Instruction d'utilisation Motorola 1.0.1

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Motorola 1.0.1

Dispositif: Motorola 1.0.1
Catégorie: Modem
Fabricant: Motorola
Dimension: 0.97 MB
Date d'addition: 10/27/2013
Nombre des pages: 58
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Motorola 1.0.1 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Vehicle Mounted
Users Guide

September 2005

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide This page intentionally left blank. 6881011Y54-A September 2005 ii

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide Copyrights The Motorola products described in this document may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs. Laws in the United States and other countries reserve for Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer programs contained in the Motorola products described in this document may not be copied or reproduced in any manner without the express written permission

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide This page intentionally left blank. 6881011Y54-A September 2005 iv

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Table of Contents Contents ............................................. . . . . Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................................................1-1 The Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM) Defined................................................................................................... 1-1 VMMs Role within a MOTOMESH Wireless Network .................................................................................. 1-2 Pro

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide Chapter 4: Device Maintenance..............................................................................4-1 Changing the Web Interface Password ................................................................................................................. 4-1 Updating the Device Firmware............................................................................................................................. 4-3 Resetting the VMM via th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

List of Figures List of Figures ............................................. . . . . Figure 1-1 The VMM Device in Context of the Wireless MOTOMESH Network...............................1-2 Figure 2-1 VMM Sample Device Label.................................................................................................2-2 Figure 2-2 VMM External Connection Points.......................................................................................2-4 Figure 2-3 VMM6300 o

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List of Figures This page intentionally left blank. 6881011Y54-A September 2005 viii

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List of Tables List of Tables ............................................. . . . . Table 1-1 VMM Product Specification Table ......................................................................................1-3 Table 2-2 VMM6300 (2.4) MAC Address Table .................................................................................2-3 Table 2-3 VMM7300 (4.9) MAC Address Table .................................................................................2-3 Table 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

List of Procedures List of Procedures ............................................. . . . . Procedure 2-1 VMM Hardware Installation Procedure ......................................................................2-4 Procedure 2-2 Testing the VMM Hardware Installation.....................................................................2-6 Procedure 2-3 Additional Testing of the VMM Hardware Installation ..............................................2-6 Procedure 3-1 En

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Chapter 1 Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................. . . . . This guide will assist you with the use, installation, and configuration of the VMM6300 (2.4 GHz) and the VMM7300 (4.9 GHz), Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM). Because of the physical and functional similarities of these two VMMs, the same instructions will apply to both devices except where specifically noted. The Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM) Defined ............................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Chapter 1: Introduction VMMs Role within a MOTOMESH Wireless Net VMMs Role within a MOTOMESH Wireless Netw work ork The The VM VMM M i is s c consi onsid dere ered d a a s su ubscri bscrib ber er de devi vice ce (S (SD) D) wi wit th hi in n t th he M e MO OT TO OM ME ES SH H wi wirel rele ess ss net netw wo or rk k.. Su Subscri bscrib ber er de dev vi ices can c ces can co om mm muni unicat cate e wi wit th h ot other her su subsc bscr ri ib be er r devi devices ces o or r wi wit th h i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide Product Contents Each mesh-enabled VMM is a full-featured wireless networking device. The following is a list of the items provided with each VMM: • MOTOMESH Vehicle Mounted Modem (flange mount) • 15 foot cable assembly • 1 Mag Mount 0 dBi antenna for the 2.4 VMM or the 7dBi antenna for the 4.9 VMM • 1 N-type to SMA adapter Product Specifications The following specifications apply to the VMM6300 (2.4 GHz) and VMM7300 (4.9 GHz) as descri

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Chapter 1: Introduction ENVIRONMENTAL Temp range -35 to 60C Humidity 0 to 100% Certification FCC Part 15, UL, CE Mark, CSA Vibration – MIL Std vibration - MIL Standard 810F, Method 514.5 Procedure 1, Category 24 Vibration - TIA vibration - TIA/EIA-603, paragraph 3.3.4 IP ## IP54 NETWORK Management MeshManager via SNMP 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, RJ45, Sealed Ethernet boot, 3 assignable IP Addresses, no Net Interface cord included Web Interface Web (HTTP) based management interface WARRA

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Chapter 2 Chapter 2: Device Installation ............................................. . . . . Software Requirements ............................................. . . There are two ways to install and setup the VMM6300 and the VMM7300 devices: MeshManager or the MOTOMESH Device Administration web interface. Between the two available setup methods, MeshManager is the preferred and comprehensive device setup, configuration, and management application. Prior to using the M

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Chapter 2: Device Installation • 15 foot power cable assembly The Network Operator must supply the following: • Mounting Location • Power Source (12V DC) (from vehicle or other DC power supply) • A Hub or Switch (if more then 1 Ethernet device will be used) • Hand tools for bracket installation MAC Address Label Location The transceiver and SBC (Ethernet) MAC addresses for the VMM6300 and for the VMM7300 are listed on the label located either on the front side or on the back of the VMM

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MOTOMESH 1.0.1 Vehicle Mounted Modem Users Guide MAC Address Tables Two MAC Address tables have been included for recording the device names and the transceiver and host MAC addresses for a set of VMM (6300 and 7300 series) devices as a quick reference. These addresses will be required later in the configuration and management process. Write the MAC numbers into the MAC Address Tables provided below. Table 2-2 VMM6300 (2.4) MAC Address Table VMM Device Name 2. 4 QDMA XCVR 2. 4 QDMA Ho

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Chapter 2: Device Installation VMM6300 and VMM7300 Assembly Information VMM6300 and VMM7300 Assembly Information ............................................. ............................................. . . . . The The VM VMM M e ex xt te ernal rnal c co onnect nnecti io on n poi point nts are s are s sh how own a n an nd l d la abel bele ed i d in n t th he e fi fig gu ur re e bel belo ow. w. Figure 2-2 Figure 2-2 VMM Extern VMM External Conne al Connectio ction Points n Points N

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Motorola SURFboard SB6182 Guide de l'utilisateur Modem 0
2 Motorola MEA 3.1 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 6
3 Motorola DOCSIS 3.0 SB6121 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 81
4 Motorola 4port Ethernet Docsis 3.0 - Wireless Router SBG6580 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 42
5 Motorola 4port Ethernet Docsis 3.0 - Wireless Router SBG6580 Series Manuel d'utilisation Modem 26
6 Motorola SB6141 DOCSIS Manuel d'utilisation Modem 39
7 Motorola sbg6580 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 378
8 Motorola 4port Ethernet Docsis 3.0 - Wireless Router 574808-001-c Manuel d'utilisation Modem 2
9 Motorola SB4100 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 138
10 Motorola SB4101 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 24
11 Motorola CPEI725 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 4
12 Motorola SM56 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 40
13 Motorola SBG1000 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 5
14 Motorola SBG900 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 14
15 Motorola Surfboard Sb5101 515290-087-00 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 365
16 Edelbrock 15631 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 0
17 3Com 1.024.1644-00 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 0
18 3Com OFFICECONNECT 3C886 Manuel d'utilisation Modem 5
19 3Com ADSLEthernet Manuel d'utilisation Modem 1
20 3Com CableExternal Manuel d'utilisation Modem 6