Instruction d'utilisation JVC VN-S100U

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif JVC VN-S100U

Dispositif: JVC VN-S100U
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: JVC
Dimension: 0.54 MB
Date d'addition: 7/2/2013
Nombre des pages: 32
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JVC VN-S100U Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

For Customer Use:
Enter below the Serial No. which is
located on the body. Retain this
information for future reference.
This instruction book is made from
Model No. VN-S200U/S100U
100% recycled paper.
Serial No.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

CUATION EIt is strictly prohibited to duplicate or copy any part or whole of this document. EThe information in this document is subject to changes without prior notice. EBear in mind not to violate the copyright when using either the product or this document. EWe cannot assume any liability for the consequences of any errors or mistakes occurring in this document. TRADEMARKS Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation operating both in the United States and in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

INTRODUCTION This application entitled "MULTI CAMERA BROWSER" (VN-S100U, VN- S200U) is used to display images from multiple V.NETWORKS units on the operator terminal equipment. (The V.NETWORKS series products include the VN-C1U, VN-C2U and VN- C3U. Verify that your V.NETWORKS unit is the VN-C1U, VN-C2U or VN-C3U. Operating Environment The following environment is required to run this application. Basic software: Microsoft Windows 95, 98 or NT (Service Pack 4 or higher) Computer: A PC incorporat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Main Functions 1. Multi-browsing ESimultaneous connections to multiple V.NETWORKS units. ESimultaneous browsing of up to 16 units (With the VN-S100U, up to 4 cameras can be browsed.) 2. Recording EThe displayed V.NETWORKS images can be saved as successive still images. EVariable saving interval. ETimer recording. (This function is for exclusive use with the VN-S200U.) 3. PLAY BACK EPlayback of recording by simply specifying the time and date. ESimultaneous display of saved time. 4. Pop-up ECtrl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Menu Function List Menu Item Pull-Down Item Outline File New Work space Creates a new work space. Open Work space Opens an existing work space. Save Work space Saves a work space by overwriting. Save Work space as Saves a work space by assigning a new name. Close Work space Close the currently open work space. Exit Exits from the browser. View Controller Toggles the display of the V.NETWORKS controller on and off. REC/Play Controller Toggles the display of the recording, playback and snap

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

... ... ... Construction of MULTI CAMERA BROWSER Work space (*.vnw) View window No.1 V.NETWORKS No.1 V.NETWORKS No.2 V.NETWORKS No.16 V.NETWORKS No.17 View window No.2 V.NETWORKS No.18 V.NETWORKS No.32 View window No.16 V.NETWORKS No.241 V.NETWORKS No.242 V.NETWORKS No.256 *The figure above shows the construction of the VN-S200U. With the VN-S100U, the following restrictions are applied. • Number of View windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • Number of cameras per View windows . . . 4 6

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

INSTALLATION ™ This section describes the installation procedure of the application. 1. Insert the "VN_S200U" CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive (* with the VN-S200U). 2. Double-click \Jvc\setup.exe of the CD-ROM in order to run it. In advance, set the IP addresses of the VN-C1U/C2U/C3U cameras to be used sing the provided setup tool. For the operating procedure of the setup tool, refer to the cameras' instruction manuals. 7

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

3. Perform operations in accordance with the displayed instructions. Click here to change the installation destination. Installation has completed 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

VIEWING V.NETWORKS IMAGES This section describes the operations procedure for displaying V.NETWORKS images on your PC. 1. Start the Multi Camera Browser. 1-1. From "Start" on the taskbar, select [Programs] - [V.NETWORKS] - [vn- s200u Multi Camera Browser] to start it. 2. Create a workspace 2-1. On the menu bar, select [File] - [New Workspace] to create a new workspace. 3. Register V.NETWORKS in the workspace 3-1. On the menu bar, select [V.Networks] - [Add V.Networks] 3-2. Enter the V.NETWORKS

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

4. Create a View window 4-1. On the menu bar, select [View Window] - [New View Window]. 4-2. When a window is displayed, enter the View window name in it. 4-3. On the "View Window Setup" item, select the View window where you want to add the V.NETWORKS and click the button. 4-4. When the "Add V.Networks" window is displayed, click the displayed contents in order to display all the V.NETWORKS units registered for the workspace. Select the V.NETWORKS to be added to the View window and click

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

4-5. Set the View window switching interval and image size, then click the button. 11

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

CONTROLLING THE V.NETWORKS This section describes how to pan, tilt or zoom the connected V.NETWORKS using the controller and set it to the condition in which viewing is required. Procedure 1. Among the currently displayed View windows, click the one where the V.NETWORKS to be controlled is registered in order to make it active. 2. If more than one V.NETWORKS has been registered in the View window, interrupt the image switching by clicking the [Pause Switching] button on the controller. 3. Cli

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Operations Panning/tilting operation Click one of the eight arrow buttons to pan/tilt the V.NETWORKS in the indicated direction by the angle set in "Angle Step". (The angle is freely variable in steps between 0º and 40º.) Lens operation In the pull-down menu in the LENS field, select the item to be controlled from IRIS, ZOOM and FOCUS. • When the Zoom operation is selected, the "Fast" check-box is displayed. Checking this box enables zooming in and out at high speed. • When the Focus operation

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RECORDING V.NETWORKS IMAGES œ The recording function saves images displayed in the currently active window onto a disk. œ Images are recorded on a per-window basis. The recording file is stored in the folder specified by "Save in" under [View Window] - [Properties] - [Details]. The default folder is the folder having the same name as the View window name under the folder where the application is installed {i.e. (Application installation folder)\(View window name)}. œ When recording has comp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

DELETING RECORDING FILES • Recording files are saved with file names ".rec". • To delete recording files, open the Explorer and delete files "*.rec". CAUTION !! As a recording file cannot be restored once it has been deleted, make sure that the file is unnecessary by checking the contents before deletion. JVC cannot assume liabilities for the loss of recording files. 15

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

TIMER RECORDING (*This function is for exclusive use with the VN-S200U.) œ The timer recording function starts and stops recording automatically at the set time of day. œ For detailed recording setup, see "5. Recording setup" in "CHANGING THE VIEW WINDOW SETUP". Procedure 1. Select [View Window] - [Timer Recording]. 2. The [Timer Recording] window appears. 3. In the View window column, select the View window you want to set timer recording. 4. To set timer recording, check the [Enable Timer

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

PLAYING RECORDING IMAGES (*VN-S100U : 1 image play back, VN-S200U : up to 4 images play back simultaneously.) œ This section describes how to play back a recorded file. Procedure 1. Click the Play button of the Record/Play Controller. When a window as shown below appears, select the size and number of played windows. 2. When the Select Image window appears, select the View window to be played and the time. ( When the [Sort by Name] check box is checked, the time is sorted on a per-camera basis

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

SNAPSHOT RECORDING œ The snapshot function saves the currently displayed View window as a still image in a file. œ Up to 16 images can be acquired at once. Procedure 1. Click the View window where the images that you want to include as snapshots are displayed. 2. Click the Snapshot button of the Record/Play Controller. If the Record/ Play Controller is not displayed, select [View] - [REC/Play Controller] to display it. *A check mark is displayed to the right of "REC/Play Controller" while the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

CHANGING THE VIEW WINDOW SETUP 1. Adding or deleteing V.NETWORKS to or from a View windows 1-1. When [View Window] - [Properties] in the menu bar is selected, the following window appears.Use this window to change the setup of the View window. 1-2. Select the View window you want to change the setting. 1-3. The list of currently registered V.NETWORKS names is shown under item [Currently Registered V.Networks]. To add V.NETWORKS, go to step 1-4 To delete V.NETWORKS, go to step 1-5 19

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

1-4. Click the [Add] button. When the [Add V.Networks] window appears showing the list of V.NETWORKS currently registered in the workspaces select the V.NETWORKS you want to add and click the [Add] button. The addition is complete when the name of the added V.NETWORKS is displayed in the [Currently registered V.Networks] field. *Up to 16 V.NETWORKS units can be registered per View window. It is not permitted to register more than 16 V.NETWORKS. 1-5. In the [Currently registered V.Networks] field

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