Instruction d'utilisation Foundry Networks AR3201

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Foundry Networks AR3201

Dispositif: Foundry Networks AR3201
Catégorie: Routeur réseau
Fabricant: Foundry Networks
Dimension: 2.02 MB
Date d'addition: 3/19/2014
Nombre des pages: 293
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Foundry Networks AR3201 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide
For AR1202, AR1204, AR1208, AR1216, AR3201-CH/CL, and AR3202-CH/CL Routers
2100 Gold Street
P.O. Box 649100
San Jose, CA 95164-9100
Tel 408.586.1700
Fax 408.586.1900
June 2004
June 2004 © 2004 Foundry Networks, Inc.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Copyright © 2004 Foundry Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or storage in an information retrieval system – without prior written permission of the copyright owner. The trademarks, logos and service marks (“Marks”) displayed herein are the property of Foundry or other third parties. You are not permitted to use these Marks without the prior writte

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED...................................................................................... 1-1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................1-1 AUDIENCE ..................................................................................................................................................1-1 NOMENCLATURE ...............................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide CONFIGURE POLICY .....................................................................................................................................3-1 CONFIGURE POLICY AS_PATH ......................................................................................................................3-2 CONFIGURE POLICY COMMUNITY_LIST ..........................................................................................................3-3 CONFIGURE POLICY COMM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents CHAPTER 7 BGP4 CONFIGURE COMMANDS................................................................... 7-1 CONFIGURE ROUTER BGP ............................................................................................................................7-1 CONFIGURE ROUTER BGP AGGREGATE_ADDRESS .........................................................................................7-2 CONFIGURE ROUTER BGP ALWAYS_COMPARE_MED .................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide SHOW IP BGP REGEXP ...............................................................................................................................8-10 SHOW IP BGP SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................8-11 SHOW IP BGP TABLE ..................................................................................................................................8-12 SHOW POLICY

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Contents CONFIGURE ROUTER OSPF REDISTRIBUTE CONNECTED ...............................................................................9-37 CONFIGURE ROUTER OSPF REDISTRIBUTE RIP ............................................................................................9-38 CONFIGURE ROUTER OSPF REDISTRIBUTE STATIC .......................................................................................9-39 CONFIGURE ROUTER OSPF REF_BW ...............................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide CONFIGURE ROUTER RIP INTERFACE NEIGHBOR ........................................................................................11-10 CONFIGURE ROUTER RIP INTERFACE PASSIVE ...........................................................................................11-11 CONFIGURE ROUTER RIP INTERFACE SPLIT_HORIZON ................................................................................11-12 CONFIGURE ROUTER RIP MODE .....................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Contents GENERIC ROUTING ENCAPSULATION (GRE) ..............................................................................................14-7 CHAPTER 15 SECURITY FEATURES ................................................................................ 15-1 INTRODUCTION TO SECURITY ....................................................................................................................15-1 ENABLING SECURITY FEATURES ....................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Chapter 1 Getting Started Introduction This guide describes how to configure the AccessIron routers in typical scenarios using information presented in the configurations and user guides. Audience This manual is designed for system administrators with a working knowledge of Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching and routing. If you are using a Foundry Layer 3 Switch, you should be familiar with the following protocols if applicable to your network – IP, RIP, OSPF, BGP4, PIM, and VRRP. Nomenclature Th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide Related Publications The following Foundry Networks documents supplement the information in this guide.  Release Notes Printed release notes provide the latest information. If release notes are provided with your product, follow the instructions contained within them instead of those provided in other documentation.  Foundry AR-Series AR1202 and AR1204 Installation Guide This guide is designed to assist users with the initial installation and deployment

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Getting Started Table 1.1: Feature Supported in AccessIron Devices (Continued) Category Feature AR1202 AR3201-T-CL AR3201-T-CH AR1204 AR3202-T-CL AR3202-T-CH AR1208 AR1216 PPP, PAP, Multilink PPP, Frame Relay, Multilink Frame Relay, (FRF.15, FRF.16.1) BCP, HDLC Layer 2 Features 802.1Q VLAN tagging and forwarding over WLAN Virtual LAN Domain (VLD) VLAN Double Tagging Transparent Bridging Jumbo Frames (4072 bytes) IP Multiplexing NAT mode Transparent Layer 3 packet forwarding Layer 3 Features Rou

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide Table 1.1: Feature Supported in AccessIron Devices (Continued) Category Feature AR1202 AR3201-T-CL AR3201-T-CH AR1204 AR3202-T-CL AR3202-T-CH AR1208 AR1216 ACLs DHCP TFTP PAP RADIUS TACACS+ SSH v2 GRE Tunneling IPSec VPN with integrated IKE VPN -- optional Site-to-site VPN on the Site-to-remote VPN AR1202 MD5 & SHA-1 authentication and Hardware accelerated encryption AR1204 3DES (168 bit), DES (56 bit), AES (256 bit) encryption QoS/Traffic RED Management

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Getting Started Table 1.1: Feature Supported in AccessIron Devices (Continued) Category Feature AR1202 AR3201-T-CL AR3201-T-CH AR1204 AR3202-T-CL AR3202-T-CH AR1208 AR1216 Timed Access List How to Get Help Foundry Networks technical support will ensure that the fast and easy access that you have come to expect from your Foundry Networks products will be maintained. Web Access Email Access Technical requests can also be sent to the following email address:  supp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide 1 - 6 © 2004 Foundry Networks, Inc. June 2004

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Chapter 2 Command Line Interface This chapter introduces the Command Line Interface (CLI) hierarchy and the conventions used to describe it. It also introduces the CLI navigation keys and methods, as well as the available help screens. Command Types This guide contains two types of commands: transition, or mode change, commands and standard commands. Transition commands do not affect the system configuration, they are used to gain access to lower- or next-level commands in the CLI hierarchy.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide NOTE: Command strings that require identification of a specific interface are context-sensitive. Command Conventions Each command is briefly described and then followed by the complete syntax, which is essentially a map of the command that shows mandatory and optional parameters. The following tables provide details of the conventions used for syntaxes and examples. Table 2.2: Syntax Conventions For Syntaxes What it means normal type Within syntaxes, “normal

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Command Line Interface Table 2.2: Syntax Conventions (Continued) [ a | b | c ] Normal brackets “[ ]” indicate optional keywords or arguments. A vertical bar “ | “ separates individual settings. Example: In this example, the user enters the word “timeout;” must specify either for “tcp” or “udp” for a protocol type; and optionally enters a timeout value “n.” Syntax: timeout protocol_type < tcp | udp > [ seconds < n > ] Command execution: timeout udp 3600 < # Angled brackets. All parameter set

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Foundry AR-Series Router User Guide CLI Navigation The Tab, Esc, and Ctrl keyboard keys may be used to:  Move backwards or forwards in the CLI  Edit entered command strings  Or accelerate the command entry process Navigation Keys You may use the Tab key to quickly enter each word of a command without typing its full name. For example, to enter the configure command, you may type its first two letters and then press Tab to complete the entire word. Then, you may specify an item to configure

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Command Line Interface Figure 2.2 Help Screen # help ? -- display commands under this tree exit [level] -- exit (level nos ) from the current tree -- 'exit' from "top level" terminates CLI Ctrl-Z -- exit to top level tree -- display tree under current node type 'help edit' to see editing features type 'help

Instructions pareilles
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1 Foundry Networks AR1202 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 1
2 Foundry Networks AR3202-CL Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 0
3 Foundry Networks AR3201-CL Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 0
4 Foundry Networks AR1208 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 0
5 Foundry Networks AR1204 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 1
6 Foundry Networks AR1216 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 0
7 Foundry Networks IRONPOINT 250 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 2
8 Foundry Networks AR3202 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 6
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10 Sony DVS-V3232B/V3232M Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 3
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13 Sony BVS-A3232 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 6
14 Sony BKS-R1601 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 3
15 Sony CI-100 Manuel d'utilisation Routeur réseau 0