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WARNING: If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire
or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of
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Page 2 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS AVERTISSMENT. Assurez-vous de bien suivre les instructions données dans cette notice pour réduire au minimum le risque d’incendie ou d’explosion ou pour éviter tout dommoge matériel, toute blessure ou la mort Ne pas entreposer ni utiliser d’essence ou ni d’autres vapeurs ou liquides inflammables à proximité de cet appareil ou de tout autre appareil. QUE FAIRE SI VOUS SENTEZ UNE ODEUR DE GAZ: • Ne pas tenter d’allumer d’appar
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 3 The installation must conform to the requirements of the 2. An optimum site will be level, central to the hot water authority having jurisdiction or, in the absence of such piping system, close to an outside wall and have requirements, to the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI adequate fresh air for combustion. Z223.1-latest revision. In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with the requirements of CSA B149.1 3. Ensure t
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Page 4 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS All Combustion Air From Inside The Building COMBUSTION AIR & VENTILATION Older houses often have enough “leakage” to provide an adequate amount of combustion air provided that the WARNING: This boiler must be supplied with demand for combustion air is not too great, Figure 3. combustion air in accordance with Section 5.3, Homes that are relatively new or “tight” will most likely Air for Combustion & Ventilation, of the lates
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 5 Table 1 - Combustion Air Duct Sizing When calculating the free area necessary to meet the make-up air requirements of the enclosure, Input Btuh Input Btuh Input Btuh FreshAir 1/4” Wire Metal Wooden consideration must be given to the blockage effects of Duct Size Screen Mesh Louvers Louvers louvers, grills and screens. 3” x 12” 144,000 108,000 36,000 8” x 8” 256,000 192,000 64,000 Screens must have a minimum mesh size of 1
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Page 6 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Figure 5 - Vertical Negative Pressure Metal Chimney System and Inside Combustion Air (Cat. I) Intake Air Option - General Guidelines Table 2 - Combustion Air System Sizing This configuration provides combustion air directly to the Boiler Equivalent Intake Equivalent Intake Length (see note) Length (see note) Model boiler using a dedicated pipe. Combustion air can be Number 3” Diameter 4” Diameter drawn in horizontally throug
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 7 All joints in metal intake air systems must be secured Intake Air Optional - Horizontal Guidelines using corrosion resistant fasteners and sealed using a The maximum equivalent length for the horizontal intake suitable Silicone caulk. If PVC or CPVC is used, the air pipe is listed in Table 2. The intake air system must joints must be cleaned with a suitable solvent and be pitched down, toward the terminal, 1/4" per foot conn
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Page 8 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Figure 7 - Horizontal Positive Pressure Venting with Outdoor Combustion Air Figure 8 - Horizontal Positive Pressure Venting with Outdoor Combustion Air Smith
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 9 Figure 9 - Vertical Negative Pressure Masonry Chimney System using Outside Combustion Air (Cat. I) Figure 10 - Vertical Positive Pressure Venting using Outside Combustion Air (Cat. III)
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Page 10 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Certified vent systems are manufactured by the following GENERAL VENTING GUIDELINES companies: WARNING: The vent installation must be in Heat-fab, Inc. accordance with Part 7, Venting of Equipment, 130 Industrial Blvd., Turners Falls, MA 01376 of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/ (800) 772-0739. NFPA 54-latest revision or applicable provisions Z-Flex U.S., Inc. of the local building codes. Canadian 20 Commerce Park N
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 11 Horizontal vent systems shall terminate at least 4 feet HORIZONTAL VENT (1.3 m) below, 4 feet (1.3 m) horizontally from or 1 foot POSITIVE PRESSURE SYSTEMS (0.23 m) above any door, window or gravity air inlet into See Figure 3. The vent materials used in horizontal any building. It must not terminate less than 4 feet (1.3 positive pressure vent systems must be certified to UL m) horizontally from, and in no case above or be
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Page 12 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS VERTICAL VENT WARNING: If an appliance using any type of a mechanical draft system operating under POSITIVE PRESSURE SYSTEMS positive pressure is connected to a chimney See Figure 11. The vent materials used in vertical flue, never connect any other appliances to this positive pressure vent systems must be certified to UL flue. Doing so can result in excessive levels of 1738 for installations in the United States, ULS636 fo
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 13 The vent connector should be sloped up toward the Always provide a minimum clearance of 6 inches chimney 1/4" per foot. Ensure that the vent connector between single wall metal vent pipe and any is properly supported and each connection securely combustible materials. Type B1 vent may be used, fastened with at least 3 corrosion resistant sheet metal clearance between it and any combustible material must screws. The terminat
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Page 14 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Dans la mesure du possible, fermer toutes les COMMON VENT SYSTEMS portes et les fenêtres du bâtiment et toutes les portes entre l'espace où les appareils toujours WARNING: DO NOT connect this boiler or any raccordés du système d'évacuation sont installés et other appliance using a positive pressure les autres espaces du bâtiment. Mettre en marche common vent system or a mechanical draft les sécheuses, tous les appareils no
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 15 Tout mauvais fonctionnement du systéme d'évacu- WARNING: Failure to connect a condensate trap tion commun devrait étré corrigé de façor que or pump to the flue collector can result in l'installation soit conforme au National Fue Gas Code, excessive levels of carbon monoxide which can ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 et (ou) aux codes d'in- cause severe personal injury or death! stallation CSA-B149. Si la grosseur d'une section du systè
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Page 16 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Ensure that the boiler is level from front to back and Pump Away Bypass from side to side. Use metal shims to level the boiler. The system bypass shown in Figure 15 should be used NEVER use combustible materials for shims. on single zone systems, or multiple zone systems using zone valves, when the circulator is installed in the supply Bypass Piping piping. The bypass must be installed between the supply and return pipes o
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 17 Piping For Use With Cooling Units Figure 17 - TACO 007 Performance Curve The boiler, when used in connection with a refrigera-tion 10 system must be installed so the chilled medium is piped in parallel with the boiler. Appropriate valves must be used to prevent the chilled water from entering the 8 boiler. When a boiler is connected to a heating coil that may be exposed to refrigerated air from an air handling device, the 6
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Page 18 GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS GAS SUPPLY PIPING The GS110 hot water boiler comes from the factory ready to be piped to the gas supply. The gas supply can be piped from the left or right side of the boiler. GS110 Section Connection Size Tapping Pipe length in feet Nominal 3 1/2" Iron Pipe 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 4 1/2" Size, (in) 3 Gas pipe Capacity (ft /hr) 5 1/2" 3 /4″ 278 190 152 130 115 105 90 79 64 3/4" 6 1″ 520 350 285 245 215 195 170 15
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GS110 DIRECT VENT BOILER INSTALLATION AND OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Page 19 installed in Canada. Install a separate 120 volt 15 amp Once the flame has been proven, the system is in circuit for the boiler. A properly rated shut-off switch Steady-State heating mode. The control will continuously should be located at the boiler. The boiler must be monitor the thermostat, limit switch, pressure switch, and grounded in accordance with the authority having flame sense. If the thermostat opens, the contr
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