Instruction d'utilisation Bryant 564A

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Bryant 564A

Dispositif: Bryant 564A
Catégorie: Climatiseur
Fabricant: Bryant
Dimension: 0.06 MB
Date d'addition: 11/14/2014
Nombre des pages: 4
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Bryant 564A Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

user’s information manual
Sizes 024-060
Cancels: OM01-55 OM01-63
WARNING:Before performing recommended main-
tenance, be sure main power switch to unit is turned
This manual should be left with the equipment
off. Electrical shock could cause personal injury.
Model 564A Packaged Air Conditioner

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

WELCOME TO EFFICIENT COOLING COMFORT • Yourairconditionerwillremovehumidityfromyourhome during the cooling season. After a few minutes of opera- Congratulations on your excellent choice and sound invest- tion, you should be able to see water trickle from the con- ment in home cooling comfort!Your new air conditioner rep- densatedrainofthecoolingcoil.Checkthisoccasionallyto resents both the latest in engineering development and the be sure the drain system is not clogged. Of course, don’t culmina

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

II. HEATING CYCLE overheat and automatically shut down. In the extreme, the components will fail and need to be replaced. To avoid inef- If you own a packaged air conditioner that includes electric ficient or failed operation of your unit, CHECK THE FIL- heatasanaccessory,youneedonlyprogramyourthermostat TER(S) EVERY 3 TO 4 WEEKS. Replace filter(s) when nec- for heating. essary, or clean the filter(s) if you have the reusable type. With the SYSTEM switch of your indoor thermostat set to Disposable

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

REGULAR DEALER MAINTENANCE FOR THE RECORD Record the model, product, and serial numbers of your new Inadditiontotheroutinemaintenancethatyouperform,your equipment in the spaces provided below. This information, homecomfortsystemshouldbeinspectedregularlybyaprop- along with the other ready-reference facts requested below, erly trained service technician. The inspection (preferably will be necessary should you ever require information or each year, but at least every other year) should include the

Instructions pareilles
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