Instruction d'utilisation Intel 537EX

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Intel 537EX

Dispositif: Intel 537EX
Catégorie: Modem
Fabricant: Intel
Dimension: 1.17 MB
Date d'addition: 10/27/2013
Nombre des pages: 104
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Intel 537EX Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

537EX Chipset
Developer’s Manual
January 2002
Order Number: 273584-002

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

® Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents Contents 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................7 1.1 Controllerless Modem Driver Overview ................................................................................7 1.1.1 Windows* Millennium Edition (Windows Me), Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows NT* 47 1.1.2 Windows 95 and Windows 98..................................................................................8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents 9.2.1 Scratch Register (SCR) .........................................................................................95 9.2.2 Modem Status Register (MSR)..............................................................................95 9.2.3 Line Status Register (LSR)....................................................................................96 9.2.4 Modem Control Register (MCR) ............................................................................97 9.2.5 Line Control Regi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents Tables 1 DTE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode ....................................................................................11 2 DCE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode....................................................................................11 3 DCE-to-ISP Data Rates for V.90 Mode ......................................................................................11 4 DTE-Modem Data Rate Response Codes........................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Contents Revision History Date Revision Description Changed references to “HaM Data Fax Voice” to “Intel 536EP January 2002 002 V.92 Modem.” August 2001 001 Initial release 6 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual Intel Confidential

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Introduction 1 This developer’s manual describes the software interface for Intel® 536EX (controllerless and controller) chipset solutions. The controllerless-based solutions include the 536EP for PCI and Mini-PCI. Refer to the chipset datasheets for the detailed chipset descriptions (public order numbers 273503-001, 273xxx-001, 273xxx-001, 273xxx-001, and 273xxx-001). The controllerless-based chipset, as the name implies, does not have a dedicated hardware controller. The controller functio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Introduction Figure 1. WDM Driver Block Diagram User applications User applications Kernel - ring0 Modem drivers stack virtual COM port, channel protocols layer WDM driver Intels51.sys PCI bus Hardware 1.1.2 Windows 95 and Windows 98 When the controllerless modem chipsets are used with Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows 98 applications, the traditional UART and serial port emulations are replaced by the proprietary HaM Mini Port driver (see Figure 2). Instead of transferring commands to UART vir

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Introduction When the controllerless chipsets are used with MS-DOS* applications, however, a UART emulation is required. Intel provides an additional driver called Intelsdb.VxD, which includes a UART emulation. Please refer to Section 9.1, “UART Emulation in the Controllerless Modem” on page 92 for an explanation of the 536EX UART emulation. The Intelsdb.VxD driver interacts directly with the VCOMM.VxD driver using the Win16 and Win32 Communication APIs. Figure 2. VxD Mini Port Driver Block

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Introduction 1.3 Modem Connection Overview The DCE (modem) operates in one of two states: command or online. In each state, both data and commands (including DCE responses) are transferred through the UART THR (Transmit Holding register) and the RBR (Receiver Buffer register). The modem defaults to the command state. In the command state, the DTE (host) communicates to the modem through AT commands and S-registers. AT commands are character strings that help guide modem operation. S-register

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Introduction The modem recognizes AT commands from the DTE at any valid data rate from 300 bps to 115,200 bps (that is, the modem autobauds up to 115,200 bps); however, the DTE should use the data rate specified for each mode according to the transmitting direction—DTE-to-modem (Table 1) or modem-to-modem (Table 2). The V.90 and V.92 data rates are effective only in DCE-to-ISP connections. Table 1. DTE-to-DCE Data Rates for Each Mode Mode Data Rate (bps) Affected Data Data (V.34) 2400–115,20

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Introduction 1.4.1 Sending Commands All command lines sent to the modem, except for A/, must be preceded by an ‘AT’ and terminated by the contents of S-register S3 (typically a carriage return ). AT stands for ‘attention’ and prompts the modem to receive a command line from the DTE. A informs the modem that the entire command string has been transmitted and to begin processing all the commands in the command line. A command line can include one or more AT commands. The commands can

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Introduction 1.4.2 AT Escape Sequences The 536EX provides the industry-standard escape sequence, TIES (Time Independent Escape Sequence). TIES is designed to work with existing communication software written for the Hayes Escape Sequence. Upon special request, Ambient provides the Hayes* Escape Sequence; however, please note that licensing can be required. TIES/Hayes* Escape Sequences The 536EX modem chipset is manufactured with TIES (Time Independent Escape Sequence) as the default setting.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

AT Command Summary Tables AT Command Summary Tables 2 This section contains summary tables of all AT commands, S-registers, and between AT commands and S-registers. These commands are fully described in the relevant sections of the 536EX Developer’s Manual. Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn ** A/ Repeat last command none – no A Answer none – no Cn Carrier control option 1 0, 1 no C0 Transmit carrier always off C1 Normal transmit carrier

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

AT Command Summary Tables Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued) Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn L3 High speaker volume * Mn Speaker control 1 0–3yes M0 Speaker always off M1 Speaker on until carrier present M2 Speaker always on Speaker off during dialing; speaker on until M3 carrier present On Go online 0 0, 1, 3 no O0 Returns modem to Data mode Retrains equalizer and then returns to Data O1 mode Renegotiates rate and then returns to Data O3 mode * P Se

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AT Command Summary Tables Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued) Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn * Xn Result code type 4 0–4yes Enables result codes 0–4; disables detection X0 of busy and dial tone Enables result codes 0–5, 10, and above; X1 disables busy and dial tone detection Enables result codes 0–6 and 10 and above; X2 disables busy detection and enables dial tone detection Enables result codes 0–5, 7, and 10 and X3 above; enables busy detection and dis

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AT Command Summary Tables Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued) Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn &K0 Disables flow control &K3 Bidirectional hardware flow control &K4 XON/XOFF software flow control * &Pn Dial pulse ratio 0 0, 1 yes Sets 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make- &P0 break Sets 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make- &P1 break * &Sn DSR (data set ready) option 0 0, 1 yes &S0 DSR is always active DSR active only during handshaking and &S1 when carrier

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

AT Command Summary Tables Table 5. Data Mode Command Summary (Continued) Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn * -Cn Generate data mode calling tone 0 0–2no -C0 Calling tone disabled -C1 1300 Hz calling tone enabled -C2 V.8 calling tone and 1300 Hz calling tone 1, 1, C1, +A8E=m V.8 and V.8 bis operation controls See note no 0, 0 +EB Controls break handling 1, 0, 30 See note no 0, 0, 1, , +ESA Synchronous access mode configuration no 0, 0, 0, +ESR Controls selective repeat opti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

AT Command Summary Tables a. For Data mode, the factory default setting is AT+MS=V92, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 to send at speeds of 33,600 bps or below and receive at speeds of 53,333 bps and below. Note: See the relevant sections in the 536EX Developer’s Manual for full command description and parameter ranges. Table 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn * %An Set auto-reliable fallback character 13 0–127 yes * %Cn MNP 5 data compression control 1

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AT Command Summary Tables Table 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary (Continued) Reported Note Command Function Default Range by &Vn Enters command mode, connect state, transmits no break sent \K2 command state, transmits Nondestructive/expedited connect state, receives connect state, transmits \K3 command state, transmits Nondestructive/expedited connect state, receives Enters command mode, connect state, transmits no break sent \K4 command state, transmits Nondestructive/ nonexpedited c

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