Instruction d'utilisation Sony CCD TR 620 E

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony CCD TR 620 E

Dispositif: Sony CCD TR 620 E
Catégorie: Caméra
Fabricant: Sony
Dimension: 1.66 MB
Date d'addition: 3/12/2013
Nombre des pages: 88
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Sony CCD TR 620 E Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

3-859-127-13 (1)
Video Camera
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly,
and retain it for future reference.
Ô Ó˜ÂÒÚ¸ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘Â ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Ë ÓÒÚ‡‚ËÚ¸ Â„Ó ‰Îfl ·Û‰Û˘Ëı ÒÔ ‡‚ÓÍ.
© 1997 by Sony Corporation
CCD-TR501E/TR502E/TR620E 3-859-127-13.E/R

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

English êÛÒÒÍËÈ Welcome! ÑÓ· Ó ! Congratulations on your purchase of this èÓÁ‰ ‡‚ÎflÂÏ Ç‡Ò Ò Ô ËÓ· ÂÚÂÌËÂÏ ‰‡ÌÌÓÈ ® ® ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Handycam ÙË Ï˚ Sony. ë Sony Handycam camcorder. With your ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ LJ¯ÂÈ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Handycam Ç˚ Handycam, you can capture life’s precious ÏÓÊÂÚ Á‡Ô˜‡ÚÎÂÚ¸ ‰Ó Ó„ËÂ Ç‡Ï Ï„ÌÓ‚ÂÌËfl moments with superior picture and sound ÊËÁÌË Ò Ô Â‚ÓÒıÓ‰Ì˚Ï Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚ÓÏ quality. Your Handycam is loaded with ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌËfl Ë Á‚Û͇. LJ¯‡ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ‡ advanced features, but at the same time it is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Before you begin è ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Table of contents é„·‚ÎÂÌË Before you begin è ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Using this manual............................................. 4 àÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ .....4 Checking supplied accessories .......................... 6 è ӂ ͇ Ô Ë·„‡ÂÏ˚ı Ô Ë̇‰ÎÂÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ . 6 Getting started èÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í Ì‡˜‡ÎÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Charging and installing the battery pack......... 7 ᇠfl‰Í‡ Ë ÛÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ .. 7 Inserting a cassette ..................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

è ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Before you begin Using this manual àÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ The instructions in this manual are for the three àÌÒÚ Û͈ËË ‚ ‰‡ÌÌÓÏ ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Â ËÁÎÓÊÂÌ˚ models listed below. Before you start reading this ‰Îfl Ú Âı ÌËÊÂÔ ˜ËÒÎÂÌÌ˚ı ÏÓ‰ÂÎÂÈ. manual and operating the unit, check your model è ‰ ÚÂÏ, Í‡Í Ç˚ ̇˜ÌÂÚ ˜ËÚ‡Ú¸ ‰‡ÌÌÓ number by looking at the bottom of your ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó Ë ˝ÍÒÔÎÛ‡ÚË Ó‚‡Ú¸ ‡ÔÔ‡ ‡Ú, camcorder. The CCD-TR620E is the model used Ô Ó‚Â ¸Ú ÌÓÏ LJ¯ÂÈ ÏÓ‰Â

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Before you begin è ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ àÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË ‰‡ÌÌÓ„Ó Using this manual ÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚‡ Precaution on copyright è ‰ÓÒÚ ÂÊÂÌË ӷ ‡‚ÚÓ ÒÍÓÏ Ô ‡‚ Television programmes, films, video tapes, and íÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌ˚Â Ô Ó„ ‡ÏÏ˚, ÍËÌÓÙËθÏ˚, other materials may be copyrighted. ‚ˉÂÓÎÂÌÚ˚ Ë ‰ Û„Ë χÚ ˇÎ˚ ÏÓ„ÛÚ ·˚Ú¸ Unauthorized recording of such materials may Á‡˘Ë˘ÂÌ˚ ‡‚ÚÓ ÒÍËÏ Ô ‡‚ÓÏ. be contrary to the provision of the copyright çÂÔ ‡‚ÓÏӘ̇fl Á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ú‡ÍËı χÚ ˇÎÓ‚ laws. ÏÓÊÂÚ Ô ÓÚË‚Ó Â˜ËÚ¸ ÛÒÎÓ‚ËflÏ Á

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Checking supplied è ӂ ͇ Ô Ë·„‡ÂÏ˚ı accessories Ô Ë̇‰ÎÂÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ Check that the following accessories are supplied è Ó‚Â ¸Ú ̇΢ˠÒÎÂ‰Û˛˘Ëı with your camcorder. Ô Ë̇‰ÎÂÊÌÓÒÚÂÈ, Ô Ë·„‡ÂÏ˚ı Í Ç‡¯ÂÈ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï Â. 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 or/ËÎË 1 ÅÂÒÔ Ó‚Ó‰Ì˚È ÔÛÎ¸Ú ‰ËÒڇ̈ËÓÌÌÓ„Ó 1 Wireless Remote Commander (1) ÛÔ ‡‚ÎÂÌËfl (1) (ÒÚ . 21, 79) (p. 21, 79) 2 Ňڇ ÂÈÌ˚È ·ÎÓÍ NP-33(1) (ÒÚ . 7) 2 NP-33 Battery Pack (1) (p. 7) 3 ãËÚË‚‡fl ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈ͇ CR2025 (1) (ÒÚ . 49) 3 CR2025 Lithium Battery (1) (p. 49) ìÊÂ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Getting started èÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í Ì‡˜‡ÎÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Getting started èÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í Ì‡˜‡ÎÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Charging and installing ᇠfl‰Í‡ Ë ÛÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ the battery pack ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ è ‰ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËÂÏ Ç‡¯ÂÈ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ÓÈ Before using your camcorder, you first need to Ç‡Ï ÒΉÛÂÚ Ò̇˜‡Î‡ Á‡ fl‰ËÚ¸ Ë ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ charge and install the battery pack. To charge the ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌ˚È ·ÎÓÍ. ÑÎfl Á‡ fl‰ÍË ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó battery pack, use the supplied AC power ·ÎÓ͇ ‚ÓÒÔÓθÁÛÈÚÂÒ¸ Ô Ë·„‡ÂÏ˚Ï adaptor. ÒÂÚ‚˚Ï ‡‰‡ÔÚ ÓÏ Ô ÂÏ. ÚÓ͇. ᇠfl‰

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Charging and installing the ᇠfl‰Í‡ Ë ÛÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ battery pack ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ Battery life ë ÓÍ ÒÎÛÊ·˚ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÍË CCD-TR501E/TR502E CCD-TR501E/TR502E Battery pack Ňڇ ÂÈÌ˚È íËÔ˘ÌÓ Typical Continuous çÂÔÂ˚- ·ÎÓÍ ‚ ÂÏfl recording recording ‚ÌÓ ‚ ÂÏfl Á‡ÔËÒË* * time** time*** Á‡ÔËÒË*** NP-33 (supplied) 55 100 NP-33 ( Ô Ë·„‡ÂÚÒfl) 55 100 NP-67 90 175 NP-67 90 175 NP-66H/68 105 195 NP-66H/68 105 195 NP-78 135 255 NP-78 135 255 NP-98 175 330 NP-98 175 330 CCD-TR620E CCD-TR620E Battery pack Typical C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Getting started èÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í Ì‡˜‡ÎÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Charging and installing the ᇠfl‰Í‡ Ë ÛÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ battery pack ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ To remove the battery pack ÑÎfl ÒÌflÚËfl ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ Slide the battery pack in the direction of the è ‰‚Ë̸Ú ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌ˚È ·ÎÓÍ ‚ Ì‡Ô ‡‚ÎÂÌËË arrow. ÒÚ ÂÎÍË. Notes on charging the battery pack è ËϘ‡ÌËfl ÔÓ Á‡ fl‰Í ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ •The POWER lamp will remain lit for a while •ã‡ÏÔӘ͇ POWER ·Û‰ÂÚ ÌÂÍÓÚÓ Ó ‚ ÂÏfl even if the battery pack is removed and the Ò‚ÂÚËÚ¸Òfl, ‰‡Ê ÂÒ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Charging and installing the ᇠfl‰Í‡ Ë ÛÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ battery pack ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ Installing the battery pack ìÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó ·ÎÓ͇ (1)ÇÒÚ‡‚¸Ú ‚ ıÌËÈ ÍÓ̈ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓ„Ó (1)Insert the top of the battery pack into the top ·ÎÓ͇ ‚ ‚ ıÌ˛˛ ˜‡ÒÚ¸ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌÓÈ of the battery mounting surface. ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚Ó˜ÌÓÈ ÔÓ‚Â ıÌÓÒÚË. (2)Push the battery pack so that it attaches (2)ç‡ÊÏËÚ ·‡Ú‡ ÂÈÌ˚È ·ÎÓÍ, Ú‡Í, ˜ÚÓ·˚ ÓÌ firmly. Make sure that you hear clicks twice. ·˚Π̇‰ÂÊÌÓ Ô ËÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌ. ì·Â‰ËÚÂÒ¸, Attach the batt

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Getting started èÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ Í Ì‡˜‡ÎÛ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Inserting a cassette ÇÒÚ‡‚͇ ͇ÒÒÂÚ˚ Make sure that a power source is installed. ì·Â‰ËÚÂÒ¸, ˜ÚÓ ËÒÚÓ˜ÌËÍ ÔËÚ‡ÌËfl ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ. (1)While pressing the small blue button, slide (1) ç‡ÊËχfl χÎÂ̸ÍÛ˛ ÒËÌ˛˛ ÍÌÓÔÍÛ, EJECT in the direction of the arrow. The Ò‰‚Ë̸Ú EJECT ‚ Ì‡Ô ‡‚ÎÂÌËË ÒÚ ÂÎÍË. cassette compartment automatically opens. éÚÒÂÍ Í‡ÒÒÂÚ˚ ‡‚ÚÓχÚ˘ÂÒÍË (2)Insert a cassette (not supplied) with the ÓÚÍ ˚‚‡ÂÚÒfl. window facing out. (2) ÇÒÚ‡‚¸Ú ͇ÒÒÂÚÛ (ÌÂ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Basic operations éÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÓÔ ‡ˆËË Camera recording á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Make sure that a power source and a cassette is ì·Â‰ËÚ¸Òfl, ËÒÚÓ˜ÌËÍ ÔËÚ‡ÌËfl Ë Í‡ÒÒÂÚ‡ inserted and that the START/STOP MODE ‚ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌ˚ Ë, ˜ÚÓ Ô ÂÍβ˜‡ÚÂθ START/ switch is set to . STOP MODE ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ Ì‡ . When you use the camcorder for the first time, ÖÒÎË Ç˚ ËÒÔÓθÁÛÂÚ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ Û ‚ Ô ‚˚È power on it and reset the date and time to your ‡Á, ÚÓ ‚Íβ˜Ëڠ ÔËÚ‡ÌËÂ Ë ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ time (p. 51) before you start record

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Basic operations éÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÓÔ ‡ˆËË á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Camera recording To stop recording momentarily [a] ÑÎfl ‚ ÂÏÂÌÌÓÈ ÓÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË Á‡ÔËÒË [a] Press START/STOP again. The “REC” indicator ç‡ÊÏËÚ ÓÔflÚ¸ START/STOP. Ç in the viewfinder changes to the “STBY” ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂΠË̉Ë͇ÚÓ “REC” ËÁÏÂÌËÚÒfl ̇ indicator (Standby mode). Ë̉Ë͇ÚÓ “STBY” ( ÂÊËÏ „ÓÚÓ‚ÌÓÒÚË). ÑÎfl ÓÍÓ̘‡ÌËfl Á‡ÔËÒË [b] To finish recording [b] ç‡ÊÏËÚ START/STOP. èÓ‚Â ÌËÚ STANDBY Press START/STOP. Turn STANDBY down, and ‚ÌËÁ Ë

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Camera recording á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ To focus the viewfinder lens ÑÎfl ÙÓÍÛÒË Ó‚ÍË Ó·˙ÂÍÚË‚‡ ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂÎfl If the viewfinder is not in focus at all or when ÖÒÎË ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂθ ‚ÓÓ·˘Â Ì ÒÙÓÍÛÒË Ó‚‡Ì, you use the camcorder after someone else has ËÎË, ÂÒÎË Ç˚ ËÒÔÓθÁÛÂÚ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ Û used it, focus the viewfinder lens. Turn the ÔÓÒΠÚÓ„Ó, Í‡Í Â ËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Î ÍÚÓ-ÚÓ viewfinder lens adjustment ring so that the ‰ Û„ÓÈ, ÚÓ ÒÙÓÍÛÒË ÛÈÚ ӷ˙ÂÍÚË‚ indicators in the viewfinder come into sharp ‚ˉÓËÒ͇

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Basic operations éÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÓÔ ‡ˆËË Camera recording á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Note on the AUTO DATE feature è ËϘ‡ÌËÂ Í ÙÛÌ͈ËË AUTO DATE The clock is set at the factory to London time for ó‡Ò˚ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÎÂÌ˚ ̇ Á‡‚Ӊ ̇ ‚ ÂÏfl ãÓ̉Ó̇ ‰Îfl ÏÓ‰ÂÎÂÈ ëÓ‰ËÌÂÌÌÓ„Ó United Kingdom and to Paris time for the other äÓ Ó΂ÒÚ‚‡ Ë Ì‡ ‚ ÂÏfl è‡ Ëʇ ‰Îfl ‰ Û„Ëı European models. You can reset the clock. ‚ ÓÔÂÈÒÍËı ÏÓ‰ÂÎÂÈ. Ç˚ ÏÓÊÂÚ The AUTO DATE feature shows the date Ô ÂÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚ¸ ˜‡Ò˚. îÛÌ͈Ëfl AUTO DATE a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Camera recording á‡ÔËÒ¸ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Notes on digital zoom è ËϘ‡ÌËfl Í ˆËÙ Ó‚ÓÏÛ Ú ‡ÌÒÙÓ͇ÚÓ Û – CCD-TR502E/TR620E only – ÚÓθÍÓ CCD-TR502E/TR620Ö •More than 15x zoom is performed digitally, • í ‡ÌÒÙÓ͇ÚÓ ·ÓÎÂÂ, ˜ÂÏ 15ı, ÒÓÁ‰‡Ì ‚ and the picture quality deteriorates as you go ˆËÙ Ó‚ÓÏ ËÒÔÓÎÌÂÌËË, Ë Í‡˜ÂÒÚ‚Ó toward the “ T ” side. If you do not want to use ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌËfl ÛıÛ‰¯‡ÂÚÒfl ÔÓ Ï  LJ¯Â„Ó the digital zoom, set D ZOOM to OFF in the ‰‚ËÊÂÌËfl ‚ ÒÚÓ ÓÌÛ í. ÖÒÎË Ç˚ Ì ıÓÚËÚ menu system

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Basic operations éÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÓÔ ‡ˆËË Hints for better shooting ëÓ‚ÂÚ˚ ‰Îfl ÎÛ˜¯ÂÈ Ò˙ÂÏÍË •Ñ ÊËÚ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ Û Í ÂÔÍÓ Ë Á‡Í ÂÔËÚ •Hold the camcorder firmly and secure it with ÂÂ Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ÂÏÂÌÌÓ„Ó Á‡ı‚‡Ú‡ Ú‡Í, the grip strap so that you can easily manipulate ˜ÚÓ·˚ Ç˚ ÏÓ„ÎË Î„ÍÓ Ï‡ÌËÔÛÎË Ó‚‡Ú¸ the controls with your thumb [a]. „ÛÎflÚÓ ‡ÏË Ò ÔÓÏÓ˘¸˛ ·Óθ¯Ó„Ó Ô‡Î¸ˆ‡ •Place your right elbow against your side. [a]. •Place your left hand under the camcorder to • ê‡ÒÔÓÎÓÊËÚ LJ¯ Ô ‡‚˚È ÎÓÍÓÚ¸ Ò·ÓÍÛ ÓÚ su

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Checking the è ӂ ͇ Á‡ÔËÒ‡ÌÌÓ„Ó recorded picture ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌËfl Using EDITSEARCH, you can review the last àÒÔÓθÁÛfl EDITSEARCH, Ç˚ ÏÓÊÂÚ recorded scene or check the recorded picture in Ô ÂÒÏÓÚ ÂÚ¸ ÔÓÒÎÂ‰Ì˛˛ Á‡ÔËÒ‡ÌÌÛ˛ ÒˆÂÌÛ the viewfinder. ËÎË Ô Ó‚Â ËÚ¸ Á‡ÔËÒ‡ÌÌÓ ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌË ‚ (1)While pressing the small green button on the ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂÎÂ. POWER switch, set it to CAMERA. (1)ç‡ÊËχfl χÎÂ̸ÍÛ˛ ÁÂÎÂÌÛ˛ ÍÌÓÔÍÛ Ì‡ (2)Turn STANDBY up. ‚˚Íβ˜‡ÚÂΠPOWER, ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ËÚÂ Â„Ó ‚ ÔÓÎÓÊÂÌË CAMERA. (3)Press the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Basic operations éÒÌÓ‚Ì˚ ÓÔ ‡ˆËË Connections for èÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËfl ‰Îfl playback ‚ÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌËfl Connect the camcorder to your VCR or TV to èÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌËÚ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ Û Í Ç‡¯ÂÏÛ äÇå watch the playback picture on the TV screen. ËÎË ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ Û ‰Îfl Ô ÓÒÏÓÚ ‡ When monitoring the playback picture by ‚ÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÏÓ„Ó ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌËfl ̇ connecting the camcorder to your TV, we ÚÂ΂ËÁËÓÌÌÓÏ ˝Í ‡ÌÂ. recommend you to use mains for the power èË ÔÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËË ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Í Ç‡¯ÂÏÛ source. ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ Û Ï˚ ÂÍÓÏẨÛÂÏ Ç‡Ï Ë

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

ÇÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚‰ÂÌË Playing back a tape ÎÂÌÚ˚ You can monitor the playback picture in the Ç˚ ÏÓÊÂÚ ‚˚ÔÓÎÌËÚ¸ ÍÓÌÚ ÓθÌ˚È viewfinder. You can also monitor a picture on a Ô ÓÒÏÓÚ ‚ÓÒÔ ÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÏÓ„Ó ËÁÓ· ‡ÊÂÌËfl ‚ TV screen, after connecting the camcorder to a ‚ˉÓËÒ͇ÚÂÎÂ. Ç˚ Ú‡ÍÊ ÏÓÊÂÚ ҉·ڸ TV or VCR. Ô ÓÒÏÓÚ Ì‡ ˝Í ‡Ì ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ ‡ ÔÓÒΠ(1)While pressing the small green button on the ÔÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌËfl ‚ˉÂÓ͇Ï ˚ Í ÚÂ΂ËÁÓ Û POWER switch, set it to PLAYER. ËÎË äÇå. (2)Insert the recorded tape with the w

Instructions pareilles
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