Instruction d'utilisation Sony MSW-900

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony MSW-900

Dispositif: Sony MSW-900
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: Sony
Dimension: 2.89 MB
Date d'addition: 8/9/2013
Nombre des pages: 14
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Sony MSW-900 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

© 2002 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Sony Electronics Inc.
Sony, Betacam, Betacam SP, Betacam SX, Digital Betacam, MPEG IMX, Memory Stick,
1 Sony Drive
Power HAD, XPRI, Tele-File and TruEye are trademarks of Sony.
Park Ridge, NJ 07656 All other trademarks are the property of their respective owne

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Specifications MSW-900 MSW-900P Weight 7 lb 11 oz (Approx. 3.5 kg) 11 lb 10 oz (with VF, Mic, BCT-60MX, BP-L60A) (5.3 kg) The entrance to the open Power requirements DC 12 V +5.0 V/-1.0 V Power consumption Approx. 27 W General ° ° ° Operating temperature +32 F to +104 F (0 to 40 C) -4 °F to+140 °F (-20 to +60 °C) Storage temperature MPEG world Humidity 25 to 85% (relative humidity) Continuous operating time Approx. 135 min w/BP-L60A Approx. 200 min w/BP-L90A Ever since the launch of th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

System configuration Innovative performance in an MPEG IMX camcorder SDI output WRR-855A/855B (option) Internal light system (option) MSDW-902 Monitor (option) High picture quality using MPEG 4:2:2P@ML Compact, lightweight, and low power consumption The MSW-900 is designed to be extremely compact and lightweight, providing a high level of mobility in 50 Mb/s I-frame compression BKW-401 the field. It weighs approximately 5.3 kg (11 lb. 10 oz.) including a viewfinder, microphone, BP-L60A Li-ion

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

System configuration Innovative performance in an MPEG IMX camcorder SDI output WRR-855A/855B (option) Internal light system (option) MSDW-902 Monitor (option) High picture quality using MPEG 4:2:2P@ML Compact, lightweight, and low power consumption The MSW-900 is designed to be extremely compact and lightweight, providing a high level of mobility in 50 Mb/s I-frame compression BKW-401 the field. It weighs approximately 5.3 kg (11 lb. 10 oz.) including a viewfinder, microphone, BP-L60A Li-ion

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Operational versatility A wide range of optional accessories A wide variety of accessories are available to greatly increase the versatility and operational performance User-friendly controls of the MSW-900, making it suitable for many different applications. Three types of plug-in boards, Two important aspects of the user-friendly operation of the MSW-900 camera adaptors to add various interfaces, a compact remote controller, several types of viewfinders and are its carefully designed menu st

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Operational versatility A wide range of optional accessories A wide variety of accessories are available to greatly increase the versatility and operational performance User-friendly controls of the MSW-900, making it suitable for many different applications. Three types of plug-in boards, Two important aspects of the user-friendly operation of the MSW-900 camera adaptors to add various interfaces, a compact remote controller, several types of viewfinders and are its carefully designed menu st

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Meta-data handling Shot mark and shot data handling The MSW-900 is capable of recording shot marks (time codes for ‘good’ shots) and shot data (date, shot ID, cassette number etc.) to the tape. When a tape Intelligent light system containing shot marks is played back on an MSW-2000 An optional portable light (max. 50 W) can be directly attached to the camcorder, using a standard lighting connector and a specially series VTR, the shot mark positions are automatically designed short cable for o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Creative versatility Meta-data handling Since the early days of film and television, meta-data such as shot number, slate information Multi-matrix function Triple Skin Tone Detail control and other production notes has been used increasingly during the production process. Unlike conventional color correction or matrix control, the Skin Tone Detail allows control of image enhancement While much of this data has been generated and stored on paper, the use of computers for Multi-matrix function

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Creative versatility Meta-data handling Since the early days of film and television, meta-data such as shot number, slate information Multi-matrix function Triple Skin Tone Detail control and other production notes has been used increasingly during the production process. Unlike conventional color correction or matrix control, the Skin Tone Detail allows control of image enhancement While much of this data has been generated and stored on paper, the use of computers for Multi-matrix function

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Meta-data handling Shot mark and shot data handling The MSW-900 is capable of recording shot marks (time codes for ‘good’ shots) and shot data (date, shot ID, cassette number etc.) to the tape. When a tape Intelligent light system containing shot marks is played back on an MSW-2000 An optional portable light (max. 50 W) can be directly attached to the camcorder, using a standard lighting connector and a specially series VTR, the shot mark positions are automatically designed short cable for o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Operational versatility A wide range of optional accessories A wide variety of accessories are available to greatly increase the versatility and operational performance User-friendly controls of the MSW-900, making it suitable for many different applications. Three types of plug-in boards, Two important aspects of the user-friendly operation of the MSW-900 camera adaptors to add various interfaces, a compact remote controller, several types of viewfinders and are its carefully designed menu st

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

System configuration Innovative performance in an MPEG IMX camcorder SDI output WRR-855A/855B (option) Internal light system (option) MSDW-902 Monitor (option) High picture quality using MPEG 4:2:2P@ML Compact, lightweight, and low power consumption The MSW-900 is designed to be extremely compact and lightweight, providing a high level of mobility in 50 Mb/s I-frame compression BKW-401 the field. It weighs approximately 5.3 kg (11 lb. 10 oz.) including a viewfinder, microphone, BP-L60A Li-ion

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Specifications MSW-900 MSW-900P Weight 7 lb 11 oz (Approx. 3.5 kg) 11 lb 10 oz (with VF, Mic, BCT-60MX, BP-L60A) (5.3 kg) The entrance to the open Power requirements DC 12 V +5.0 V/-1.0 V Power consumption Approx. 27 W General ° ° ° Operating temperature +32 F to +104 F (0 to 40 C) -4 °F to+140 °F (-20 to +60 °C) Storage temperature MPEG world Humidity 25 to 85% (relative humidity) Continuous operating time Approx. 135 min w/BP-L60A Approx. 200 min w/BP-L90A Ever since the launch of th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

NTSC/PAL MSW-900/900P TM MPEG IMX CAMCORDER © 2002 Sony Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Sony Electronics Inc. Sony, Betacam, Betacam SP, Betacam SX, Digital Betacam, MPEG IMX, Memory Stick, 1 Sony Drive Power HAD, XPRI, Tele-File and TruEye are trademarks of Sony. Park Ridge, NJ 07656 All other trademarks are the property of their respective owne

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