Instruction d'utilisation Hayter Mowers R48 Recycling Mower 446E

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Hayter Mowers R48 Recycling Mower 446E

Dispositif: Hayter Mowers R48 Recycling Mower 446E
Catégorie: Tondeuse
Fabricant: Hayter Mowers
Dimension: 1.23 MB
Date d'addition: 7/1/2014
Nombre des pages: 24
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Hayter Mowers R48 Recycling Mower 446E Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operator ’s Manual
R48 Recycling Mower
Code 445E, 446E, 447E
Serial No. 280R00001, 280S00001,or 280T00001 and
Manual Part No. 1 1 1-2087 Rev B

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Introduction Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 R ead this infor mation carefully to lear n ho w to operate General La wn Mo w er Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 and maintain y ou

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

• If petrol is spilled, do not attempt to star t the engine Safety but mo v e the mo w er a w a y from the area of spillag e and a v oid creating any source of ignition until petrol Impr oper l y using or maintaining this mo w er can v apors ha v e dissipated. r esult in injur y . T o r educe the potential f or injur y , compl y with these safety instr uctions. • R e place all fuel tank and container caps securely . T his mo w er w as designed and tested for reasonably safe Preparation ser vice;

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

– Do not mo w ex cessi v ely stee p slopes . • Chec k g rass bag components and the disc harg e guard frequently and re place with man ufacturer’ s – Ex ercise extreme caution when on slopes . recommended par ts , when necessar y . – Mo w across the face of slopes , nev er up and • R e place w or n or damag ed par ts for safety . do wn and ex ercise extreme caution when c hanging direction on slopes . • R e place faulty silencers . – Alw a ys be sure of y our footing on slopes . • If the fuel ta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Safety and Instructional Decals Important: Safety and instr uction decals ar e located near ar eas of potential danger . R eplace dama ged decals. Manufacturer ’ s Mark 1. Indicates the blade is identified as a part from the original machine manufacturer . 1 10-7126 1. W arning—read the 4. Cutting, dismemberment Operator ’ s Manual. hazard of hand or foot—stay away from moving parts. 5. Thrown object 2. Cutting, dismemberment hazard of hand or hazard—keep deflector in foot—remove the place. spar

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Setup Unfolding the Handle 1. Unloc k the handle loc ks , mo v e the handle sections into the operating position, and loc k the handle loc ks ( Figure 3 ). Figure 5 Filling the Engine with Oil Y our mo w er does not come with oil in the engine . Figure 3 1. R emo v e the dipstic k ( Figure 6 ). 2. Unloc k the upper handle loc ks and rotate the upper handle upw ard and loc k it into a position that is comfor table to y ou ( Figure 4 ). Figure 4 Figure 6 1. Highest position 3. Lowest position 2. M

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Installing the Fuse (Model Charging the Battery (Model 447E Only) 447E Only) Y our mo w er comes with a 40-amp fuse that protects the R efer to Charging the Batter y in the Maintenance electric star ter . section. Important: Y ou cannot star t the mo w er with the electric star ter or charge the batter y unless y ou install the fuse. 1. R emo v e the batter y co v er and the batter y and locate the fuse holder ( Figure 7 ). Figure 7 1. Screw 3. Fuse holder 2. Battery cover 4. Battery 2. Inser t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Product Overview Operation 5 Filling the Fuel T ank 6 7 8 P etr ol is extr emel y flamma ble and explosi v e. A 9 10 fir e or explosion fr om petr ol can bur n y ou and 4 other s. 11 3 • T o pr ev ent a static charge fr om igniting the petr ol, place the container and/or mo w er 2 dir ectl y on the g r ound bef or e filling , not in a v ehicle or on an object. 1 • Fill the tank outdoor s when the engine is 12 cold. W ipe up spills. 13 15 14 G008078 • Do not handle petr ol when smoking or Figure

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

deterg ent oil with an API ser vice classification of Starting the Engine SF , SG , SH, SJ , SL, or higher .) 1. Fir mly push in the primer 3 times with y our thumb , 3. Install the dipstic k. holding the primer in for a second before releasing it eac h time ( Figure 12 ). Adjusting the Cutting Height Adjusting the cutting height may bring y ou into contact with the mo ving blade, causing serious injur y . • Stop the engine and w ait f or all mo ving par ts Figure 12 to stop . • Do not put y our

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Important: W hen y ou r elease the blade contr ol bar , both the engine and blade should stop within 3 seconds. If they do not stop pr oper l y , stop using y our mo w er immediatel y and contact an Authoriz ed Ser vice Dealer . Recycling the Clippings Y our mo w er comes from the factor y ready to recycle the g rass and leaf clippings bac k into the la wn. Figure 15 Note: T he g rass bag ma y remain on the mo w er while y ou are recycling the clippings . 4. If the mo w er does not star t in 1 o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

T o bag the g rass clippings , install the g rass bag (refer to Installing the Grass Bag) and mo v e the R ecycling/bag ging lev er to the ba g ging mode ( Figure 18 ). Installing the Grass Bag Raise and hold up the rear door , install the bag, and lo w er the rear door ( Figure 19 ). Figure 20 T he blade is shar p; contacting the blade can r esult in serious per sonal injur y . Stop the engine and w ait f or all mo ving par ts to stop bef or e lea ving the operating position. Operating T ips Ge

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

W et g rass or lea v es can cause serious injur y if y ou slip and contact the blade. Mo w onl y in dr y conditions. • Alter nate the mo wing direction. T his helps disperse the clippings o v er the la wn for ev en fer tilization. • If the finished la wn appearance is unsatisfactor y , tr y one or more of the follo wing: – R e place the blade or ha v e it shar pened. – W alk at a slo w er pace while mo wing . – Raise the cutting height on y our mo w er . – Cut the g rass more frequently . – Ov e

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Maintenance Recommended Maintenance Schedule(s) Maintenance Service Maintenance Procedure Interval After the first 5 hours • Change the engine oil. • Check the engine oil level. • Ensure that the engine stops within 3 seconds after releasing the blade control bar . Before each use or daily • Clean the mower . • Charge the battery for 24 hours. (Model 447E only) Every 25 hours • Replace the blade or have it sharpened (more frequently if the edge dulls quickly). • Change the engine oil. Every 50 h

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Lubrication Engine Maintenance Lubricating the Wheel Gears Replacing the Air Filter Ser vice Inter v al : Y early —Lubricate the wheel g ears . Ser vice Inter v al : Y early —R e place the air filter (more frequently in dusty operating 1. R emo v e the wheel bolts on the r ear wheels and conditions). remo v e the rear wheels . 1. P erfor m the pre-maintenance procedures; refer to 2. Apply a lubricating oil to the g ear as sho wn in Pre paring for Maintenance . Figure 22 . 2. Open the air filter

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Electrical System Maintenance Charging the Battery (Model 447E Only) Ser vice Inter v al : Ev er y 25 hours —Charg e the batter y for 24 hours . (Model 447E only) Alw a ys use the c harg er in a sheltered area and c harg e the Figure 24 batter y at room temperature (22° C) whenev er possible . 1. Connect the c harg er to the mo w er wire har ness 4. Slo wl y pour oil into the oil fill tube until the oil located belo w the ignition k ey ( Figure 25 ). lev el reac hes the Full line on the dipstic

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Drive System Maintenance Adjusting the Self-propel Drive If y our mo w er does not self-propel properly , adjust the self-propel dri v e cable . 1. Loosen the n ut on the cable mount ( Figure 26 ). Figure 28 1. Exposed cable 4. Push the cable jac k et upw ard 3/16 inc h (5 mm) ( Figure 29 ). Figure 29 1. Cable mount 2. Cable jacket Figure 26 Note: Y ou can place a r uler ag ainst the upper side 1. Nut on cable mount of the cable mount and measure ho w far the upper end of the cable jac k et mo v

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

⋅ Important: A bolt torqued to 82 N ⋅ ⋅ m is v er y Blade Maintenance tight. W hile holding the blade with a block of w ood, put y our w eight behind the ratchet or wr ench and tighten the bolt secur el y . T his bolt Replacing the Blade is v er y dif ficult to o v er tighten. Ser vice Inter v al : Ev er y 25 hours —R e place the blade or ha v e it shar pened (more frequently if the edg e dulls quic kly). Important: Y ou will need a torque wr ench to install the blade pr oper l y . If y ou do no

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Cleaning Storage Store the mo w er in a cool, clean, dr y place . Cleaning the Mower Ser vice Inter v al : Before eac h use or daily —Clean the Preparing the Mower for mo w er . Storage Tipping the mo w er may cause the fuel to leak P etr ol v apor s can explode. fr om the carbur etor or the fuel tank. P etr ol is extr emel y flamma ble, highl y explosi v e, and • Do not stor e petr ol mor e than 30 days. under cer tain condition can cause per sonal • Do not stor e the mo w er in an enclosur e n

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Notes: 19

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Notes: 20

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