Instruction d'utilisation Casio Geometry

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Casio Geometry

Dispositif: Casio Geometry
Catégorie: Calculatrice
Fabricant: Casio
Dimension: 3.76 MB
Date d'addition: 10/5/2014
Nombre des pages: 70
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Casio Geometry Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Add-in application for fx-9860G series/

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User’s Guide

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Contents 1 Geometry Mode Overview 2 Drawing and Editing Objects 3 Controlling the Appearance of the Geometry Window 4 Using Text and Labels in a Screen Image 5 Using the Measurement Box 6 Working with Animations 7 Error Messages 20060601

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

1-1 Geometry Mode Overview 1. Geometry Mode Overview The Geometry Mode allows you to draw and analyze geometric objects. You can draw a triangle and specify values to change the size of its sides so they are 3:4:5, and then check the measurement of each of its angles. You can also lock the coordinates of a point or the length of a line segment, and you can draw a circle and then draw a line that is tangent to a particular point on the circle. The Geometry Mode also includes an animation

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

1-2 Geometry Mode Overview k 1e(View) To do this: Select this men u item: Start a box zoom operation 1:Zoom Bo x Enter the pan mode (page 3-3) 2:P an Enter the scroll mode (page 3-4) 3:Scroll Enlarge the display image 4:Zoom In Reduce the siz e of the display image 5:Zoom Out Adjust the size of the display image so it fi lls the display 6:Zoom to Fit k 2(Edit) To do this: Select this men u item: Undo or redo the last oper ation 1:Undo/Redo Select all objects on the scree

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

1-3 Geometry Mode Overview k 4(Construct) To construct this: Select this men u item: A perpendicular bisector 1:P erp Bisector A perpendicular 2:P erpendicular A midpoint 3:Midpoint An intersection 4:Intersection An angle bisector 5:Angle Bisector A parallel 6:Parallel A tangent 7:T angent k 5(Transform) To do this: Select this men u item: Refl ect an object 1:Refl ection T ranslate an object by specifi ed values 2:T ranslation Translate an object using an existing vect

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1-4 Geometry Mode Overview k K(Option) To do this: Select this men u item: Input text 1:T ext Input an e xpression 2:Expression Specify the number format Geometry Mode measurements 3:Number F ormat Unlock all measurements 4:Clr Constr aint Display all objects 5:Sho w All Hide the currently selected object 6:Hide Using the Pointer Y ou can use the following operations to move the on-screen pointer ( 2) around the display when drawing objects, editing objects, etc. u To mo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

1-5 Geometry Mode Overview Using Key Help Pressing 1(File) – 4:Key Help or the a key will display Key Help, which provides information the function of each key in the Geometry Mode. Use the c and f keys to navigate between the three Key Help screens. To exit the Key Help screens, press J. Note The key operations shown on the Key Help screens apply to the drawing screen only. Managing Geometry Mode Files This section e xplains how to save Geometry Mode data

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

1-6 Geometry Mode Overview u To open an existing fi le 1. Perform the following operation: 1(File) – 2:Open. • This displays a menu of existing fi les. 2. Use c and f to move the highlighting to the fi le you want to open and then press w. • The following dialog box will appear if you have a drawing on the screen. 3. To clear the current drawing, press 1(Yes). • This will open the fi le you selected in step 2. u To delete a fi le 1. Perform the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

1-7 Geometry Mode Overview u To save a fi le under a different name 1. While the fi le you want to save is open, perform the following operation: 1(File) – 3:Save as. • This will display the fi le name input screen and automatically switch the calculator’s keys to Alpha Lock. The cursor changes to 0 when the keyboard is in Alpha Lock. 2. Input up to 8 characters for the fi le name and then press w. • You can use the following characters in a fi le name. - Uppercase al

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

1-8 Geometry Mode Overview Key Functions The fi gure below shows the keys that are used for Geometry Mode drawing screen operations. Displa Displays the ys the measurement bo measurement box. x. (P (Page 5-1) age 5-1) Displa Displays men ys menu us s.. (P (Page 1-1) age 1-1) Mo Mov ves the pointer es the pointer.. Cancels an oper Cancels an operation, ation, Selects Selects, deselects , deselects, , or retur or returns to the ns to the e ex xecutes ecutes.. pre previous men vious menu u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

2-1 Drawing and Editing Objects 2. Drawing and Editing Objects This section explains how to perform the following operations. • Plot points, draw line segments, polygons, etc. ([F3](Draw) menu) • Select and deselect objects ([F2](Edit) menu) • For a drawn object, construct a perpendicular bisector, perpendicular, etc. ([F4](Construct) menu) • For a drawn object, perform various transform operations ([F5](Transform) menu) • Undo an operation, move an object, delete an object

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

2-2 Drawing and Editing Objects u To add a labeled point to an existing line Note Y ou can use the following procedure to add a labeled point to an existing line, to a side of a polygon, to the periphery of a circle, etc. 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 1:Point. 2. Move the pointer on the screen towards the line where you want to add the labeled point. • This selects the line, which is indicated by “ □ ”. // 3. Press w. • This will add a point on the

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2-3 Drawing and Editing Objects u To draw an infi nite line 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 3:Infi nite Line. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location on the display and then press w. • This will draw a line that passes between the two points. u To drew a ray 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 4:Ray. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w.

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2-4 Drawing and Editing Objects u To draw a circle 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 6:Circle. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the center point of the circle to be and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want the circumference of the circle to be and then press w. • This draws a circle whose center point is the point you specifi ed in step 2 and whose circumference runs through the point you spe

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2-5 Drawing and Editing Objects u To draw a triangle 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 8:Triangle. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. 3. Move the pointer to another location. • This causes a selection boundary to appear, indicating the size of the triangle that will be drawn. 4. Press w. • This draws a triangle. • If the location of the pointer when you press w is very close to the point you specifi

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2-6 Drawing and Editing Objects u To draw an isosceles triangle 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – 9:Isosc Triangle. 2. Perform steps 2 through 4 under “To draw a triangle” (page 2-5). • This draws an isosceles triangle. u To draw a rectangle or a square 1. Perform either of the following operations: 3(Draw) – A:Rectangle or 3(Draw) – B:Square. 2. Move the pointer to any location on the display and then press w. • This causes a cross ( 3) to appe

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2-7 Drawing and Editing Objects u To draw a polygon 1. Perform the following operation: 3(Draw) – C:Polygon. 2. Move the pointer to the location on the display where you want a vertex of the polygon to be and then press w. • Repeat this step as many times as required to specify the other vertices of the polygon. 3. To complete the polygon, move the pointer to the location of the fi rst vertex and then press w. Note If y ou press J in place of step

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2-8 Drawing and Editing Objects Selecting and Deselecting Objects Before you can edit (move or delete) an object or create a fi gure using an object, you fi rst need to select part of it or all of it. This section explains how to select and deselect objects. u To select a particular object 1. If any tool icon is in the upper right corner of the screen, press J or o to deselect the tool. 2. Move the pointer close to the object you want to select. • This will cause one or more 

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2-9 Drawing and Editing Objects 2. Move the pointer close to the object you want to select. • This will cause  marks to appear on some part (vertex, side, etc.) of the object. 3. Press x or perform the following operation: 2(Edit) – 4:Select Figure. • This selects the entire object. u To deselect a particular object 1. If any tool icon is in the upper right corner of the screen, press J or o to deselect the tool. 2. Move the pointer clos

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2-10 Drawing and Editing Objects Using the Construct Menu Press 4(Construct) to display the Construct menu. You can use the Construct menu to construct various types of geometric objects, such as a perpendicular bisector, parallel, angle bisector, etc. u To construct a perpendicular bisector 1. Draw a line segment and select it. 2. Perform the following operation: 4(Construct) – 1:Perp Bisector. • This will draw the perpendicular bisector of the line segment you

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