Instruction d'utilisation Sony ICD-SX800

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sony ICD-SX800

Dispositif: Sony ICD-SX800
Catégorie: Graveur des cassettes
Fabricant: Sony
Dimension: 6.67 MB
Date d'addition: 6/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 136
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Sony ICD-SX800 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

ICD-SX700/SX800  4-127-580-13(1)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

be  used  in  combination  with  a  chemical  symbol.  The  For customers in Europe chemical  symbols  for  mercury  (Hg)  or  lead  (Pb)  are  added  if  the  battery  contains  more  than  0.0005%  Disposal of Old Electrical & mercury  or  0.004%  lead. Electronic Equipment (Applicable By  ensuring  these  batteries  are  disposed  of  correctly,  you  will  help  prevent  potentially  negative  in the European Union and other consequences  for  the  environment  and  human  health  European

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

=> The recordedmusic   is    limitedt   o private use  Notice for users only. Useof    the music beyond this limitr   equires  permission of the copyright holders. Program © 1999,2000,    2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 
=> Sonyis   not   r   esponsiblef   or incomplete  2006,2007,   2008,    2009 SonyC   orporation recording/downloadingor   damaged    data due  Documentation ©2009 Sony Corporation to problems of the IC recorder orcomput   er. Allr   ights reserved.  This manualor    the software 

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Recording Table of Contents Recording Messages .....................................27 Checkingthe   C   ontentsof       Selectingthe     Recording Mode  ..............30 the Package  .......................................................... 7 Settingthe     Recording Level   ....................33 Index toP   artsand   C   ontrols  ........................ 8 Manual Recording Mode  ...........................35 Setting the Input LevelA   utomatically  Getting Started toP   reventS   ound Distor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Recording fromO   ther Equipment .......50 Editing Messages To record usingthe    synchronized  Erasing Messages ............................................71 recordingfunc   tion  ....................................51 Erasing messagesone    by one   ...........71 To record withoutusing   the     Erasingall   messages   in   a    folder   ........72 synchronized recordingfunc   tion   ....52 Movinga    Messaget   o a Different    Folder  ........................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Copying Files from  YourC   omputert   o  Precautions ......................................................127 the IC Recorder and Playing  Them    Specifications .................................................129 Back .........................................................................97 Index ....................................................................131 Constructionof   f   oldersand   files     ......99 Usingthe    Supplied Digital  VoiceE   ditor  Software  ................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Wind Screen (1) Checking the Contents of the Package IC Recorder (1) Application Software, Digital Voice Editor (CD-ROM) Cradle* (1) Stand (1) Removethe   film   on   the   displa   ywindo   w  Carrying pouch (1) before youuse    the IC recorder. Microphone* (1) NH-AAA (size AAA) rechargeable Battery case (1) batteries (2) Operating Instructions * The stereo headphones, the cradle and the microphone are supplied with some models in some regions only. Stereo headphones* (1) Youar

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

  (f   older)/MENU button(   27,  54,  79) Index to Parts and   (headphone)   jack*   (   29,  55,  66) Controls    (record/pause)butt   on ( 27,  29,  40) Refert   othe   pages   indicat   ed in     (stop) button ( 28,  54,  69,  79) parentheses fordetails   .    (cue/fast  forward)  button  (27,  54,  55,  65,  79) Front    (play/stop/enter) button ( 29,  54,  56,  79)    (review/fast backward)butt   on  (27,  54,  55,  65,  79)   VOL(v   olume) +/– button ( 29,  54)    (repea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

*  Connect thesupplied   or   commer   cially  Rear available stereo headphonest   o the   (headphone) jack.I  fun   wantednoise   is     heard, wipethe   headphones    plug clean. To the  (headphone) jack       Speaker   HOLD switch ( 21,  26,  78)   NOISE CUT switch ( 61)   DPC switch ( 59)   DIRECTNL (directional) switch ( 29)    (microphone) jack ( 49,  51)    (USB) connector ( 14,  95,  125)   Batterycompar   tment ( 14) GB  ICD-SX700/SX800  4-127-580-11(1)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Display window   Elapsed time/Remaining time/ Recorded date and timeindication   Display during playback and stop   Folder name/Message title/Artist  name/File name indication   Battery indicator Whenr   echargeablebatt   eriesor   dr   y- cell batteriesar   e used, the indicator  shows ther   emaining battery power. While the rechargeablebatt   eriesar   e  charging,an   animation    appears.   Message number   Operating modeindicat   or Theselec   tedmessage   number   is     Displays the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

For  details,  see  “Selecting  the    Repeat  playback  indicator Recording  Mode”  (page  30).   :  Appears  when  one  message  is  Displays  one  of  the  following  when  a  played  back  repeatedly. file  is  transferred  from  the  computer.   :  Appears  when  messages    :  MP3  files  transferred in  one  folder  are  played  back    :  LPCM  files  transferred repeatedly.   :  WMA  files  transferred   :  Appears  when  all  the  Displays  the  following  icon  if  the  IC  messages 

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Display during recording   Remaining recording time indication Displays the remaining recording  time inhours   , minutes, and seconds. If there is more than 10 hours time  remaining, the time isdispla   yed in  hours. If there is more than 10 minutes and  less than 10 hourstime    remaining,  the time is displayedin    hours and  minutes. If there isless    than 10 minutes time  remaining, thetime    is displayed in  minutesand   seconds   .   Operating mode indicator Displays thef   ollowing

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

When  “PRE  REC”  is  set  to  “ON”  in  the  If  you  press    (record/pause)  to  menu,  the  pre-recording  standby  pause  recording  when  “VOR”  is  set  to  time  is  displayed  in  seconds  between  “ON”  in  the  menu,  only  “ ”  flashes. 0  and  5.     :  Synchronized  recording      :  Flashes  while    Alarm  indicator synchronized  recording  is  set  to    Recoding  mode  indicator pause. Displays  the  recording  mode  set  in    Recording  level  meter the  menu.   Recordin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Getting Started 3 Charge the batteries by connecting the (USB) connector of the IC Step 1: Preparing a recorder to your computer. Power Source Computer To USB Remove thefilm    on thedispla   y window  connector of beforey   ou usethe   IC   r   ecorder. your computer Inserting the batteries To (USB) connector 1 Slide and lift the battery compartment lid. USB connecting cable IC recorder While the batteries are charging,  “CONNECTING”and    the battery indicator  are displayed in ananim

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Getting Started When youuse   the    IC recorderf   or the  Disconnecting the IC first time, or aftery   ou have not used the  recorder from your ICr   ecorder for a certainper   iodof    time,  computer itis   r   ecommendedthat   y   ou charge  the batteries continuously until  “ ” is  Follow the procedures below; otherwise,  displayed. data may bedamaged   . Ifthe   batt   eryindicat   or isnot   displa   yed,  1 Make sure that the operation charginghas   not   been   done   pr   operly. 

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

 Tips Clocksetting   displa   y appears and the 
=> Youcan    chargethe    rechargeablebatt   eries  year section flasheswhen   y   ouinser   t  by connecting the IC recorder to an AC  batteriesf   orthe   first   time   ,or   when    you  outlet using a USBA   C adaptor (not supplied)  insert batteries afterthe   IC    recorder  (page  125). has been without batteries for a certain 
=> Whenr   eplacingthe    batteries, messages  periodof   time   .P   leaser   efer to  “Continued  recorded orala

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Getting Started *1 When using SonyLR03   (SG)    (sizeAAA)     Battery life alkaline batteries Whenusing   S   onyNH-   AAAr   echargeable  batteries *2 Recording Playback Playback through using the *2 Recording Playback Playback speaker headphones through using the *3 LPCM 44/16 Approx. 25 hr. Approx. 21 hr. Approx. 26 hr. speaker headphones *4 *3 LPCM 22/16 Approx. 23 hr. Approx. 19 hr. Approx. 23 hr. LPCM 44/16 Approx. 19 hr. Approx. 16 hr. Approx. 20 hr. *5 *4 MP3 192k Approx. 22 hr. App

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

*1   Thebatt   ery lifema   y shortendepending    on  Note while accessing how you operate the IC recorder. TheIC   r   ecorder is accessing data when  *2   When playing back music throughthe     an updating animation and  “UPDATING  internal speaker withthe   v   olumele   vel set to  DATABASE...” appearin   the   displa   y  20 *3 windowor   the   operation   indicat   or    LPCM 44/16: LPCM file recordedusing    the  flashesin   orange   .  While theIC    recorder  IC recorder inst   ereo hig

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Getting Started Continued directly from Step 2: Setting the “Step 1: Preparing a Power Clock Source” 1 Press  or  to set the year, month, day, hour, and minute in sequence, then press .  ,   “EXECUTING….”appears   and    the clock  /MENU is set. 2 Press  (stop) to return to the display of the stop mode. You need to set the clockt   o usethe     alarm functionor    recordthe    dateand     time. Clock setting display appearswhen     you insert batteriesf   or the first time, or  w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

2 Press  or  to select “AUTO” Setting the clock using the or “MANUAL” and press . menu While the IC recorder is in the stop mode,  you canset   the   clock    usingthe   menu   . 1 Select “DATE & TIME” in the menu.   Press and hold  /MENUt   oent   erthe     Wheny   ou selected  “AUTO,”the     clock is  menu mode.   automaticallyadjust   edusing   the   clock     The menumode    window willbe     inthe   comput   er connected tothe   IC     displayed. recorderand   on    which thesupplied

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