Instruction d'utilisation Gravely 991104

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Gravely 991104

Dispositif: Gravely 991104
Catégorie: Tondeuse
Fabricant: Gravely
Dimension: 9.58 MB
Date d'addition: 7/10/2013
Nombre des pages: 56
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Gravely 991104 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Pro-Turn 100
Zero-Turn Mowers
Parts Manual
991079 – Pro-Turn 148
(SN 021000 +)
991080 – Pro-Turn 152
(SN 021000 +)
991081 – Pro-Turn 160
(SN 021000 +)
991095 – Pro-Turn 148
(SN 021000 +)
991096 – Pro-Turn 152
(SN 021000 +)
991097 – Pro-Turn 160
(SN 021000 +)
991102 – Pro-Turn 148 CARB
(SN 021000 +)
991103 – Pro-Turn 152 CARB
(SN 021000 +)
991104 – Pro-Turn 160 CARB
(SN 021000 +)
The use of any gasoline exceeding 10% ethanol (E10) or 10% MTBE will void the product warranty.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

THE MANUAL PRODUCT REGISTRATION Before you operate your unit, carefully and completely The Gravely dealer must register the product at the time read manuals supplied with the unit. The contents will of purchase. Registering the product will help the provide you with an understanding of safety instructions company process warranty claims or contact you with the and controls during normal operation and maintenance. latest service information. All claims meeting requirements during the limited

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

MODELS TABLE OF CONTENTS Domestic DECALS Model 991079 (Pro-Turn 148) Decals – Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Kawasaki with 48” Mower Deck Decals – Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Serial No. 021000 and up Model 991080 (Pro-Turn 152) MAIN FRAME Kawasaki with 52” Mower Deck Frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Serial No. 021000 and up Seat Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

DECALS – SAFETY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 8 6 07800401 7 07700005A 4 P 07800403 5 3 07757500A 2 9 KEEP HANDS and FEET AWAY 1 PE105_G_safety_decals Item Part No. Qty. Description 1 07800402 1 Decal, Safety Deck Guarding 2 07800340 2 Decal, Safety Mower Deck 3 07757500 1 Decal, Parking Brake Lever 4 07756000 2 Decal, Danger Fan 5 07754100 2 Decal, Hot Surface 6 07800401 1 Decal, Safety Guarding 7 07800403 1 Decal, Main Safety Commercial 8 07700005 1 Decal, Maintenance I

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

03271900 DECALS – STYLE Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 5 2 1 11 4 05239700 10 9 3 9 8 6 7 08000605 Item Part No. Qty. Description 1 03271900 2 Decal, Transmission Disconnect 2 07800221 1 Decal, Seat Release 3 03891000 1 Decal, 48 (991079, 095, 102) 07800026 1 Decal, 52 (991080, 096, 103) 03818400 1 Decal, 60 (991081, 097, 104) 4 07757600 1 Decal, Instructional-Steering 5 08000526 1 Decal, Gravely Heritage, Large 6 03875000 1 Decal, Belt Routing (991079, 080, 095, 096, 102,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

FRAME Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 (SN 020000 – 021999) 7 6 5 8 5 5 3 4 2 5 3 9 11 5 6 8 6 10 5 12 1 PE001_G_frame 6

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

FRAME Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 (SN 020000 – 021999) Item Part No. Qty Description 1 04243851 1 Foot Plate 2 04243953 1 Kick Plate 3 07412900 4 Screw, Tapping .38-16 x .50 Hex Washer Head Thread Rolling 4 03948151 1 Muffler Heat Shield 5 07415400 8 Screw, Tapping .38-16 x .75 Hex Washer Head 6 07400034 4 Screw, Tapping .25-20 x .50 Hex Washer Head 7 03995253 1 Pro-Turn 100 Bumper 8 03995751 2 Bumper Plate 9 04243253 1 Pro-Turn 100 60" Main Frame Weldment (991081, 097

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

FRAME Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 (SN 022000 +) 7 6 5 8 16 15 15 14 5 5 17 18 3 4 2 17 5 3 15 15 9 16 11 17 18 13 17 5 6 8 6 10 5 12 1 PE001_G_frame 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

FRAME Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 (SN 022000 +) Item Part No. Qty Description 1 04243851 1 Foot Plate 2 04243953 1 Kick Plate 3 07412900 4 Screw, Tapping .38-16 x .50 Hex Washer Head Thread Rolling 4 03948151 1 Muffler Heat Shield 5 07415400 8 Screw, Tapping .38-16 x .75 Hex Washer Head 6 07400034 4 Screw, Tapping .25-20 x .50 Hex Washer Head 7 03995253 1 Pro-Turn 100 Bumper 8 03995751 2 Bumper Plate 9 04517353 1 Pro-Turn 100 60" Main Frame Weldment (991081, 097, 104) 0

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

SEAT ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 22 19 18 20 3 24 17 23 21 6 5 8 9 1 7 12 7 8 5 2 10 7 11 13 4 14 15 2 1 16 PE070_G_100i_seat 10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

SEAT ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 Item Part No. Qty Description 1 05717100 2 Ring, Retaining External .500 x .050 2 06425300 2 Washer, Flat Steel .531 x 1.00 x .063 3 04052900 1 Seat, Suspension – with Belt, Light Gray 4 03837800 1 Shaft, 100I Seat Pivot 5 05500901 2 Bushing, Flange .516 x .750 x .625 x .937 6 03933251 1 Seat Plate Weldment 7 06545400 4 Nut, Locking Top Flange .31-18 8 05947000 2 Bolt, Hex .31-18 x .75 9 03918551 1 Pro-Turn 100 Left Hand Top Seat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

BRAKE ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 3 15 2 17 14 5 9 11 13 16 5 5 10 16 1 15 12 18 1 8 4 2 3 5 7 6 PE002_G_brakes 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

BRAKE ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 Item Part No. Qty Description 1 05946900 3 Bolt, Hex .31-18 x 1.00 2 05503900 2 Bushing, Flange .750 x 1.000 x .625 x 1.250 3 05714600 2 Ring, Retaining External .689 x .077 4 01522000 1 Bushing, Flanged 5 06545400 7 Nut, Nyloc Flange .31-18 6 05717100 1 Ring, Retaining External .500 x .050 7 03795900 1 Weldment, Parking Brake Arm 8 03826900 1 Grip, Parking Brake 9 07517300 1 Cable Tie 10 06608400 1 Key, Woodruff .13 x .63 HRD

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

TIRE ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 11 10 14 13 14 12 13 8 12 9 8 9 9 4 8 7 10 6 2 5 9 1 11 8 3 7 6 5 2 15 4 1 2 PE060_G_tires 14

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

TIRE ASSEMBLY Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 Item Part No. Qty Description 1 07100903 2 Tire/Wheel Assembly, 13 x 6.50-6 07100914 AR Tire, 13 x 6.50-6 Smooth 2 00675300 4 Spacer, Front Wheel 3 06500010 2 Nut, Nyloc Flange .50-13 4 05961200 2 Bolt, Hex .50-13 x 9.00 5 03924453 2 Fork 6 03760300 2 Spacer 1.258 x 1.75 x .550 7 05600432 2 Seal, Oil 1.75 x 2.332 x .312 8 05404700 4 Bearing, Cone 1.25 x .66 9 05404600 4 Bearing, Cup 2.328 x .465 10 07100810 2 Tire/Wheel Assembly

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

FUEL TANKS Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097 1 14 23 (from Valve) 4 17 19 2 3 4 6 6 18 16 5 7 8 9 22 (to Right Hand Tank) 1 3 4 4 14 8 15 15 2 7 20 4 20 23 (to Left Hand Tank) 11 10 11 21 (to Engine) 13 6 12 G_fueltanks_serial_2500_up 16

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

FUEL TANKS Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097 Item Part No. Qty Description 1 04558000 2 Cap, Fuel Vent-in Autolock 2 04082700 2 Grommet, Remote Vent Nitrile 3 03900300 2 Assembly, Medium Tank Fuel Pick-up 4 03278800 9 Clamp, Fuel Line 5 04340700 1 Tank, Left Hand Medium Gravely Fuel 6 07000018 8 Bolt, SEMS .31-18 x .62 7 07412900 2 Screw, Tapping Hex Washer Head Thread Rolling .38-16 x .50 8 06916000 2 J-Clamp 9 07517300 3 Cable Tie 10 04039151 1 PT100 Control Panel, Black 11 06900417 2 Ca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

FUEL TANKS Model 991102, 103, 104 1 19 14 2 33 34 4 23 (from Valve) 30 34 33 17 32 4 36 34 3 26 29 29 33 4 27 6 29 28 5 18 6 7 17 29 8 9 24 16 29 25 32 35 4 31 4 4 3 14 1 8 15 22 15 2 16 7 20 4 20 23 (to Left Hand Tank) 11 10 11 21 (to Engine) 13 6 12 G_fueltanks_serial_2500_up 18

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

FUEL TANKS Model 991102, 103, 104 Item Part No. Qty Description 1 04558100 2 Cap, Fuel Non-Vent Autolock 2 04082700 2 Grommet, Remote Vent Nitrile 3 03900300 2 Assembly, Medium Tank Fuel Pick-up 4 03278800 9 Clamp, Fuel Line 5 04340700 1 Tank, Left Hand Medium Gravely Fuel 6 07000018 8 Bolt, SEMS .31-18 x .62 7 07412900 2 Screw, Tapping Hex Washer Head Thread Rolling .38-16 x .50 8 06916000 2 J-Clamp 9 07517300 3 Cable Tie 10 04039151 1 PT100 Control Panel, Black 11 06900417 2 Cable, PT100 Thr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

HYDRAULIC DRIVE Model 991079, 080, 081, 095, 096, 097, 102, 103, 104 11 10 6 15 14 8 9 13 7 12 6 5 4 10 3 2 1 PE035_G_hydrodrive 20

Instructions pareilles
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