Instruction d'utilisation Sony TrackSnap TS-DSC-S40-01

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony TrackSnap TS-DSC-S40-01

Dispositif: Sony TrackSnap TS-DSC-S40-01
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: Sony
Dimension: 0.64 MB
Date d'addition: 11/5/2013
Nombre des pages: 12
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Sony TrackSnap TS-DSC-S40-01 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

TrackSnap Manual
Sony DSC-S40
Model TS-DSC-S40-01

Document Author: Paul Skelly
Version: TS S40.01
Issue Date: 16/04/2006
Status: Draft
Document Location:

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Introduction Congratulations on the purchase of a new TrackSnap camera system. This manual provides detailed information for the setup and use of your system. Please read this manual before using your TrackSnap camera. The information provided will give you good service from your system. At the heart of any motion sensing camera is a controller board. All TrackSnap cameras use a PixController PIR (Pryoelectric Infra-Red) motion detection sensor. Th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual PIR Motion Sensors Basic Overview for Effective Use All TrackSnap cameras use a PixController PIR motion detection sensor. PIR stands for Pryoelectric Infra- Red, which detects warm targets in motion over ambient background temperature. A stationary target or a target not moving can not be detected. The target must also have a warmer surface temperature than the ambient background temperature in order to be detected. The size of the target and the d

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Auto Walk-Test mode on power up When turning power on to your TrackSnap both the red and green LED will light up. They will both stay on for 30 seconds. This time will allow the PIR circuit to warm up. After this time expires the green LED will turn off and the red LED will blink 5 times letting you know that the board is entering a 1 minute automatic walk- test phase. At this point you can move around the camera setup and check out the PIR area. Both

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual DIP Switch Settings PixController 10-Position DIP Switch Introduction The 10-Position DIP switch on the PixController board is used to setup how the board controls the attached cameras, functions in day only, night only, 24 hour mode, and many more features. Listed below are instructions on how to setup the DIP switch feature on the LE board. Default Setting The default settings for your camera are marked in Yellow All switches Down (Off)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Camera Attached Setting Switches 5, 6, and 7 setups which camera is attached to your PixController board. Note: Even though there are 2 different PIC controller chips available for the PixController LE (Original and LE II) your camera is using the Original chip. Both are listed below are the settings for the corresponding controller chip for reference on which other cameras can be used. Camera (Original LE) Switch 5 Switch 6 Switch 7 Sony/Canon L

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual LANC Video Delay Setting Switches 8 and 9 sets up the recording time for your LANC camcorder. Recording Time Switch 8 Switch 9 30 Seconds - Continuous recording as long as motion is present. Down/Off Down/Off 1 Minute Down/Off Up/On 2.5 Minutes Up/On Down/Off 5 Minutes Up/On Up/On Green PIR LED Setting Switches 10 controls the green PIR LED. PIR Delay Switch 10 LED Off Down/Off LED On Up/On Motion Sensor Control board Specifications B

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Inside Your TrackSnap Camera PixController Main Board Features Board can be mounted vertically or horizontally. The unique dual element PIR sensor enables the camera to be used in any orientation. External light port. This can switch up to a 4.2 amp supply for lights and IR LED arrays. Dual LED’s for better board diagnostics. The unique LED’s design, super bright red control LED, and green PIR LED is used on all of our motion sensing board

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual PixController LE (Rev. 2) Control Board Front PixController LE Control Board Back Version Page 9 of 12 Draft TS S40.01 This document comprises information provided by Suppliers and is assumed to be correct.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Mounting the PIR Lens The PIR lens is mounted in the Pelican 1060 case with your board. The lens is centred over the PIR Sensor and be 16.5 mm from the top. We mount the lens with the “ridges” facing towards the PIR sensor. Do not scratch the lens on either side. Also, do not mount any glass, tape of plastic film over top of the PIR lens. Glass will not let infrared heat to pass through to trigger your PIR sensor. The PIR lens is glued to the inside

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Sony DSC-S40 Camera Settings and SPECIFICATIONS: For fastest shutter times set your Sony DSC-S40 camera setting up as: Leave the camera on -program- setting • Exposure Value(EV) set to OEV • Focus set to Multi AF • White Balance left on Auto • ISO set to 400 • REC mode must be set to Normal • Flash level set to + • P.Effect Off • Saturation, Contrast, and Sharpness set to Normal • Red eye reduction Off • AF Illuminator Off. • Date/Time st

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Model TS-DSC-S40-01 TrackSnap Manual Troubleshooting Symptom Cause Solution TrackSnap will not power up. Check switch on battery holder is in the on position. Turn on switch Check 9V Alkaline battery Replace battery When I turn power on to my This is the indication that your batteries are low. Change the 9V TrackSnap the PixController The PixController board has a built-in battery level Alkaline battery board green PIR LED is indicator and when the power supply is too low the bl

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