Instruction d'utilisation Craftsman 917.386411

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Craftsman 917.386411

Dispositif: Craftsman 917.386411
Catégorie: Tondeuse
Fabricant: Craftsman
Dimension: 2.73 MB
Date d'addition: 7/11/2013
Nombre des pages: 36
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Craftsman 917.386411 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Owner's Manual
20" Cordness Rechargeable
Model No.
° Safety
• Assembly
o Maintenance
o EspaSol
o Repair Parts
_ead and follow all
;afety Rules and Instructions
_efore operating this equipment
;ears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Safety Rules 2 Maintenance Schedule 9 Product Specifications 10 Service and Adjustments 11 Maintenance 7 Storage 12 Warranty 2 Troubleshooting 13-14 Assembly 5 lUustrated Parts List 28-30 Operation 6 Parts Ordering Back Cover LIMITED TWO YEAR WARRANTY ON CRAFTSMAN POWER MOWER For two years from date of purchase, when this Craftsman Lawn Mower is maintained, lubricated, and tuned up according to the operating and maintenance instructions in the owner's manual, Sears will repair free of charge any

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Thebladetumswhenthemotorisrunning. yourmower_ Avoidaccidental starting_ Donotplaywith o Donotoperate yourmowerifitvibrates theswitchbuttonandOperator Presence abnormally. Excessive vibration isan ControlBarwhennotinuse. indication ofdamage; stopthemotorand _REPARATION: safelycheckforthecauseofvibration. Alwaysthoroughly checktheareatobe Repairasrequired° mowedandclearitof allstones, sticks, o Donotrunthemotorindoors. wires,bones,andotherforeignobjects. . Nevercutgrassbypulling themower Theseobje

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

CHARGER SAFELY INSTRUCTIONS: _y andcomplywithspecifications ofthe r}anufacturer ofyourmower: o DOUBLE INSULATION. The charger for _lways keepthe bladeon yourmower your mower is double insulated. This means _harp. you are separated from the electrical system \llowmotortocoolbeforestoringinany of the charger by two complete sets of ._nclosure. electrical insulation, This extra layer of (eepmowerdryandclean.Alwaysusea insulation is inteeded to protect the user from -leandampclothwhencleaning. Never

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

These accessories were available when also order repair parts for you, when you this lawn mower was produced. They are provide the model number of your lawn also available at most Sears retail outlets mower. and service centers,, Most Sears stores can LAWNMOWER PERFORMANCE FOR REAR DISCHARGE GRASS CATCHERS LAWN MOWERS LAWN MOWER MAINTENANCE 9 Wheels Blades Blade adapters rO REMOVE LAWN MOWER FROM CARTON Upper Handle Remove loose parts included with Operator Presence Control Bar mower Cut down tw

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

KNOW YOUR LAWN MOWER READ THIS OWNER'S MANUAL AND SAFETY RULES BEFORE OPERATING YOUR LAWN MOWER. Compare the illustrations with your lawn mower to familiarize yourself with the location of various controls and adjustments, Save this manual for future reference. These symbols may appear on your lawn mower or in literature supplied with the product. Learn and understand their meaning. WARNING CAUTION OR _ E Operator Presence ( Start Switch Button Loadlndicator Handle Light Knob Ba_eryStatus Light

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

;HARGING ,' Your mower has been designed so that it is safe to continuously leave it on charge hebatteryhasbeencharged atthefactory. for extended periods of time. You can even Iowever, itwiltbenecessary torecharge leave it on charge during the off season if artery andmakesureithasafullcharge desired° eforeinitialuse,, Alwayschargemowerindoors inagarage, The operation of any lawn mower carport, etc.whereitisdryandprotected can result in foreign objects thrown into the eyes, which can result in fr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

ATTACH GRASS CATCHER TO INSTALL ATTACHMENTS ;lose the flip lid. Flip lid must be closed Your lawn mower was shipped ready to be #hile operating lawn mower° used as a mulchero To convert to bagging ift the rear door on the mower housing or discharging: ,nd place the grass catcher frame onto o Open rear door and remove mulcher ne formed tabs on the rear door hinge plate. Store mulcher plate in a safe _rackeL place. _he grass catcher is secured to the lawn o You can now install catcher' or optional

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

MOWING TIPS MULCHING MOWING TIPS o Under certain conditions, such as very IMPORTANT: For best performance, keep mower housing free of built-up grass and tall grass, it may be necessary to raise trash. See CLEANING in Maintenance the height of cut to reduce pushing effort section of this manual. and to keep from overloading the engine and leaving clumps of grass clipping& It o The special mulching blade will recut the may also be necessary to reduce grass clippings many times and reduce ground sp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

CUSTOMER RESPONSIBULITIES .... ,,r ¥oo COMPLETE REGULAR SERVICE RV!CE DATES Check for Loose Fasteners I _/ _/' Clean/Inspect Grass Catcher I (If Equipped) I _/ _ e/ Clean Lawn Mower _,/ _,/ Check/Sharpen/Replace Btade _/' 1 LubricationChart _/' Recharge t_ _/ I 1 - Replace blades more often when mowing in sandy soil LUBRICATION CHART GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Wheel • Always observe safety rules when performing arty maintenance. = The warranty on this lawn mower does not cover items that have been

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

PRODUCT SPECnF CA33ONS MODEL NUMBER 917.386411 POWER 24V DC BATTERY / 17 AMP-HOUR 4O AMP FUSE BLADE SPEED 3200 RPM CUTTING WIDTH 20" CHARGER 12-16 HOUR RECHARGE BLADE BOLT TORQUE: 35-40 FT. LBS. TIRES o Use block of wood between blade and lawn mower housing and tighten the o Keep tires free of gasoline, oil, or insect blade bolt, turning clockwise. control chemicals which can harm rubber. ° The recommended tightening torque is o Avoid stumps, stones, deep ruts, sharp 35_40 ft. Ibs. objects and o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

CLEANING ASS CATCHER CAUTION: Remove fuse from motor and he grass catcher may be hosed with ater, but must be dry when used. Remove place it in a safe place away from mower: rass catcher from mower before cleaning ,, Turn lawn mower on its side. Clean the ;beck your grass catcher often for damage underside of your' lawn mower by scraping r deterioration. Through r_ormaluse it will to remove buitd-up of grass and trash. lear. If catcher needs replacing, replace o Keep finished surfaces and wheels

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

- Be sure controller board is secured , Recharge batteryimmediately aftereach use. properly° - Be sure all leads are routed and , Recharge batterycontinuously whenmower isnotinuse° installed properly. , Alwayschargebatteryindoors inadry, - Be sure all hardware is tightened protected place. securely, Top Grille , DONOTcharge inextreme hotorcold temperatures° Charge mowerbatteryina Indicator _-'f-_ location wheretemperature ismorethan Board u,,,...._--_.__./jj_ 50°F(10°C)butlessthan100°F(37°C). (U

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Lower Handle Immediately prepare your lawn mower for storage at the end of the season or if the Squeeze to unit will not be used for 30 days or more. Fold LAWN rvIOWER When lawn mower is to be stored for a period of time, clean it thoroughly, remove all dirt, grease, leaves, etc. Store in a clean, dry area. o Clean entire lawn mower (See "CLEAN- ING" in the Maintenance section of this Hairpin Cotter Mounting Pin manual)+ o Lubricate as shown in the Maintenance Operator Presence Mowing Position s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

TROUBLESHOOTING CHART CORRECTION _ROBLEM CAUSE = install fuse )oesnotsta_ o Fuse has been removed from mower o Remove charger plug from o Charger has net been unplugged from mower mower charge port charge port o Battery may need to be o Charge battery recharged o Remove fuse, turn mower o Blade does not rotate freely on itssideandcheckblade. or mower deck is clogged Make sure it is free to rotate. Also check for clogging. • Raise mower cutting height _oor performance • Grass too high or thick (O

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

PROBLEM CAUSE CORRECTION o Remove fuse and o If high current light stays Mower stops turn mower on its side. on momentarily after Make sure blade is free to mower stops, load is too much for mower. rotate. Also check mower for clogging° = Batteries may be low, near o If low power light stays on, mower slows down, the need of charging. then stops. Recharge batteries. • Grass may be too heavy for remaining battery capacity. Try the following: • Walk slower: • Reduce cutting width = Raise mower cut

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

CRAFTSMAN Meden Noo 917.386411 rograma Reglas de Seguridad 15 Servicio y Adjustes 24 Especificaciones del Producto 23 AImacenamiento 25 Mantenimiento 22 ldentificaci6n de problemas 26 Garantfa 15 Partes de repuesto Vea el manual Montaje 18 ingles del dueSo OperaciSn 19 Orden de Partes Contratapa GARANTiA LIMITADA DE DOS ANOS PARA LA SEGADORA A MOTOR CRAFTSMAN Por dos (2) aSos, a partir de la fecha de compra, cuando esta Segadora Craftsman se mantenga, lubrique y afine segL_nlas instrucciones par

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

. No continue haciendo funcionar su segadora si le • No use accesorios que no hayan side pega a un objeto extraSo Siga el procedimiento recomendados pot el fabdcante, El uso de descrito anteriormente, y repare cualquier daSo dichos accesorios puede ser peligroso. o La cuchilla vira cuando el motor' esta en marcha. antes de valver a arrancar o operar su segadora. • No opere le segadora si vibra abnorrnalmente. . Evite arTanquesaccidentales..No juegue con el Demasiado vibraciSnpuede set la indicar

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

deberAser almacenada adenb'o de una cochera MANTENIMIENTO Y ALMACENAMIEN-TO: un s6tano, etc. El Areaque elija come almac_n o Revise la cuchilla as[ come los pemos de deberA ser un Areaseca y fuera dal alcance de rnentaje del motor con frecuenda pare niSos. asegurarse que ast_n bien apretados. o Conserve la segadora con touche cuidado Pare = Revise todos los pemos, tuercas y tomillos a que puede obtener mejoree y eeguros intervalos, pare ver_ficarsi est&napretados en resultados, mantenge la cuchi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Estos accesorios estaban disponibles cuando pedir partes de repuesto para usted, si les se produjo la segadora_ Tarnbi_n est&n proporciona el nL_merodel modelo de su disponibles en la mayofia de las tiendas de segadofao Algunos de estos accesorios tal vez Sears yen los centros de servicio. La mayofia no se apliquen a su segadora. de fas _endas Sears tambi_n puaden mandar a RENDIMIENTO DE LA SEGADORA Par_ segadora$ con MANTENIMIENTO DE LA SEGADORA ,, Cuchlllas de cuchllla Rued_B PARA REMOVER LA S

Instructions pareilles
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