Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer Blu AVH-P5100DVD

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer Blu AVH-P5100DVD

Dispositif: Pioneer Blu AVH-P5100DVD
Catégorie: Kit mains libres Bluetooth
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.9 MB
Date d'addition: 5/18/2014
Nombre des pages: 104
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Pioneer Blu AVH-P5100DVD Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operation Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEERproduct. Pleasereadthroughthismanualbeforeusingtheproductforthefirsttime,toen- sureproperuse. Afterreading, please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future reference. Resettingthemicroprocessor 15 Besuretoreadthis Featuredemomode 15 ! Playablediscs 9 Operatingthisunit ! DVD videodiscregionnumbers 9 What’swhat 16 ! Whenanoperationis prohibited 14 – Headunit 16 – Optionalremotecontrol 16 BasicOperations 17 Precautions – PowerON/OFF 17 IMPOR

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents – Frame-by-frameplayback 27 – Selectingfilesfromthefilename – Slowmotionplayback 27 list 34 – Returntothespecifiedscene 27 AudioAdjustments 35 – AutomaticplaybackofDVDs 27 – Introductionofaudioadjustments 35 – Textinformation 27 – Usingbalanceadjustment 35 – Selectingtracksfromthetracklist 28 – Usingtheequalizer 35 – Selectingfilesfromthefilename – Adjustingloudness 36 list 28 – Usingsubwooferoutput 36 – Introductiontoadvanced – Boostingthebass 37 operations 28 – Usingthehighpassfilter

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Contents – Introductionofsystem – UsingtheMyMixfunction 57 adjustments 45 – UsingtheGameAlertfunction 58 – Changingthewidescreenmode 45 – DisplayingtheRadioID 59 – Changingthepictureadjustment 45 – SwitchingtheSIRIUSdisplay 59 – Selectingthebackgrounddisplay 46 – UsingInstantReplayfunction 59 – SettingtheAVinput 46 BluetoothAudio 60 – Settingtheclock 47 – BasicOperations 60 – Settingforrear viewcamera(backup – Pausingplayback 61 camera) 47 – Introductiontoadvanced – AdjustingtheLCDpanelslide ope

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents – DisplayingBD(BluetoothDevice) – AutoTAandEQ(auto-timealignment address 69 andauto-equalizing) 82 Multi-CDPlayer 69 AdditionalInformation – BasicOperations 69 Troubleshooting 85 – Selectingadisc 70 Errormessages 87 – PausingCDplayback 70 UnderstandingautoTAandEQerror – Introductiontoadvanced messages 89 operations 70 Handlingguidelineofdiscsandplayer 90 – UsingCDTEXTfunctions 70 DVDdiscs 90 DVDPlayer 71 DVD-R/DVD-RWdiscs 90 – BasicOperations 71 AVCHDrecordeddiscs 90 – Selectingadisc 71

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Section 01 Precautions IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadalloftheseinstructionsregarding ! Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyour yourdisplayandretainthemfor futurerefer- displaybyyourself.Installationorservi- ence. cingofthedisplaybypersonswithout 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- trainingandexperienceinelectronic foreoperatingyourdisplay. equipmentandautomotiveaccessories 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor maybedangerousandcouldexposeyou operatingproceduresandsafetyinforma- totheriskofele

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Precautions Section Precautions 01 TowatchaDVD,VideoCDorTVonthefront OTHERUSEMAYRESULTININJURY display,parkyour vehicleinasafeplaceand ORDAMAGE. applytheparkingbrake. CAUTION ! Therear viewcamerafunctionistobeused Parkingbrakeinterlock asanaidtokeepaneyeontrailers,or while Certainfunctions(DVD/TVviewingandcertain backingup.Donotuseforentertainmentpur- touchpanelkeys)offeredbythisunitcouldbe poses. dangerousand/orunlawfulifusedwhiledriv- ! Pleasenotethattheedgesoftherear view ing.Topreventsuchfun

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 02 BeforeYouStart InformationtoUser Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe user’srighttooperatetheequipment. ForCanadianmodel ThisClassBdigitalapparatuscomplieswith CanadianICES-003. Aboutthisunit Thetuner frequenciesonthisunitareallo- catedforuseinNorthAmerica.Useinother areasmayresultinpoorreception. WARNING Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct mayexposeyoutochemicalslistedonproposi- tion65knowntot

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 DVDvideo CAUTION: USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR PERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES OTHERTHANTHOSESPECIFIEDHEREIN MAYRESULTINHAZARDOUSRADIATION EXPOSURE. CAUTION: THEUSEOFOPTICALINSTRUMENTS WITHTHISPRODUCTWILLINCREASE VideoCD EYEHAZARD. CAUTION ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. Also,damagetothisunit,smoke,andover- heatingcouldresultfromcontactwithliquids. CD ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- eratingproceduresandprecautio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section 02 BeforeYouStart Theillustrationbelowshowstheregionsand U.S.A. correspondingregionnumbers. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION P.O.Box1760 LongBeach,CA90801-1760 800-421-1404 CANADA PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT 300AllstateParkway Markham,OntarioL3R0P2 1-877-283-5901 Aboutthismanual 905-479-4411 Thisunitfeaturesanumberofsophisticated For warrantyinformationpleaseseetheLim- functionsensuringsuperiorreceptionandop- itedWarrantysheetincluded

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 ! ManufacturedunderlicenseunderU.S.Pa- Features tent#:5,451,942&otherU.S.andworld- Touchpanelkeyoperation widepatentsissued&pending.DTSand Itispossibletooperatethisunitbyusing DTSDigitalOutareregisteredtrademarks touchpanelkey. andtheDTSlogosandSymbolaretrade- marksofDTS,Inc.©1996-2007DTS,Inc. DVD-R/RWcompatibility AllRightsReserved. ItispossibletoplaybackDVD-R/RWdiscsre- cordedwiththevideoformat.(Referto DVD-R/ DVD-RW discsonpage90.) VideoCDsfeaturingPBC

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Section 02 BeforeYouStart iPodcompatibility AboutWMA Thisunitcancontrolandlistentosongsonan iPod. ! ThisunitsupportsonlythefollowingiPods. SupportediPodsoftwareversionsare shownbelow.Older versionsofiPodsoft- waremaynotbesupported. — iPodthirdgeneration(softwareversion 2.3.0) TheWindowsMedia™logoprintedonthebox — iPodfourthgeneration(softwareversion indicatesthatthisunitcanplaybackWMA 3.1.1) data. — iPodphoto(softwareversion1.2.1) ! WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoare — iPodfifthgeneration(software

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 packageover100channelsofdigital-quality AboutDivX music,news,sports,talkandchildren’s programming. ! “SATRadio”,theSATRadiologoandallre- latedmarksaretrademarksofSiriusSatel- liteRadioinc.,andXMSatelliteRadio Inc. DivXisacompresseddigitalvideoformatcre- ToprotecttheLCDscreen ® atedbytheDivX videocodecfromDivX,Inc. ! Donotallowdirectsunlighttofallonthe ThisunitcanplayDivXvideofilesrecordedon displaywhenthisunitisnotbeingused. CD-R/RW/ROMandDVD-R/RW/ROMdisc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 02 BeforeYouStart Changingthepictureadjustment Protectingyourunitfrom Youcanmakethebestadjustmenttothepic- theft turedisplaybytheBRIGHTNESS,CONTRAST, Thefrontpanelcanbedetachedtodetertheft. COLORandHUE.Youcanalsodimorbright- ! Ifthefrontpanelisnotdetachedfromthe entheoverallpicturetheDIMMER. headunitwithinfoursecondsofturningoff Fordetailsconcerningoperation,referto theignition,awarningtonewillsound. Changing the pictureadjustmentonpage ! Youcanturnoff thewarningtone.Referto 45. Switchin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 Resettingthemicroprocessor Important PressingRESETletsyouresetthemicropro- Theredlead(ACC)ofthisunitshouldbecon- cessortoitsinitialsettingswithoutchanging nectedtoaterminalcoupledwithignitionswitch thebookmarkinformation. on/offoperations.Ifthisisnotdone,thevehicle Themicroprocessormustberesetunderthe batterymaybedrained. followingconditions: ! Priortousingthisunitforthefirsttime afterinstallation ! Iftheunitfailstooperateproperly ! Whenstrangeorincorrect

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Section 03 Operatingthisunit 7 c/d(TRACK)buttons What’swhat Presstodomanualseektuning,fastfor- Headunit ward,reverseandtracksearchcontrols. 1 VOLUME/MUTEbutton 8 RESETbutton Rotateittoincreaseordecreasethevo- Presstoreturntothefactorysettings(initial lume. settings). Presstocutthesound. 9 DETACHbutton 2 Discloadingslot Presstoremovethefrontpanelfromthe Insertadisctoplay. headunit. 3 EJECT(h)button Presstoejectadiscfromthisunit. Optionalremotecontrol The remote control CD-R55 is sold separately.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 03 ! RADIO –Radio BasicOperations ! iPod –iPod PowerON/OFF ! USB –USBportableaudioplayer/USB memory ! TEL –Bluetoothtelephone ! BT-Audio –Bluetoothaudioplayer ! S-DVD –DVDplayer/multi-DVDplayer ! MCD –Multi-CDplayer ! AUX1 –AUX1 ! AUX2 –AUX2 ! AV –AVinput ! TV –Television ! EXT1 –Externalunit1 1 Sourceicon ! EXT2 –Externalunit2 ! XM –XMtuner Turningtheuniton ! SIRIUS –SIRIUStuner % Whenusingthetouchpanelkeys, ! REARVIEW –Rear viewcamera touchthesourcei

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Section 03 Operatingthisunit ! Imagefromrear viewcameracanbedis- 1 Touchthescreentoactivatethetouch playedautomaticallywhentheappropriate panelkeyscorrespondingtoeachsource. settingisconducted.Fordetails,referto Set- Thetouchpanelkeysappearonthedisplay. ting forrear viewcamera(backupcamera)on # Togotothenextgroupoftouchpanelkeys, page47. touchNEXT. ! ExternalunitreferstoaPioneerproduct(such # Toreturntothepreviousgroupoftouchpanel asonesavailableinthefuture)that,although keys,touchPREV. incompat

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 03 2 Touchthedesiredkeytodisplaythe % PressOPEN/CLOSEtoopentheLCD functionnamesyouwanttooperate. panel. # Togotothenextgroupoffunctionnames, # ToclosetheLCDpanel,pressOPEN/CLOSE touchNEXT. again. # Toreturntothepreviousgroupoffunction names,touchPREV. AdjustingtheLCDpanelangle 3 TouchESCtoreturntothedisplayof Important eachsource. ! IfyoucanheartheLCDpanelknocking againstyour vehicle’sconsoleordashboard, touchTILT( )tomovetheLCDpanelalittle Openingandc

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Section 03 Operatingthisunit % PressandholdOPEN/CLOSEtoturnthe Radio LCDpanelhorizontal. BasicOperations # Toreturntooriginalposition,pressandhold OPEN/CLOSEagain. # TheLCDpanelreturnstotheoriginalposition automaticallywithbeepingsound10seconds afteroperation. 1 Sourceicon 2 Bandindicator 3 Presetnumberindicator 4 Frequencyindicator 5 LOCALindicator Appearswhenlocalseektuningison. 65(stereo)indicator Appearswhentheselectedfrequencyisbeing broadcastinstereo. 1 Touchthesourceiconandthentouch RADIO

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