Instruction d'utilisation Sharp EL-738

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sharp EL-738

Dispositif: Sharp EL-738
Catégorie: Calculatrice
Fabricant: Sharp
Dimension: 1.21 MB
Date d'addition: 3/19/2013
Nombre des pages: 88
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Sharp EL-738 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

NOTICE • SHARP makes no guarantee that this product or this manual is suitable or accurate for any purpose, com- mercial or otherwise. • Rules and practices in fi nancial calculation vary ac- cording to country, locality, or fi nancial institution. It is the consumer’s responsibility to determine whether or not the results produced by this product conform to applicable rules and regulations. • SHARP will not be liable nor responsible for any incidental or consequential economic or property da

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents Introduction ..................................................................3 Operational Notes ...............................................................3 Key Notations in This Manual ..............................................4 Chapter 1: Getting Started ..........................................5 Preparing to Use the Calculator ..........................................5 Resetting the Calculator In Case of Diffi culty ......................5 Calculator and Display Layo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Introduction Thank you for purchasing a SHARP Business/Financial Calcula- tor. After reading this manual, store it in a convenient location for future reference. • Display of examples shown in this manual may not look ex- actly the same as what is seen on the product. For instance, screen examples will show only the symbols necessary for explanation of each particular calculation. • All company and/or product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Oper

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Key Notations in This Manual Key operations are described in this manual as follows: To specify log : .....................  .h To specify 1 : 1 or 1 .......................  To specify xy : i V .....................   To specify CLR-D : . ? ..................... To specify ENT : Q To specify Z : i Z .....................  To specify DATA : J ..............................   Functions that are printed in orange above the key require . to be pressed fi rst before the key

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Chapter 1 Getting Started Preparing to Use the Calculator Before using your calculator for the fi rst time, you must reset (initialize) it. Resetting the calculator Press the RESET switch located on the back of the calculator with the tip of a ball-point pen or similar object. Do not use an object with a breakable or sharp tip. • After resetting the calculator, the initial display of the NOR- MAL mode appears. 000 Resetting the Calculator In Case of Diffi culty Caution: The RESET operation w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Calculator and Display Layout Calculator layout  Display screen  Power  Key ON/OFF and operation Clear key keys  Cursor keys  SET UP key  MODE key  Display screen: The calculator display consists of a 12-char- acter dot matrix character line and a 12-digit 7-segment character line (10-digit mantissa and 2-digit exponent). Power ON/OFF and Clear key: Turns the calculator ON.  This key also clears the display. To turn off the calculator, press , then . . c  Key operation keys: : A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Display layout Symbol Equation/ variable name display Exponent Mantissa • During actual use, not all symbols are displayed at the same time. • Only the symbols required for the operation being explained are shown in the screen examples of this manual. : Appears when the entire equation cannot be displayed. Press g / y to see the remaining (hidden) part. :  /  Indicates that variables or data are present above/be- low the screen. Press / to scroll up/down. z i : 2ndF Appears when is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

DEG / RAD / GRAD : Indicates which angular units are in use. It can be changed in the SET UP menu. : Appears when statistics mode is selected. M : Indicates that a numerical value is stored in the inde- pendent memory (M). : Indicates that the value of the displayed variable has not been calculated yet (for variables that can be cal- culated). The SET UP Menu Press to display the SET UP menu. ~ DSP DRG DEPR DATE  i 02 3 1 • A menu item can be selected by: • Using / to select a number (

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Selecting the fl oating point number system in scien- tifi c notation The calculator has two settings for displaying a fl oating point number: FLO_A (FLOAT A) and FLO_B (FLOAT B). In each display set- ting, a number is automatically displayed in scientifi c notation outside the following preset ranges: • FLO_A : 0.000000001 | X | 9,999,999,999 ~02   • FLO_B ~ 0 3: 0.01  | X |  9,999,999,999 Switching the notation setting Procedure Key operation Display 100000 ÷ 3 = s 100000 8 3 Fixed

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Selecting the date format (see page 44) • US (Month-Day-Year): ~ 3 0 (default setting) • EU (Day-Month-Year): ~31 Operating Modes This calculator has two operating modes, which can be selected using the MODE key. Selecting a mode 1. Press . m NORMAL STAT The menu display appears. 01 2. Press 0 or = to se- lect NORMAL mode. 000 • Press or 1 y= SD LINE QUAD to select STAT mode. 0 1 2 Operations available in each mode NORMAL mode: Allows you to perform fi nancial, arithmetic, or scientifi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Chapter 2 General Information Basic Calculations Entering numbers and arithmetic operations • Use the number keys to , decimal point key , 0 9 . and sign change key , to enter numbers into the calcula- tor. To clear the display or entry, press . s • Use the S key to enter a value in scientifi c notation. • Use the arithmetic keys to perform the +-x8 standard arithmetic calculations of addition, subtraction, multi- plication, and division. Press to perform each calculation. = • Use the ( a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Listed Cash Entry A-H, TVM financial 3 flow * Operation 4 1 7 (display) M, X-Z ANS variables variables data STAT * * * s × × × × × × 2 5 6 . b × * * * m (Mode selection) 8 × × × × × * . k 0 (MEM) . k 1 (RESET) RESET switch : Cleared or restored to the default setting × : Retained 1 * N, I/Y, PV, PMT, and FV (P/Y and C/Y are not included.) 2 * Note that listed fi nancial variables sharing common memory with TVM variables, such as “COUPON (PMT)” used in bond calculations, are also cleared or res

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Memory clear key Press . k to display the MEM RESET menu. 0 1 • To clear all (A-H, M, X-Z, ANS, TVM variables, listed fi nancial variables, cash fl ow data, and STAT), press or 00 0 =. • To RESET the calculator, press 1 0 or 1 =. The RESET operation erases all data stored in memory, and restore the calculator’s default settings. Editing and Correcting an Entry Cursor keys • In a menu, such as the SET UP menu, use or to g y select a number (the selected number will blink), then press =.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Changing “15 ÷ 3 =” into “25 ÷ 13 =” Procedure Key operation Display 15 ÷ 3 = s 15 8 3 = 15©3= 500 Enter the playback y 15©3 function. Switch to overwrite . d 15©3 mode. 2 Change “15” to “25” y y 25©3 and move the cur- sor to “3”. Change to insert . d 25©3 mode. Change “3” to “13” 1 = 25©13= and calculate. 192 Errors An error will occur if an operation exceeds the calculation ranges, or if a mathematically illegal operation is attempted. When an error occurs, pressing g or y automatically

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

1 * N, I/Y, PV, PMT, FV 2 All fi nancial variables, except for TVM variables * 2 2 3 * x, sx, x, n, x, x , y, sy, y, y, y , xy, r, a, b, c Temporary memories (A-H, X-Z) Press g and the variable key to store a value in memory. Press f and the variable key to recall a value from the memory. To place a variable in an equation, press and the variable key. i Independent memory (M) In addition to all the other features of temporary memories, a value can be added to or subtracted from an exis

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

of calculation (for example, both bond calculations and the TVM solver use the variable I/Y), you can retrieve the value simply by switching calculation types and bringing up the variable. Statistical variables Statistical data is not entered into variables. Statistical variables are the results of the calculation of statistical data. Therefore, you cannot enter values directly into statistical variables. After calculation, however, you can use the values held in statistical variables in s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Chapter 3 Financial Functions General Information Financial calculations The following fi nancial functions are available. Use NORMAL mode to perform fi nancial calculations. TVM (Time Value of Money) solver: Analyze equal and regular cash fl ows. These include calculations for mortgages, loans, leases, savings, annuities and contracts or investments with regular payments. Amortization calculations: Calculate and create amortization schedules using values stored in the TVM solver. Discounted c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Variables used in fi nancial calculations Financial calculations use multiple variables. By entering known values into variables, you can obtain unknown values. Variables used in fi nancial calculations are categorized into the following two types, depending on the entry method. TVM variables: Variables that are used in the TVM solver. These include N, I/Y, PV, PMT and FV. You can store, recall or calculate values directly using the corresponding keys. Listed fi nancial variables: Variables th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Basic variable operations TVM variables (N, I/Y, PV, PMT, FV) A. Entering a value Enter a value and then press the corresponding TVM vari- able key. Note: You can also enter values into variables using arithmetic operations. Ex. 100 12 x u B. Displaying a value Press f and the corresponding TVM variable key. C. Executing calculation Press @ and the corresponding TVM variable key. Listed fi nancial variables A. Entering a value 1. Select the desired fi nancial calculation method by press- i

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