Instruction d'utilisation ADC HRM-238 L1

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif ADC HRM-238 L1

Dispositif: ADC HRM-238 L1
Catégorie: Carte réseau
Fabricant: ADC
Dimension: 0.39 MB
Date d'addition: 4/21/2013
Nombre des pages: 26
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ADC HRM-238 L1 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

HRM-238 List 1 HiGain Retrofit Management Shelf
User Manual
Product Catalog: HRM-238 L1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

LTPH-UM-1237-04 Revision History To order copies of this manual, use document catalog number LTPH-UM-1237-04. (Copies of this publication can be downloaded from the ADC website at To order a hard copy, please contact your sales representative.) Issue Release Date Revisions Made 1 May 9, 2003 Initial release 2 March 31, 2004 Updated Certificate and Warranty and Product Support Sections. 3 April 28, 2004 Misc technical updates 4 July 21, 2004 Misc technical updates/additions. Copy

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

LTPH-UM-1237-04 Using This Manual USING THIS MANUAL The following conventions are used in this manual where applicable: • Monospace type indicates screen text.  Keys you press are indicated by small icons such as Y or ENTER . Key combinations to be pressed simultaneously are indicated with a plus sign as follows: CTRL + ESC .  Items you select are in bold. The following types of messages, identified by icons, may appear in text. Notes provide information about special circumstances. General c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Inspecting Shipment LTPH-UM-1237-04 iv July 21, 2004 HRM-238 List 1

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview ____________________________________________________________________________ 1 Features ..............................................................................................................................................1 Operational Capabilities.....................................................................................................................2 Application ....................................................

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List of Figures LTPH-UM-1237-04 LIST OF FIGURES 1. HRM-238 List 1 (front view) ........................................................................................................................ 1 2. Recommended Network Setup for 220 Type Shelves................................................................................... 2 3. Recommended Network Setup for 3190 Type Shelves................................................................................. 3 4. Recommended Network Setup

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 List of Tables LIST OF TABLES 1. HRM-238 Connectors ......................................................................................................................................4 2. Terminal Block (TB1) ......................................................................................................................................6 3. P1 and P6 NMA Connectors ............................................................................................................

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List of Tables LTPH-UM-1237-04 viii July 21, 2004 HRM-238 List 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

LTPH-UM-1237-04 Overview OVERVIEW ® The HiGain HRM-238 List 1 is a two-slot HiGain Retrofit Management (HRM) shelf. This shelf fits into either a 19- or 23-inch Central Office (CO) equipment rack. It accommodates up to two HiGain management units (HMU-319s). It is used in conjunction with 220-type, unmanaged 3190 type, and DDM+ type mechanic shelves to manage HiGain line units. The HRM-238 shelf, with two management units installed, provides network management capabilities for a maximum of 5

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Overview LTPH-UM-1237-04 OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES Application With two HMU-319 management units installed, the HRM-238 shelf provides network management for up to 56 HiGain line units. Recommended Network Setup for 220 Type Shelves The configuration shown in Figure 2 is the recommended setup for 220 type mechanics shelves. Position the HRM-238 shelf between the 220 type shelves, with up to two 220-type shelves above and two below. This limits the distance for the wire leads between the con

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 Overview Recommended Network Setup for 3190 Type Shelves The configuration shown in Figure 3 is the recommended setup for 3190 type mechanics shelves. Position the HRM-238 shelf below the 3190 type shelves. This limits the distance for the wire leads between the connectors for the management units and the line units they manage. Figure 3 shows the HRM-238 shelf from the rear view with the A-side connectors on the right and the B-side connectors on the left. The leads from the

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Overview LTPH-UM-1237-04 Management Cabling Figure 5 shows the location for each connector on the HRM-238 shelf backplane. Table 1 lists the shelf connector types and management functions available to the HMU-319 management units through those connectors. B-side connectors A-side connectors 50-pin Amphenol AUX port DB-25 OS port DB-25 AUX port DB-25 OS port DB-25 50-pin Amphenol connector (P6) connector (P5) connector (P4) connector (P3) connector (P2) connector (P1) H0545-A Alarm relay pins

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

LTPH-UM-1237-04 Installation INSTALLATION INSPECTING YOUR SHIPMENT Upon receipt of the equipment:  Unpack each container and inspect the contents for signs of damage. If the equipment has been damaged in transit, immediately report the extent of damage to the transportation company and to ADC Telecommunications, Inc. Order replacement equipment, if necessary.  Check the packing list to ensure complete and accurate shipment of each listed item. If the shipment is short or irregular, contact

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Installation LTPH-UM-1237-04 Table 2. Terminal Block (TB1) Terminal Description 1 -48V_A 2 -48V_B 3 BATTERY RETURN 4 FGND 1 Remove the fuse(s) in the equipment bay fuse panel for the circuit(s) where the HRM-238 shelf battery wire(s) will terminate. 2 Connect one end of the frame ground wire to Terminal 4 (FGND) on TB1 of the HRM-238 shelf and attach the other end of the frame ground wire to the CO ground wire termination point. 3 Connect the -48 Vdc CO battery to the HRM-238 shelf (Figure 7)

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 Installation Connect NMA Wiring From the 50-pin Amphenol connector P1 and/or P6 (Figure 8), wire directly to the NMA pin 46 on the 220-type shelf backplane for each line unit being managed. Route wires from the P1 and P6 connectors to the NMA 220-type mechanics shelves as shown in Figure 2 on page 2. Refer to Table 3 for P1 and P6 NMA connector information. 50-pin Amphenol 50-pin Amphenol connector (P6) connector (P1) H0548-A Figure 8. Connect NMA Wiring 1 Remove the plastic

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Installation LTPH-UM-1237-04 Table 3. P1 and P6 NMA Connectors Pin Description Pin Description 26 NMA_1 1 NMA_2 27 NMA_3 2 NMA_4 28 NMA_5 3 NMA_6 29 NMA_7 4 NMA_8 30 NMA_9 5 NMA_10 31 NMA_11 6 NMA_12 32 NMA_13 7 NMA_14 33 NMA_15 8 NMA_16 34 NMA_17 9 NMA_18 35 NMA_19 10 NMA_20 36 NMA_21 11 NMA_22 37 NMA_23 12 NMA_24 38 NMA_25 13 NMA_26 39 NMA_27 14 NMA_28 40 F_ALAM 15 ERR_ALM 41 LOS_ALM 16 GND 42 GND 17 GND 43 GND 18 GND 44 GND 19 GND 45 GND 20 GND 46 GND 21 GND 47 GND 22 GND 48 GND 23 GND 49 N/

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 Installation Connect to a LAN or Interconnect Shelves Use the BNC connector (Figure 9) when required for access using a LAN or for interconnecting multiple shelves. Consult the appropriate user manual for the HMU-319 management unit and for the software used in the application. See Table 4 for information on BNC connector J1 and J3. H0549-A BNC connector (J3) BNC connector (J1) Figure 9. Using BNC Connector Table 4. BNC Connector J1 and J3 Shield LAN-, CDS Center LAN+ Connect t

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Installation LTPH-UM-1237-04 Use a null modem connector for cross-over cabling when attaching a device that is not configured as DCE (such as terminals or computers running terminal emulation software) to these connectors. Table 5 shows the pinouts for the two AUX ports (one port for each management unit). Table 6 shows the pinouts for the two OS ports (one port for each management unit). Table 5. AUX P3 and P5 Connectors Pin Description I/O Pin Description I/O 1 N/C 14 N/C 2 AUX_TX O 15 N/C

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LTPH-UM-1237-04 Installation IDENTIFYING ALARMS Alarm relay contacts for each management unit are on J13 and J14 (Figure 11). Install wiring between these pins and an alarm monitoring device per local practice. Table 7 describes the alarm J13 and J14 pinouts. H0651-A Alarm relay pins (J14) Alarm relay pins (J13) Figure 11. Alarm Relay Wire-Wrap Pins Table 7. Alarm J13 and J14 Pinouts Pin Description Pin Description 1 CRIT_AUD_NC_A 13 MIN_AUD_NC_A 2 CRIT_AUD_COM_A 14 MIN_AUD_COM_A 3 CRIT_AUD_NO_

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Installation LTPH-UM-1237-04 Verify Cabling Verify the following: 1Verify a minimum of -42 Vdc and a maximum of -56 Vdc between the following: a -48 Vdc battery screw Terminal 1 and the battery common Terminal 3 (BATTERY RETURN) b -48 Vdc battery screw Terminal 2 (when used) and the battery common Terminal 3 (BATTERY RETURN) 2 Visually verify that all connections are securely terminated. Secure Cabling Tie the cable connectors to the back of the HRM-238 shelf using the tie wraps and mounting

Instructions pareilles
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