Instruction d'utilisation Electro-Voice N/DYM 967

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Electro-Voice N/DYM 967

Dispositif: Electro-Voice N/DYM 967
Catégorie: Microphone
Fabricant: Electro-Voice
Dimension: 2.62 MB
Date d'addition: 6/17/2014
Nombre des pages: 8
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Electro-Voice N/DYM 967 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

REV-S single and REV-D dual receivers
Front Panel Controls : RF Sensitivity:
On/Off, Menu, Set, Up, Down Buttons <0.8uV for 12 dB SINAD
1/4” Headset Jack with Selector and Volume
Audio Specifications
Indicators LCD: Frequency Response:
Group, Channel, Diversity, Label, Set-up 100 – 15 kHz +/- 2 dB Microphone
30 – 15 kHz +/- 2 dB Instrument
Backlit Display:
Menu-driven dot matrix Audio Output Level:
Balanced Line Level 10mV – 1V RMS Adjustable
Back Panel Connectors:
Unbalanced Output Adjustabl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

REV concert handheld • A rugged, fully machined aluminum handle about the size and shape of a wired microphone encourages proper microphone technique for better performances. • Optimized analog audio path developed to provide the truest representation of a wired microphone sound possible in a wireless system. • Interchangeable microphone RC2 head allows a choice of elements to fit the vocalist’s style and environment. “I’ve been around the world a dozen times with my EV wireless systems, Microph

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

REV offers two handheld options: a stylish metal compact handle for Concert and Broadcast, and the user friendly Presentation Handheld for rental house and other Electro-Voice® has been at applications. As well as offering four capsule options, REV features EV’s one-of-a-kind guitar optimization setting, which is unique to EV. Guitarists and bassists endorse the the forefront of wireless E REV for its superior, transparent sound, which lacks the artifacts and compression microphone technolo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Customers also asked for the seamless integration of large numbers of wireless systems. Factory set channel groups allow up to 16 systems to operate simultaneously in one frequency band. Programmable in 25 kHz steps across 24 MHz operating bandwidth, there are over 950 possible channels so you can always find a clear channel. Advanced ClearScan™ automatic group and channel selection allows quick, simple setup in crowded RF environments, which mitigates stress in critical, real-world production

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Customers also asked for the seamless integration of large numbers of wireless systems. Factory set channel groups allow up to 16 systems to operate simultaneously in one frequency band. Programmable in 25 kHz steps across 24 MHz operating bandwidth, there are over 950 possible channels so you can always find a clear channel. Advanced ClearScan™ automatic group and channel selection allows quick, simple setup in crowded RF environments, which mitigates stress in critical, real-world production

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

REV offers two handheld options: a stylish metal compact handle for Concert and Broadcast, and the user friendly Presentation Handheld for rental house and other Electro-Voice® has been at applications. As well as offering four capsule options, REV features EV’s one-of-a-kind guitar optimization setting, which is unique to EV. Guitarists and bassists endorse the the forefront of wireless E REV for its superior, transparent sound, which lacks the artifacts and compression microphone technolo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

REV concert handheld • A rugged, fully machined aluminum handle about the size and shape of a wired microphone encourages proper microphone technique for better performances. • Optimized analog audio path developed to provide the truest representation of a wired microphone sound possible in a wireless system. • Interchangeable microphone RC2 head allows a choice of elements to fit the vocalist’s style and environment. “I’ve been around the world a dozen times with my EV wireless systems, w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

REV-S single and REV-D dual receivers Front Panel Controls : RF Sensitivity: On/Off, Menu, Set, Up, Down Buttons <0.8uV for 12 dB SINAD 1/4” Headset Jack with Selector and Volume Audio Specifications Indicators LCD: Frequency Response: Group, Channel, Diversity, Label, Set-up 100 – 15 kHz +/- 2 dB Microphone 30 – 15 kHz +/- 2 dB Instrument Backlit Display: Menu-driven dot matrix Audio Output Level: Balanced Line Level 10mV – 1V RMS Adjustable Back Panel Connectors: Unbalanced Output Adjustabl

Instructions pareilles
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