Reference Library. The versions 0.97 - 1.0.5 are copyright © 1998, 1999 Glenn Randers-Pehrson. For JPEG conversion the library of the Independent JPEG Group is used, copyright © 1991 - 1998, Thomas G. Lane. GLIBC and other supplemental programs are used acc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

5 E-Mail Chapter 1: Introduction (Germany) (North America) Fax 1.1 Congratulations! 0 +49 (0)2335/960-100 (Germany) 303-440-5322 (North America) Congratulations on the purchase of the software SMART EDIT! We thank you for the confidence and trust you have shown us, and we hope that Up-to-date information on MacroSystem pro- it will meet your expectations. ducts and our sales department can be found on the Intern

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

6 7 SMART EDIT gives you two options to read your 1.2 What is SMART EDIT? HDV material, which can be set in the record screen (see chapter 5.4, item (3)): The software is a non-linear editor. All video and audio data is stored on the system hard 1. You load your video footage into the system, drive and can then be separated into individual and there it is converted from HDV into DV. Or… scenes. These scenes can be trimmed as desired and added to a storyboard. It is possible to add 2. You

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6 7 The first part of this manual guides the user through Installation (Chapter 2), then through the Basics of device use (Chapter 3) and then through five Tutorials (Chapter 4). These sec- tions are designed to help new owners to begin editing right away. In the second main part, all screens, buttons and their functions are explained in a complete Reference section (Chapter 5). There you will find useful hints that will make your work easier. If there is a function that you do not compl

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8 9 2.2 Using the Trackball Chapter 2: Installation A trackball is used to work within the screens. Click on buttons to perform functions and access functions by moving the on-screen pointer. 2.1 Registration/Update service Because its handling is needed for the installati- on of the program, the trackball is explained in 2.1.1 Registration this part of the manual. Please take the time to register with us. There is a registration card in the package. Chapter 3 (3.2 The User interface) expla

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8 8 9 (4) Large right button (cancel button) It is possible that the supplied software versi- This button returns you to the previous state, on on the SmartMedia card or CD/DVD is more canceling or stopping the current operation. recent than the version already installed by your Pressing this button without having selected dealer (or at the factory). To check this, press the anything will return you to the previous screen. button on the front side of the machine to turn it Pressing the cance

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9 and (after recording out your film to another “Yes”, the software will be updated. device) install the new software afterwards.) If you want to completely reinstall the software, click on “No” (bear in mind that if you choose 2.3.1 Installing from CD/DVD this option all the project data stored on the (The installation from CD requires SMART EDIT system will be lost) . You are then given the 2.4 or higher and DVD-Arabesk 1.3 or higher) option of canceling the operation (“No”) or If your

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pressing the power switch on the front of the EDIT 4.0), once you have selected a language, unit. a message appears informing you that your If you insert an invalid SmartMedia card (a card projects will remain intact during and after the other than the installation SmartMedia card), installation. You will be asked whether you want then the SmartMedia symbol appears (shown to carry out the installation. If you click on "Yes“, below), indicating that the correct installation the software will

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1 2 – (active): The products, effects, or fonts are 2.4 Unlocking software unlocked and are available to the user without restriction. You have the option of "unlocking" the bonus effects contained on the installation SmartMedia Now select the product or the desired bonus card or (if your system is provided with a DVD- effect and click on "Activate". If the effect is writer) on the installation CD/DVD. To do this not yet unlocked, a menu for entering the key you must register with MacroS

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1 3 of video without affecting the original audio). Chapter 3: Basics 5. Selection and use of Transition effects (e.g. crossfade, double exposure, etc.), many in real- time (no rendering is required) 3.1 Editing philosophy 6. Selection of Image Processing effects (e.g. Your system operates in a non-linear fashion. solarize, sharpen, etc.) to add to scenes or entire This means that every recorded scene can be sequences. accessed instantly. The system does not have to spool tape to access th

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1 4 1 5 ton on the "Delete" button causes the selected Name field scene to be deleted.) Selection buttons By clicking on this button you cause an on- screen keyboard to appear showing the name of the currently selected scene. You can then use These buttons are indicated with three small, this keyboard to enter a new name. white horizontal bars in the upper right corner. Clicking with the left trackball button opens a list On-Screen keyboard of different options. You then scroll through the o

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1 4 1 5 not displayed until you select the letter. frame. This behavior is found at several points in the program, for example when trimming, When the keyboard is displayed you will see that splitting, or using sliders within the effect lists. the entire current name of the scene is highligh- ted. This allows you to immediately delete the Symbols for recording, playback, pause, stop entire name. A new name can then be quickly Several menus have buttons for recording, play- entered. back, pause

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1 6 1 7 Both of these buttons have a triple function. upper color button (9). Fast rewind and fast forward are achieved while In many cases (e.g. when titling) the color box the DV source is in stop mode, viewable slow provides the Alpha option (7). Here you let the rewind and slow forward in playback mode, and desired color shine through your motif displayed frame-by-frame backward and forward in pause on the right (6), (the Eiffel tower is shown here mode. as an example). You can specify

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1 6 1 7 You can use the Archive function (8) to save the on", "/>", or ">/" is clicked and the trackball is colors you specify for later use (see „Archive held motionless for approximately 0.5 seconds. function“). A movable, vertical white-hatch bar indicates the When you have finished making all the settings actual playback position. you want, click on "Ok" to confirm and to exit the color box. When trimming the beginning of a scene (In) the black position marker can be seen to the left on

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1 8 1 9 Archive function the right. You can click on that to open the Select You will see the "Archive" button in various me- pattern screen which offers you a number of pat- nus and screens (e.g. titling, color box). terns to choose from. Clicking on this button opens a screen in which there are four buttons: "Load", "Save", "Delete", and "Cancel". Clicking on "Load" displays a list of the titles, effects, or settings that have previously been saved. You can then directly select or scroll

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1 8 1 9 tended to be used as background for DVD titles, window. the pictures can also be used elsewhere in the system. Original: There is no coloring and the pattern remains in its original color or monochrome. You'll find "SMART EDIT" under “Product“. Additionally, you can use this function to return From here, you can also find logos of the sin- to the original color of the pattern. gle systems as well as the MacroSystem logo. These can be used as background pictures when 1 Color: The pat

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2 0 2 1 You can customize the settings for your on "Display". mask still further by using the “Brightness”, The selected software is then activated as demo “Contrast” and “Color” buttons that are located version, as you can tell by the caption "(Demo)”. in the bottom area of the window. You can use this program without restriction, i.e. you can insert effects, calculate them and view For simple, soft shifts, it is recommended that them, but each effect is superimposed with the you use the “L

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