Instruction d'utilisation Psion Teklogix netBook

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Psion Teklogix netBook

Dispositif: Psion Teklogix netBook
Catégorie: Câblage réseau
Fabricant: Psion Teklogix
Dimension: 2.22 MB
Date d'addition: 8/17/2013
Nombre des pages: 225
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Psion Teklogix netBook Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

©CopyrightPsionPLC1999. TimesNewRoman .TimesNewRomanisatrademarkoftheMonotype CorporationregisteredinU.S.PatentandTrademarkOfficeandcertainother Allrightsreserved.Thismanualandtheprogramsreferredtohereinare jurisdictions.Monotype .MonotypeisatrademarkofMonotypeTypography copyrightedworksofPsionPLC,London,England.Reproductioninwholeorin LimitedregisteredinU.S.PatentandTrademarkOfficeandcertainother part,includingutilisationinmachinescapableofreproductionorretrieval, jurisdictions. withouttheexpre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Important Important Important FCC Information for the USA Important Important This equipment was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included the use of shielded cables and connectors between it and the R R Radio adio adio and and and TTTelevision elevision elevision Interference Interference Interference R Radio adio and and TTelevision elevision Interference Interference peripherals. It is important that you use shielded cable and connectors to This equipment radiates radio frequen

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

FCC Declaration of Conformity Infrared device safety Product: netBook CLASS 1 LED PRODUCT Models: 32M/64M ThisproductincludesanInfrareddevicefortransmittingandreceiving files from devices supporting the IrDA format. Although this invisible This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is beam is not considered harmful, and complies with EN60825-1 subject to the following two conditions: (IEC825-1), we recommend the following precautions when the 1. This device may not cause harmf

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS Getting Gettingstarted started........................................................ ........................................................11 Getting Getting Gettingstarted started started........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................111 W W W W Word ord ord ord ord.............................................................

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Contents Contacts Contacts Contacts Contacts Contacts................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. .................................................................55 55 55 55 55 Setting Setting Setting Setting Settingup up up up upW W W W Web eb eb eb eband and and and andEmail Em

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Email Email Email Email Email ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ................................................................... ...................................................................107 107 107 107 107 TTTTTime ime ime ime ime..................................................................... .................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Contents Spell Spell Spell Spell Spell .................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... .................................................................... ....................................................................153 153 153 153 153 P PPP Printing rinting rinting rinting rinting ..................................................

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Care Care Care Care Care& & & & &safety safety safety safety safety....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... .......................................................193 193 193 193 193 PoweringthenetBook ........................................................194 Changingthebatteries...................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Getting started 1 GETTING GETTING GETTING GETTING GETTING ST ST ST ST STARTED ARTED ARTED ARTED ARTED ThismanualcontainsinformationaboutthenetBookandthePC connectivitysoftwarePsiWin2. About Aboutthe thenetBook netBook About About Aboutthe the thenetBook netBook netBook The programs on the netBook include: • Word,awordprocessorforwritinglettersandother • Time,foralarmsandaworldmapwithinternationaltimes documents. anddiallingcodes. • Sheet,forspreadsheets,tables,andgraphs. • Data,acustomisabledata

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Where Where Where Where Wherethings things things things thingsare are are are are Command Command Command icons icons icons Command Command icons icons TTTTTouch- ouch- ouch- ouch- ouch-sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive screen screen screen screen screen Additional Additional Additional Additional Additionalapplication application application application applicationicons icons icons icons icons P P P P Pen en en en eneject eject eject eject ejectbutton button button button butto

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Getting started 3 Catch Catch Catch Catch Catch IR IR IR IR IRwindow window window window window RS232 RS232 RS232serial serial serialport port port RS232 RS232serial serialport port CF CF CF CF CFCard Card Card Card Cardtray tray tray tray tray Battery Battery Battery Battery Battery

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

RReset esetbutton button R R Reset eset esetbutton button button Docking Docking Docking Docking Dockingconnector connector connector connector connector Lithium Lithium Lithiumbackup backup backupbattery battery batterydoor door door Lithium Lithiumbackup backupbattery batterydoor door Loudspeak Loudspeaker er Loudspeak Loudspeak Loudspeaker er er Getting started 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Getting started 5 About About About About AboutP P P P PsiWin siWin siWin siWin siWin2 222 2 Using Using Using Using Usingthis this this this thismanual manual manual manual manual YoucanusethePCconnectivitysoftwarePsiWin2tointegrate ThismanualgivesanoverviewofallthenetBookfunctionsand thenetBookwithPCsrunningWindows95/98orNT4.0.By featurestogiveyouanideaofwhatyoucando;formore connectingthenetBooktoaPCwithaDockingcableand detailedinformationthanisgivenhere,refertothenetBookand runningPsiWin,youc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Switching Switching Switching Switching Switchingon on on on on TTTTTurning urning urning urning urningon on on on on& & & & &off off off off off • To switch on:slidetheon/offswitchtotheleftorpressthe FFFitting itting ittingthe the thebatteries batteries batteries FFitting ittingthe thebatteries batteries Esckey.Whenyoufirstdothis,you’llseetheSystem BeforeyoucanusethenetBookyoumustfitbothbatteries,as screen. shownbelow. Note:ThenetBookwillautomaticallyswitchonwhenanalarm rings. ThenetBookispower

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Getting started 7 Mostofthethingsyoucandowiththepenhaveanequivalent The The The The Thescreen screen screen screen screen keyboardcombination,soyoucanusethepen,thekeyboard,or AdjustthescreencontrastbyholdingdowntheFnkeyand acombinationofbothmethods. pressingthe‘,’( )or‘.’( )key. ChangethesizeofthetextonthescreenusingtheZoom in and First First First First Firststeps steps steps steps steps Zoom outcommands. WhenyoufirstswitchonthenetBook,youwillseetheSystem Adjustthescreenbrightnessbyholdingdownt

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Icon Icon Icon Icon Icon& & & & &filename filename filename filename filename TTTTTitle itle itle itle itlebar bar bar bar bar TToolbar oolbar TTToolbar oolbar oolbar Folder Folder Folder Folder Folder Current Current Current Current Currentfolder folder folder folder folder Open Open Openfile file file(bold) (bold) (bold) Open Openfile file(bold) (bold) Getting started 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Getting started 9 Starting Starting Starting programs programs programs P P Programs rograms rograms& & &files files files Starting Starting programs programs P Programs rograms& &files files Whenyouopenormovetoafile,thecorrectprogramforthis Whenyourunaprogram,itwillusuallydisplaythecurrently fileisstartedautomatically.Youcanalsostartprogramsby openfile,orthefilethatyoulastlookedat.Ifyouwanttowritea tappingontheappropriate“programicon”(theiconintherow newletter,drawanewpicture,createanewdatabase

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Entering Entering Entering information information information Using Using Using dialogs dialogs dialogs Entering Entering information information Using Using dialogs dialogs Youcanenterinformationandcompletetasksusingthepenor A“dialog”appearswhenyouneedtomakeselectionsandenter thekeyboard.Youcanusuallyselectamenucommandto furtherinformation.Youcanmovebetweendialogitemsby performeachtask. tappingonthem,orusingtheupanddownarrowkeys.Dialogs containoneormoreofthefollowingelements: • PresstheMenukey

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Getting started 11 TTTTTabs abs abs abs absfor for for for forother other other other other dialog dialogpages pages dialog dialog dialogpages pages pages Dialog Dialog Dialog Dialog Dialogpage page page page page Radio Radio Radio Radio Radiobutton button button button button

Instructions pareilles
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14 Addonics Technologies NAS25HDU2 Manuel d'utilisation Câblage réseau 1
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