Instruction d'utilisation Canon MV630i

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Canon MV630i

Dispositif: Canon MV630i
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: Canon
Dimension: 0.41 MB
Date d'addition: 2/25/2013
Nombre des pages: 8
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Canon MV630i Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 3
Digital Camcorders
Why watch TV when
you can make it?

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 4 With Digital, everyone’s a director. What if Digital technology was available to everybody on a compact, easy to use digital camcorder? One you don’t have to be a TV mogul to afford. Imagine editing your own holiday films on an ordinary computer, watching them on TV or, in the case of the MV650i, even e-mailing them to your friends and family. Well, with the Canon MV600 series, you can. ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR CLOSE UP? Putting the Canon

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 5 WITH DV MESSENGER, YOU CAN FILM IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE. The MV600 series comes complete with DV Messenger software, a service you can use in conjunction with ® ® ® Windows Messenger available on Microsoft Windows XP. DV Messenger enables you to exchange files, control the zoom, focus and playback on both ends and have live conversations using your camcorders as sophisticated webcams. DV Messenger allows you to link up with another ca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 1 NOW YOU’VE MADE YOUR FILM, IT’S TIME FOR THE PREMIÈRE. It’s not enough that your shots look good in the viewfinder. What happens next is just as important. Canon’s Multi Architecture Camera System (MACS) means that everything you record with the MV600 series is routed to the appropriate storage media with the best possible results. For instance, videos are sent on the optimum route to miniDV tapes. On the MV650i and MV630i models stil

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 6 XP. MV600 • 800,000 pixel CCD • 18x optical / 360x digital zoom • Large, colour LCD view screen and colour viewfinder • Image Stabilizer • Multi Architecture Camera System for both Movie and Still images • Night Mode • DV Messenger MV600i As above plus: • Analogue Digital Converter • DV/Analogue Line-in MV630i As above plus: • 20x optical / 400x digital zoom • Compatible with SD Memory card and MultiMediaCard • XGA High resolution p

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 7 SPECIFICATIONS M M V V 6 6 5 5 0 0 i i M M V V 6 6 3 3 0 0 i i M M V V 6 6 0 0 0 0 / / i i * * MV650i MV630i MV600/i* VIDEO SYSTEM MiniDV MiniDV MiniDV REC R CCD Type 1/6" interlace 1/6" interlace 1/6" interlace LP MO Total pixels 800,000 800,000 800,000 SEAR Effective pixels 400,000 400,000 400,000 Filter Complementary Complementary Complementary MEM LENS Optical/Digital 22x/440x 20x/400x 18x/360x CARD Focal length 2.8-61.6mm 2.8-56.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 8 MV650i MV630i MV600/i* REC REVIEW/REC SEARCH YES YES YES LP MODE YES YES YES SEARCH Still image YES YES YES Date YES YES YES MEMORY CARD MMC YES YES NO SD YES YES NO Movie REC. Motion JPEG NO NO AUDIO System PCM Digital Stereo PCM Digital Stereo PCM Digital Stereo 16bit-48kHz 2ch 16bit-48kHz 2ch 16bit-48kHz 2ch 12bit-32kHz 4ch 12bit-32kHz 4ch 12bit-32kHz 4ch Audio Dubbing YES YES YES TERMINAL Headphone YES YES YES lume Microphone YES YE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

MV600 series_SJ_ENG_26feb03.qxd 26-02-2003 09:12 Page 2 Canon Inc 30-2 Shimomaruko 3-chome, Ohta-ku Tokyo 146-8501 Japan Canon Europa NV Bovenkerkerweg 59-61 1185 XB Amstelveen The Netherlands 0036W260 © Canon Europa N.V. 2003

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