Instruction d'utilisation Whirlpool MT4110SP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Whirlpool MT4110SP

Dispositif: Whirlpool MT4110SP
Catégorie: Four à microondes
Fabricant: Whirlpool
Dimension: 1.56 MB
Date d'addition: 3/11/2014
Nombre des pages: 32
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Whirlpool MT4110SP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Dishwashers, Makers. Ice Refrigerator-Freezers, Freezers. Dryers, Clothes Washers, Automallc Dehumidlflers, Conditioners, Au Room Compactors, ens,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

for to for of for . on a floor 20 of or a to from to . . for of for or fan turns on to from oven microwave the protect help automatically The concerned. be Don’t cooking. conventional after during maintained. properly l properly; it operate can who people by only used l use; home designed ranges expected jobs only used l is. range your sure be must You use Proper (see grounding and supply electric correct the connected properly l Instructions”). “Installation (see supp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

OF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 14 16 16 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . Oven Microwave Your Servicing 24 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bulb Light Oven the Change to How 24 . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oven Microwave Your of Cleaning and Care 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

not aud built been has range new Your personnel. Precautions tey Saf service qualified properly cept ex- anyone by repaired or justed range. your ad- be not should oven The (d) 01 number serial and model The 3. address. and name Your 1. surfaces. sealing and seals door (3) loosened), or [broken latches and above: given hinges (2) [bent), door (1) the: to age address the to inFormation following dam- no is there that and properly the Send registration. the renew law, close door o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

3 by outlet tweprong grounded properly range Level Eye the for Vents range. a to made be may connection porary the of life the prolongs and ration tem- a permit, codes local Where ope- cooking a during range the from moisture removes cool, tube tron Code. trical magne- the keeps movement Air tion. Elec- National the with accordance in outlet threeprong grounded properly a opera- proper for air of movement with replaced it have and electrician free requires range Level Eye The quali

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

HOW TO - 1, 2, 1, 2, time, - Information 4 below. directed as clock the set then level. flashing the stop to once pad reset the minimum a below drops voltage line Touch outlet. wall &pronged a into the if flash also will 9O:OO occurs. ure plugged first is oven the when Display fail- power a whenever or unplugged Readout Time the in flash will 0O:OO is oven the whenever flash will 0O:OO Ln Plugged First is Oven When General Instructions Operating start/stop) clock, start tim

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

When / time, I I I / ’ l a must timing a / ’ a 1 nnn 1 2 1 2 num- a 2 timing, grammed must Cl time. time must time a When liming 1. time 3 1, 2, must 2. timing 3. POWER LEVEL I 4. 2 time 3 5 JI -. -~ hart 4enter IevelIo-91 power 3enter I‘\ begin. will tion enter opera. Start-the Enter function enter pads. numbered instructions operating Ihe of ONE touching by level power enter b) pad. opened. is door touch a) the when or operation (O-9)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

start off LJ __-. We Time-of-Day defrost I I I 6 touched. is pad reset the until Display Readout Time the in flash will 0O:OO timer cook in, plugged first is oven the When probe cook2 Clock practice. you as oven the in water of container a have Always empty. is oven the when oven the Display. out operating recommend not do Read- Time the in appear will 1:30 oven. the setting practice you as oven the in coffee or tea for water Heat study. you as beverage hot a to yourself

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

1. ] 3 2. 12:65. Timer OL(:II the: Ncithcr r,alls. tclcphonr> even or batters cakr: of mixing operalions. cooking conventional times, standing micro\vavc time to usud be can that Timer Iiinutt: a features oven Your Minute above. scribed de- as time! correct the Reenter play. dis- the in reappear then will for set BBrn previously was unit the time-of-day whatever or 0O:OO touched. 1s pad Twice reset the until flash to continue will El, El ccl numbers The time. second a touche

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Full 1. off 8 -- 0. 3. 1. - sequence in pads bered display. the in reappear will day time-of- correct The timing. the num- following the touch seconds) 30 minute (1 minutes 1% for water of display the clear lo once pad heat to wish you if example, For reset the touch Display, Readout Time the on lapses time before pads. numbered the touching oven the from removed is food If by time cooking desired the Enter 2. pad. stop start/ the touch and door the close operation, the resume To

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

10 4 5 6 off 0 1:30 10 10, 9 given. is setting Power iable sur- the keep you suggest we similar, Var- a unless high or Power Full at so are two the since fact, In tings. Cook settings. high or Power Full from set- heat of choice a you offers range them distinguish to italics in printed conventional your on unit surface the are settings Power Variable results. as just high or Power Full to (warm) cooking best the offer which settings #l from settings of choice a you Power Vari

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

#9 #8 #6 #5 #4 #3 SLOW #2 off 10 foods. tical” “cri- on information for Cookbook Microwave the in 11 page to Refer *Note: on. turn will light oven and fan oven the However, place. take not will cooking and on turn not will tube tron magne- the selected, is level power “0” When 19.) to 16 pages feature ing Cook- Programmed (See operation. ing cook- a after period holding or standing a time to used be can setting This HOLD-o #O serving. before foods refrigerated chill the take

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

kc& I I 11 176. level power on vegetables leftover of dish small a reheat example, For high). (medium U9 and (warm) #l between pads numbered the of one touching by level power the Enter 4. sequence. in 1,3,0 pads numbered Display. the touch minutes 1% for leftovers Readout the in appear will “Hi” reheat to wish you if example, For pads. numbered the touching by time cooking desired Enter 2. pad. level power the Touch 3. tlmar r!I Display. Readout cook2 Time the in appear will

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

2 3 6 4 5 0 off off off 12 page next on continued f-ii-1 pad. 1 cook the touch so, 2:00, to 1:45 from time cooking the change to wish you example, For Time.) Start or Timer Probe, 2, Cook 1. Cook (Defrost, change. to wish you pad function the Touch 1. setting: Temperature or Timing a change To change. the make to be must oven The program. entire the erasing without change a make to possible is it 17). page (see Program Basic the as such operations, several for programmed been

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

(#O 13 again. begin and program entire the erase to pad reset the touch high, or Power Full to up U9) to setting Power Variable a from change To pad. start/stop the Touch 4. pads. numbered the of one touching by level power new the Enter 3. pad. level power the Touch 2 change. to wish you pad function the Touch 1. setting: Level Power a change To 2:oo. of timing new the at down counting begin will Display Readout The pad. start/stop the touch Now, 3. Display. Readout the in appear

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

mmm off 40 0 I I 14 to defrosting gentle more require that 0. 0. 5, - sequence in souffles or toppings whipped dings, pads numbered following the touch pud- pies, chiffon or cream seafood, minutes 5 for beef ground of l-lb. frozen as such foods delicate or al defrost to wish you if example, For critic- some are There above. scribed pads. numbered the touching de- as cycle defrost normal the ing by time defrost desired the Enter 2. us- done are operations defrost Most Defrosting Pow

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

1. I 0 4 0 7 0 0 \ 15 #5. level power iwice on fillets fish defrost example, For 0 high). (medium #9 and (warm) #l between pads numbered the of one touching by level power the Enter 4. Elm Elm EEI 0. 0, 5, - sequence in pads Display. numbered following the touch utes Readout the in appears “--Hi” min- 5 for fillets fish frozen of l-lb. defrost to wish you if example, For pads. numbered the touching by time defrost desired Enter 2. on. turn will light indicator defros

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

1, 0 Oven off. off off To 16 chart. sec- 3 for Display Readout Time the in shown as sequence the in tions the in reappear will time-of-day opera- those perform will oven the or time start delayed perature, select. you program Whatever chart. tem- timing, preset the and the in suggested as variations the of pad function desired the touch combination any or Program Basic the Just use. in is oven the whenever in operations 4 all perform to oven the time-of-day the or time start

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

1. defrost 2. 1 1 2. #4. I. 3. 1 2 major mer 17 program. 2 cook - 1 cook the tech- same This simmer. gentle a at cooking continue to setting lower a to use Just doneness. desired to food reduce then operation cooking a begin sim- gently to setting power variable or boil a to liquids bring to setting a to reduce automatically then power heat high a using suggests techniques full at vegetables or dishes main many cooking conventional the of One and sauces roasts, pot stews, sou

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

10 0 18 cl Times 3 - cl 0 Times 3 +- minutes). (60 hour 1 for soup the simmer Gently quence. se- in 0, 0, 0. 1, pads numbered pads. numbered the touching the touching by cooking of utes by time cooking desired the Enter 4. min- for time cooking 1 cook Set - flavor [T] develop to simmer gently to power the reduce then and boil a to soup bring to wish you if example, For pads. numbered the touching by time cooking desired Enter 2. on. turn will light indicator 2 cook The pa

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