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Transport Air Conditioning
Bus Air Conditioning Units
T--326 Rev --
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CONTENTS Page Introduction ............................ 1 Safety .................................. 3 Unit/SystemInformation................. 4 1.1 WHAT IS AIR CONDITIONING............. 4 1.2 SPLIT SYSTEM .......................... 4 1.3 SYSTEM DESIGNATIONS ................ 4 1.4 SYSTEM COMPONENTS ................. 4 1.5 MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER TAGS...... 6 1.6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS LABEL ........ 8 UnitOperation .......................... 9 2.1 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ............. 9 2.2 DRIVER’S
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INTRODUCTION SPLITSYSTEMOPERATOR’SMANUAL ThisguidehasbeenpreparedfortheoperatorofCarrierTransport AirConditioningsystems.Itcontainsbasicinstructionsforthedaily operation of the air conditioning system as well as safety information, and other information that will help you to maintain a comfort level for your self and your passengers. Please take the time to read the information contained in this booklet and refer to itwheneveryouhaveaquestionabouttheoperationofyourCarrier Transport Air Condition
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SAFETY YourCarrierTransportAirConditioningsystemhasbeendesigned withthesafetyoftheoperatorinmind.Duringnormaloperation,all moving parts are fully enclosed to help prevent injury. During all pre-trip inspections, daily inspections, and problem troubleshooting,youmaybeexposedtomovingparts;pleasestay clear of all moving parts when the unit is in operation. WARNING Bewareofunannouncedstartingoftheunit.Theunit may cycle the fans and operating compressor unex- pectedlyascontrolrequirementsdictate.Turn
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UNIT/SYSTEMINFORMATION 1.1WHAT ISAIRCONDITIONING Air Conditioning is the cooling, heating, dehumidification, and filtrationof the airwithin thepassenger compartment of avehicle. 1.2SPLIT SYSTEM ASplitSystemnormallyincludesanEvaporator(s),aCondenser(s) a Compressor(s) and interconnecting refrigerant hoses, fittings, and electrical harnesses and controls. A listing of the system components, along with specific data for each, is provided in Paragraph 1.4. 1.3SYSTEMDESIGNATIONS Tie--InSystem--IsaCar
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9 8 7 Air Out Air In 6 3 5 4 2 10 Air In Air Out 1 1. Compressor 6. Liquid Line 2. Electro--Magnetic Clutch 7. Evaporator 3. Discharge Line 8. Block Valve (TXV) 4. Condenser 9. Freezestat--(Coil 5. Filter Dryer/Sight Glass freeze--up thermostat) Assembly 10. Suction Line Figure1-1ComponentLocations Filter/Dryer -- The filter/dryer removes moisture and particulate matter from the refrigerant. Expansion/Block Valve -- Meters the refrigerant flow into the evaporator coil. The majority of the Gen 4
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Pressure Switch -- The systems use high and low pressure switches wired in series to control the power circuit of the compressor clutch relay. If either pressure switch opens, interrupting the circuit to the clutch relay, the operation of the compressorwillstop.Whenconditionsreturntonormaltheswitch willautomaticallyresetandthecompressorwillresumeoperating. The switches are non--adjustable. Freeze--Up Thermostat -- Freeze--up thermostats are used to preventiceformationontheevaporatorcoil,whichisa
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Figure1-3RoofMountedCondensers EM--9 Location Figure1-4Rear/SideMountedGenIVEvaporators NOTE TheEM--9evaporatordatatagislocatedonthesideofthe evaporatorassembly,notbetweentheblowerassemblies. Figure1-5Rear/SideMountedGenVEvaporators T--326 7
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1.6SYSTEMREQUIREMENTSLABEL The system requirements label (See Figure 1-6) is conveniently locatedwithinthevehicle’senginecompartment. Thislabel,when properlycompletedbytheinstaller,willgivetheservicingtechnician therefrigerantandoilcharge(s),evaporator(s),condenser(s),and compressor(s)serialnumbers, thedrivebelt(s)number, mountkit number, the date of installation and the installer. Figure1-6SystemRequirementLabel T--326 8
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UNITOPERATION 2.1OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Beforeattemptingtooperatethesystem,powermustbeavailable from the vehicle battery. If the engine is not running, start the engine. Most systems will not operate unless a signal is received to the controller from the vehicle ignition. Carrier Transport Air Conditioning system’s can be supplied with two different type manual controls. the Standard Manual Control and the Florida Control 3 2 4 1 5 1 Control Panel Housing 4 Fan Speed Switch 2 Nameplate (Switch (
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There will be some applications where the switch mountingplate, thermostat and fan speed switch are mounted in the drivers area without the control panel housing. On other applications the vehicle manufacturer (OEM) will supply differenttypecontrolsfortheairconditioningsystem.RefertoOEM technical manual for operating instructions. 2.2.1 Fan Speed Switch (threespeed orvariable) Turning this switch clockwise will energize the evaporator and condenser fan motors. The compressor clutch will also be
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Move the ON/OFF switch to the ON position. A green light will illuminateindicatingthatthecontrollerhaspower.Atthesametime the evaporator fans will operate in either Low, Medium or High speed, depending on the Fan Speed switch location. 1 2 3 4 5 1FacePlate 2 Green Light 3 Rocker Switch, 2 Position, ON/OFF 4 Rocker Switch, 3 Position, LOW--MED--HIGH 5 Thermostat Control (Potentiometer) Figure2-2Switch Assembly(TEMPCON) 2.3.2 Fan Speed Switch -- 3Speed Theevaporatorfanspeedscanbeadjustedbypushingt
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In--Line Fuse Fuse & 3Amp Holder Fuse Cover Figure2-3In--LineFuse&Holder(3Amp) 2.3.4 In--lineFuse The controller is protected by a 3 Amp ATO type in--line fuse (Figure 2-3). To replace the fuse do the following: a. Make sure ignition power is off. b. Grasp fuse cover at finger grips and lift off cover. c. Remove fuse and check if fuse is defective. d. Replace if needed. e. Push fuse cover back on to in--line holder. f. Restore ignition power and place ON/OFF switch to ON. 2.4PRE--TRIPINSPECTION
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SYSTEMMAINTENANCE 3.1MAINTENANCESCHEDULE SYSTEM O OP PE ER RA AT TIIO ON N ON OFF a.DailyMaintenance X X Pre--trip inspection -- after starting. (Refer to para- graph 2.4) X Check tension and condition of drive belts. b.WeeklyMaintenance X Perform daily inspection X Check condenser, evaporator coils and return air filters for cleanliness c.MonthlyMaintenance X Perform weekly inspection X Clean or replace Evaporator return air filters X Inspect Condenser coil fins -- Clean when neces- X sary X In
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SYSTEM O OP PE ER RA AT TIIO ON N((C Co on nttiinue nued d)) ON OFF e.Semi--AnnualInspectionandMaintenance X Check system pressures. X Check refrigerant in sight glass. X Check element in the the sight glass. (Green is dry -- Yellow is wet) X Inspect condenser fan blades. X Open bus heater valves (In winter). X Close bus heater valves (In spring). X Remove or install optional condenser winter guard kit. f. AnnualInspectionandMaintenance X Inspect electrical panel and terminals. Clean if needed w
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INDEX C P Pre--Trip Inspection, 12 Clutch -- Electro--Magnetic, 4 Compressor, 4 Condenser, 4 R Control Panel -- Florida, 10 Refrigerant, 3, 6 Control Panel -- Standard, 9 Resistor, 5 E S Evaporator, 5 Safety, 3 Sensor -- Return Air, 4 F Serial Tag, 6 Split System, 4 Filter/Dryer, 5 Stand--Alone System, 4 Fuse, In--Line, 12 Switch -- Fan Speed, 10, 11 Switch -- ON/OFF, 10 I Switch -- Pressure, 6 System Components, 4 Introduction, 1 System Designations, 4 System Maintenance, 13 M System Label, 8 M
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INDEX (CONTINUED) U W Unit Information, 4 Warranty/Service, 14 Unit Operation, 9 What Is Air Conditioning, 4 V Valve -- Expansion/Block, 5 Index 2
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Carrier Transport Air Conditioning 50 Grumbacher Road York PA 17402 U.S A Carrier TransicoldDivision, Tel: 1--800--673--2431 Carrier Corporation Fax: 1--717--764--0401 Transport Air ConditioningGroup P.O. Box 4805 Syracuse, N.Y. 13221 U.S A www.carrier.transicold.com A member of the United Technologies Corporation family. Stock symbol UTX ©2005 Carrier CorporationD Printed in U. S. A. 0605