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INTRODUCTION: Overview RAVE™ Digital Audio Router products provide a means of and 188s-24 can both receive and transmit data over the net- transporting CobraNet™ audio signals over a Fast Ethernet work and can support higher capacity configurations when network. Using standard network hardware and physical me- setup through the Management Interface using SNMP. dia, a RAVE system has a maximum capacity of 64 audio chan- Each RAVE unit has a female RJ-45 Ethernet connector on its nels on a 100BASE
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INTRODUCTION: Illustration of RAVE units Front view of a RAVE 161s-24; other models are similar Bundle assignment Power LED Network status LEDs Audio signal level LEDs selector switches (behind cover) Rear view, from top: RAVE 160s-24, RAVE 188s-24, RAVE 161s-24, RAVE 80s, RAVE 88s and RAVE 81s Sync connections RS-232 port Audio I/O section IEC connector (AC power) Ethernet connection and fuse holder 5
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INTRODUCTION: Glossary AES3— A digital audio format specification approved by Latency—The time interval from when an event occurs and the Audio Engineering Society and European Broad- when it is perceived. In digital audio routing, this is cast Union for inter-device conveyance of a dual- typically the time required to convert an analog in- channel (stereo) digital audio signal. Also called put to a digital signal, transmit that signal over the AES/EBU. This specification is periodically revi
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Introduction: Glossary (continued) Repeater—Network repeaters are commonly referred to as Switch—A network switch examines incoming data and sends Ethernet multi-port hubs. A data signal arriving in it to the port or ports to which the data is addressed. any port is reproduced out all other ports on the Networks that use switches realize higher overall hub. A repeater hub does not buffer or interpret the bandwidth capacity because data may be received data passing through it. An Ethernet network
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Introduction: How It Works nection and/or an abundance of bandwidth dedicated to a Ethernet networks are used most often for data communica- single device on each switch port. On network switches, RAVE tions, such as with file or print sharing on an office LAN (Lo- establishes a half-duplex link to a dedicated port. The 100 cal Area Network). A typical application might include a num- Mbps of bandwidth available at a switched port is more than ber of PCs or workstations, servers and shared print
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Introduction: How It Works (continued) The received bundle is then separated into individual audio chan- In default mode, the signals from the first 8 audio channel in- nels and forwarded to the first 8 audio outputs at the rear-panel puts will be grouped together in a bundle whose “network iden- in either analog or digital format, depending upon which model tifier” number is specified from the front-panel hexadecimal Rave is used. switches or through the management interface. The bundle will th
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Introduction: Channel Routing Channel Routing signments may be the same. Whether the bundle assignments A RAVE network handles routing in bundles of up to eight audio on a receiver (or multiple receivers) can be duplicated is depen- channels. Each bundle of audio transmitted on the network oc- dent on whether the particular transmitters are setup for unicast cupies a unique identifier, or number. In stand-alone mode, each or multicast transmission. On network repeaters, all bundles RAVE device h
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Installation: Pre-Installation Level Setting (RAVE 160/161/188 only) PRE-INSTALLATION PREPARATION: ANALOG AUDIO SIGNAL LEVELS (RAVE 160/161/188 ONLY) The RAVE models supporting analog audio inputs and/or outputs may require signal level setup to achieve optimum performance. Level setup must be configured before rack-mounting the units. The digital AES3 (digital audio) models do not require any adjustment. Level adjustments are made by configuring internal jumpers on the main circuit board. For
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Installation: Pre-Installation Level Setting (RAVE 160/161/188 only) Input Level Sensitivity (RAVE 161s-24 and 188s-24 only) Input level sensitivity is the RMS analog signal level at which a sinusoidal waveform will produce a digital full scale signal in the device. The available settings are +24dBu, +18dBu, and +12 dBu (reference: 0 dBu = 0.775 volt), which are 12.3, 6.1, and 3.1 volts rms, respectively. These correspond to 17.4, 8.7, and 4.4 volts peak. Check the specifications of the audio eq
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Installation: Rack Mounting RACK MOUNTING (ALL MODELS) A RAVE unit is 1 RU (1 rack space) high and mounts in any standard 19-inch wide equipment rack. The top cover of the chassis must be in place and properly secured with screws before you can mount the RAVE unit. Rack mounting is optional. Use four mounting screws to fasten the front ears of the RAVE unit to the mounting rails of the rack. The chassis of a RAVE unit also has mounting ears on its rear corners. If used for mobile, portable
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Connections: Analog Audio Inputs/Outputs (RAVE 160/161/188) ANALOG AUDIO CONNECTIONS The analog RAVE models (RAVE 160 /161 and 188) use normal analog balanced audio inputs and outputs, with three terminals per channel: Hi (+), Lo (-) and Shield.. Analog audio inputs and outputs connect using detachable terminal strip headers on the rear panel of the RAVE unit. These detachable headers allow for pre-wiring of racks and quick connect- ing and disconnecting for installation, removal, reconfiguratio
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Connections: Digital Audio Inputs/Outputs (RAVE 80/81/88) DIGITAL AUDIO CONNECTIONS The digital RAVE models (RAVE 80/81/88) use the AES3 (also known as AES/EBU) digital audio standard. Each AES3 XLR jack carries 2 channels of digital audio, each carrying between 16- and 24 bits per sample. All digital audio I/O on a RAVE unit are terminated in accordance with the AES3 specification. AES3-1992 warns against the use of more than 1 receiver across the cable. If you need to supply the same AES3 sign
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Connections: AC Power and Fuses, Master/Sync Output and Slave/Sync Input The detachable AC power cord connects to the RAVE at the rear-panel IEC connector. AC POWER: There is no power switch; the AC disconnect device is the detachable power cord. A RAVE operates on line voltages from 100 to 240 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz. No user setting is required. FUSES: The fuse holder is an integral part of the IEC connector and contains two fuses. To replace a fuse, first detach the AC power cord from the
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Connections: Sync Connection for Redundant Operation, RS-232 Port REDUNDANT CONFIGURATION Rear panel coax cable and Ethernet connections (hardware setup) To slave one RAVE unit to another, connect a male-to-male BNC jumper cable from the sync output of the master unit to the slave input of the redundant unit. Select the same bundle assignment(s) on the slave unit as are selected on the mas- ter unit. Bundle assignments and additional parameters available for redundant operation may be configured
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Connections: Synchronizing the CobraNet Network to an AES/EBU Stream SYNCHRONIZING TO AES/EBU The RAVE “s” series AES/EBU input models provide some additional means for synchronizing the CobraNet network and deriving on-board clocks. In addition to the on-board PLL and external synch inputs available on all models, the AES/EBU input models allow the user to synchronize the network to a 48 kHz AES/EBU input stream. The 48 kHz stream can be used in a similar manner to the external synchronization
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Connections: Synchronizing the CobraNet Network to an AES/EBU Stream SYNCHRONIZING TO AES/EBU Method 2: Use the recovered AES 48 kHz clock as an “external clock” source. When the jumper at header J37 is set to “AES”, the CobraNet interface uses the recovered 48 kHz clock at the first XLR connector (inputs 1 and 2) as the external synchronization clock. This method is similar to the “external synch” or “buddy link” mode of clock distribution in which an external clock is applied to the “synch inp
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Operation: Network Activity (Status) Indicators STATUS INDICATORS Network activity LEDs The eight status indicator LEDs display the operating condition of the RAVE unit and its connection to the Ethernet network. They are color coded such that green LEDs, when illuminated, signify a good or normal condition, while red LEDs signify a problem. The “Conductor” LED is yellow and simply indicates whether the unit is providing system synchronization and ac- cessibility functions. Link This LED illumin
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“S” series Digital Audio Router