Instruction d'utilisation Craftsman 38528

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Craftsman 38528

Dispositif: Craftsman 38528
Catégorie: Tondeuse
Fabricant: Craftsman
Dimension: 14.41 MB
Date d'addition: 6/18/2013
Nombre des pages: 56
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Craftsman 38528 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operator's Manual
Model No. 247.38528
CAUTION: Before using
this product, read this
o ESPANOL, p. 33
manual and follow all
safety rules and operating
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website: FORMNO.769-05495A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Warranty Statement .................................. Page2 ServiceandMaintenance ......................... Pages16-19 Safetyinstructions .................................... Pages3-6 Off-Season Storage .................................. Page20 SlopeGuide .............................................. Page7 Troubleshooting ........................................ Page21 SafetyLabels ............................................ Page9 PartsList................................................... Pa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Thismachinewasbuiltto beoperatedaccordingto the safeopera- Thissymbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesinthis manual.As withanytypeof powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessorerroron the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfandothers. Readandfollowall instructionsin thismanual injury.Thismachineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethismachine.Failureto complywith andfeetandthrowin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Do: • The bladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice.Neverattemptto o bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydeviceinopera- Mowacrossthefaced slopes;neverupanddown.Exercise tiveandmayresultin personalinjurythroughcontactwiththe extremecautionwhenchangingdirectiononslopes. rotatingblade.The bladecontrolhandlemustoperateeasily • Watchfor holes,ruts, rocks,hiddenobjects,or bumpswhichcan in bothdirectionsandautomaticallyreturnto the disengaged causeyou to slip ortrip.Tallgrasscan hideobstacles. positio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

• Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesandothersources Donot changethe engine'sgovernorsettingor over-speedthe of ignition. engine.Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine. • Neverfuelmachineindoorsbecauseflammablevaporswill accumulateinthe area. Checkfuel line,tank,cap,andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks.Replaceifnecessary. • Neverremovegas cap oraddfuel whileengineis hotor running. Allowengineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling. Donot crankenginewith sparkplugre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispagedepictsanddescribessafetysymbolsthatmayappearonthisproduct. Read,understand,andfollowall instructionson the machine beforeattemptingto assembleandoperate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and i operate i DANGER -- ROTATING BLADES To reduce the risk of injury, keep hands and feet away. Do not operate unless discharge cover or grass catcher is in its proper place. If damaged, replace im

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Sight andhold this levelwith a verticaltree... or a corner of a building... 15 ° Use this page as a guide to determine slopes where you may not operate safely. Do notoperateyour lawnmoweronsuchslopes.Donot mowon inclineswitha slopeinexcessof 15degrees(a riseof approximately2-1/2feetevery10feet). Operatewalk= behindmowersacrossthe faceof slopes,neverup anddownslopes.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

IMPORTANT: Thisunit is shippedwithoutgasolineoroil inthe engine. Becertainto serviceenginewithgasolineandoilas instructedinthe Operationsectionbeforestartingor runningyourmachine. NOTE:Referenceto rightand lefthandsideof the LawnMoweris observedfromthe operatingposition. OPENING CARTON 1. Cuteachcornerof the cartonverticallyfromtop to bottom. 2. Removeall looseparts. 3. Removeloosepackingmaterial. REMOVING UNIT FROM CARTON 1. Liftunit fromthe rearto detachit fromunderlyingcartonmaterial androllu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

2. If satisfiedwiththe heightof the handle,tightenthe starknobsat the endsof the lowerhandleshownin Figure3. Forconvenience of operation,youmayadjustthe handleheightas follows: NOTE:Eachendof the lowerhandlemustbe placedin the same positiononthe mountingbrackets. A. Removethestar knobsshownin Figure3 and removethe lowerhandle. B. Positioneach handlebracketstudintothe top holeinthe lowerhandle. C. Tightenthe starknobs. 3. The ropeguideis attachedto the right sideof the upperhandle. SeeFigure4. Lo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Attaching the Mulching Baffle Yourmowerisshippedfor sidedischargeoperation.Toconvertmower to the mulchingoperation,followthe sequenceindicatedhere: 1. Liftup andholdthe sidedischargecoverand insert the bottomlip of the mulchingbaffleinsidethe chuteopeningSeeFigure6. 2. Snapthe hooksof the mulchingbaffleoverthe hingepinof the dischargecover.The hooksmustsnap intoplaceonthe hinge pin, lockingthe mulchingbafflefirmlyonto the mower.Release thedischargecover. ADJUSTMENTS Cutting Height Eachwheelhasa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Recoil Starter Cutting Height Adjustment Lever (one at each wheel) \ Mulching Baffle ..................... GasCap _ \ SparkPlug / Side Discharge Cover J Figure8 BLADE CONTROL RECOIL STARTER Thebladecontrolis attachedto the upperhandleof the mower. The recoilstarteris attachedto the right upperhandle.Standbehind Depressandsqueezeit againstthe upperhandleto operatethe unit. the unit andpullthe recoilstarterropeto startthe unit. Releaseit to stopengineandblade. GAS CAP Removethe gascap to addfuel t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

GAS AND OiL FILL-UP f "_ IMPORTANT: Thisunit isshippedwithoutgasolineoroil inthe engine. Becertainto serviceenginewithgasolineandoilas instructed inthis sectionbeforestartingor runningyourmachine. Oil (one 18 ounce bottle shipped with unit) FirstTime Use 1. Removeoil fill dipstick(G). SeeFigure9. 2. Withthe moweron levelground,emptyentirecontentsof oil bottle providedintothe engineoil fill (H). 3. Replaceoil fill dipstickandtighten. Subsequent Uses Use4-strokemotoroil thatmeetsor exceedsthe requ

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

TO START ENGINE 1. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezethe bladecontrolhandle againstupperhandle. 2. Holdingthesetwohandlestogetherfirmly,grasprecoilstarter handleandpull ropeslowlyuntil resistanceis felt, then pullwitha rapid,continuous,full arm stroke.SeeFigure10.Keepinga firm griponthe starterhandle,letthe roperewindslowly.Repeatuntil enginecranks.Letthe roperewindeachtimeslowly. Rapidretractionof startercord (kickback)will pullhandandarm towardenginefasterthan youcan let go. Brokenbones,fractures

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes serviceguidelinesonly.Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrackof Before performing anytypeofmaintenance/service, disengage all completedmaintenance tasks.To locate the nearest Sears Service controls andstoptheengine. Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at acompletestop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe 1-800-4-MY-HOME®. enginetopreventunintended starting. EachUse .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

f Alwaysstopengine,disconnectsparkplugwire,andgroundagainst enginebeforeperformingany typeof maintenance on yourmachine. Electrode GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS • Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany maintenance. • Thewarrantyon thislawnmowerdoesnot coveritemsthathave beensubjectedto operatorabuseor negligence.To receivefull valuefromwarranty,operatormustmaintainthe equipmentas instructedhere. • Changingof engine-governed speedwill voidenginewarranty. • Alladjustmentsshouldbecheckedat leastonceea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Check Engine Oil Checkoil levelbeforeeachoperation.Besureoil levelis maintained. 1. Checkthe oil withthe enginestoppedand level. 2. Removethe oil fill dipstickandwipeit clean. 3. Insertandtightendipstick.Removeitto checkthe oillevel. 4. Ifthe oil levelisnearor belowthe lowerlimitmarkonthe dipstick, removethe oil fillercap/dipstick,andfill withthe recommended oil Oil FillDipstick to the upperlimitmark.Do not overfill. 5. Reinstallthe oilfill dipstick. Change Engine Oil Gasolineand itsvaporsareext

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

f CLEANING DECK Cleanundersideof the mowerdeckonce aseasonto preventbuild-up of grassclippingsor otherdebris.Followstepsbelowfor thisjob. 1. Disconnectsparkplugwire.Runengineuntilit stopsfromlackof fuel. 2. Tip mowersothat it restson the housing,keepingthe mufflerside down.Referbackto Figure13.Holdmowerfirmly. Nevertip the mowermorethan 900inany directionanddo not leave the mowertippedfor any lengthof time. Oilcandraininto the upper partof the enginecausinga startingproblem. 3. Scrapeandcleanthe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Neverstorelawnmowerwithfuel intankindoorsorin poorly ventilatedareaswherefuel fumesmayreachan openflame,spark, or pilot lightas ona furnace,waterheater,clothesdryer,or gas appliance. PREPARING THE ENGINE PREPARING THE LAWN MOWER Forenginesstoredover30days: • Cleanandlubricatemowerthoroughlyas describedinthe lubrica- tion instructions. 1. Topreventgum fromforminginfuel systemoron carburetor parts,runengineuntilit stopsfromlackof fuel oradda gasoline • Donot usea pressurewasheror gardenhoseto clea

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