Instruction d'utilisation Craftsman 247.28904

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Craftsman 247.28904

Dispositif: Craftsman 247.28904
Catégorie: Tondeuse
Fabricant: Craftsman
Dimension: 23.92 MB
Date d'addition: 6/12/2014
Nombre des pages: 92
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Craftsman 247.28904 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

20 HP, Variation Speed
42" Deck
Model No. 247.28904
• Espanol, P. 59
This product has a low emission engine which operates differently
from previously built engines. Before you start the engine, read and
understand this Operator's Manual.
For answers to your questions about
this product, Call:
Before using this equipment,
read this manual and follow
all safety rules and operating
CraftsmanTractorHelp Line
7 am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Off-Season Storage ........................................................ 27 Trou bleshooting .............................................................. 28 Labels ............................................................................. 29 Parts List ......................................................................... 30 Espafiol ............................................................................ 59 Service Numbers ............................................. Back Cover

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Thismachinewasbuiltto beoperatedaccordingto the safeopera- Thissymbolpointsout importantsafetyinstructionswhich,if not tion practicesinthis manual.As withanytypeof powerequipment, followed,couldendangerthepersonalsafetyand/orpropertyof carelessnessorerroron the partof the operatorcan resultin serious yourselfandothers. Readandfollowall instructionsin thismanual injury.Thismachineis capableof amputatingfingers,hands,toes beforeattemptingto operatethismachine.Failureto complywith andfeetandthrowin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

• Slowdownbeforeturning.Operatethe machinesmoothly.Avoid SLOPE OPERATION erraticoperationandexcessivespeed. Slopesarea majorfactorrelatedto lossof controlandtip-over Disengageblade(s),setparkingbrake,stopengineandwaituntil accidentswhichcan resultinsevereinjuryor death.Allslopesrequire the blade(s)cometo a completestopbeforeremovinggrass extracaution.Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon catcher,emptyinggrass,uncloggingchute,removinganygrassor it, do not mowit. debris,or makinganyadju

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

CHILDREN SERVICE Tragicaccidentscanoccurifthe operatoris notalert to the presence SafeHandlingof Gasoline of children.Childrenareoftenattractedto the machineandthe mowing Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein activity.Theydo notunderstandthe dangers.Neverassumethat handlinggasoline.Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare childrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem. explosive.Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled • Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaand inwatchfulc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

General Service • Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover-speedthe engine.The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed • Never run anengine indoors orinapoorly ventilated area. Engine of the engine. exhaust contains carbon monoxide, anodorless, and deadly gas. Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels,as necessary. • Before cleaning, repairing, orinspecting, make certain the blade(s) and allmoving parts have stopped. Disconnect thespark • Observeproperdisposallawsandregulationsfor g

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispagedepictsanddescribessafetysymbolsthatmayappearonthis product. Read,understand,andfollowallinstructions on the machine beforeattemptingto assembleandoperate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble and operate DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Never carry passengers. Never carry children, even with the blades off. 0 DANGER-- ROTATING BLADES Always look down and behind before and while backing to avoid

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

SLOPE GUIDE (.... "'O Or) C;) (=) C3, (== CL) %,==,= (1) c_3 (1) }==== C) _== & 1>-. 03 E c_3 x o %,==,== C) _r cL (1) 03 cL }=== (1) o co Dm m_ _== }==,== I "_--- (D C) 03 O I v_ (=3 i _2 c_3 I }==== I C) I --_ o I ! I l }=.== l m l cz o l (=) _r l }==== l G.) 0 c l 03 "o 1> l 0_3 E _== I I Q o _E (3) OO (-" 03 _== 8 o_ CZ3cL I C:) o__ I _= _== I _._o 0_3 o =,F=_ I I 03 o 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

ROTATING BLADES CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH DONOTMOWWHEN CHILDREN OROTHERS ARE AROUND NEVER CARRY CHILDREN EVEN WITH BLADE(S) OFF. LOOK DOWN AND BEHIND BEFORE AND WHILE BACKING. MOWING INREVERSE ISNOTRECOMMENDED. WARNING This symbol points out important safety instructions which, if notfollowed, could endangerthe personal safety and/or property of yourself and others. Readand follow all instructions inthis manualbefore attempting to operatethis machine. Failure to comply with these instruction

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

IMPORTANT: Yourtractoris shippedwithmotoroil in theengine. Shipping Brace Removal However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Referto the Service& Maintenancesectionfor instructionson checkingtheoil level. Makesurethe ridingmower'sengineis off, removetheignitionkey, Attaching the Battery Cables andset the parkingbrakebeforeremovingthe shippingbrace.Refer Itothe Operationsectionfor instructionsonhowto setthe parking lbrake. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 • Locatethe shippingbrace,if present,anda

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

f.- Beforeoperatingthis machine,makesurethe seatis engagedin a seatstop,standbehindthe machineandpullbackon seatuntil fully _engagedntostop. \ \ \ \ Figure3 3. Placethe steeringwheelcap overthe centerof the steering wheeland pushdownwarduntilit "clicks"intoplace. Attaching The Seat NOTE: Ifyour seatwasshippedmountedbackwardsonthe seatpivot bracket,pullout the tab foundonthe seatstopand holdit openwhile Figure5 slidingtheseatoff the seatpivotbracket. Tire Pressure 1. Lineupthe plasticseatspacersw

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

B A C J D E F G J Figure6 A ParkingBrakeLever F PTOLever(BladeEngage) B Throttle/ChokeControlLever G Cup Holder H ShiftLever C IgnitionSwitchModule D Auto-drivePedal I SeatAdjustmentLever E DeckLift Lever J Clutch-BrakePedal NOTE: Any referencein thismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTsideof the tractoris observedfromoperator'sseat positionfacingforwardtowardsthe frontof tractor. Meets ANSi Safety Standards CraftsmanTractorsconformto the safetystandardof theAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute(ANSI). 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

PARKING BRAKE LEVER AUTO-DRIVE PEDAL Toset the parkingbrake: Fullydepressthe brakepedal. Movethe The drivepedalislocatedonthe rightside of the tractor,alongthe parkingbrakeleverintothe parkingbrakeposition.Releasethe brake runningboard.Depressthe drivepedalforwardandthe tractorwill pedalto allowthe parkingbraketo engage. moveinthe directionthatthe shiftleveris engagedin. Tocausethe tractorto travelforward,whileat acompletestop,movethe shift lever To release the parkingbrake: Depressthe brakepeda

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

GAS AND OIL FILL-UP 0il IMPORTANT: Yourtractorisshippedwithmotoroil inthe engine. However,you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating.Becareful notto overfill. Forinstructionsonhowto checkthe engineoil, referto CheckingThe EngineOilin the ServiceandMaintenancesectionof this manual. Gasoline Thegasolinetankis locatedunderthe hood.Do notoverfill. Useextremecarewhenhandlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremely flammableandthe vaporsareexplosive.Neverfuel machineindoors orwhilethe engineis hotor running.Extin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

REVERSE CAUTION MODE ENGAGING THE PARKING BRAKE To engage the parking brake: 1. Fullydepressthe clutch-brakepedaland holditdownwithyour Useextremecautionwhileoperatingthetractorinthe REVERSE foot. CAUTIONMODE.Alwayslookdownand behindbeforeandwhile backing.Do notoperatethe tractorwhenchildrenor othersare 2. Movethe speedcontrolleverall the waydownandintothe around.Stopthe tractorimmediately if someoneentersthe area. parkingbrakeposition. 3. Releasethe clutch-brakepedalto allowthe parkingbraketo T

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

STARTING THE ENGINE DRiViNG THE TRACTOR Do notoperatethe tractorifthe interlock systemis malfunctioning. Avoidsuddenstarts,excessivespeedand suddenstops. Thissystemwasdesignedfor your safetyandprotection. NOTE: Referto the Gasolineand Oilfill-upinstructionsearlierinthis Donot leavethe seatof the tractorwithoutfirst placingthe PTO section. (BladeEngage)leverin the disengaged(OFF)position,depressing 1. Insertthe tractorkeyintothe ignitionswitch. the brakepedalandengagingthe parkingbrake.If leaving

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

DRiViNG ON SLOPES MOWING Referto the SLOPEGAUGEinthe SafetyInstructionssectionof the manualto helpdetermineslopeswhereyou mayoperatethis tractor Tohelpavoidbladecontactora thrownobjectinjury,keepbystand- safely. ers,helpers,childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machine while it is in operation.Stopmachineif anyoneentersthe area. Do notmowon inclines witha slopein excessof 15degrees(a rise The followinginformationwill be helpfulwhenusingthe cuttingdeck of approximately 2-1/2feetevery10feet). Thetr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow.Thischartdescribes controls andstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo serviceguidelinesonly.Usethe ServiceLogcolumnto keeptrack acomplete stop.Disconnect sparkplugwireandgrounditagainstthe of completedmaintenance tasks.To locate the nearest Parts& enginetopreventunintended starting.Always wearsafetyglassesduring Repair Service Centeror to scheduleservice,simplyconta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

ENGINE MAINTENANCE Changing Engine Oil The engineoil shouldbechangedinthe first 5 hoursand thenevery Checking the Engine Oil 50 hoursoronce a season.Tochangethe engineoil, proceedas Onlyuse highqualitydetergentoil ratedwithAPIserviceclassification follows: SF,SG,SH,or SJ, Selectthe oil's SAEviscositygradeaccordingto 1. WithengineOFFbut stillwarm,disconnectsparkplugwireand the expectedoperatingtemperature.Followthe chartbelow. keepit awayfromsparkplug. Althoughmulti-viscosityoils (5W20,10W30,etc.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Fuel Filter Air Cleaner Iffilters,or coversare notinstalled correctlyseriousinjury ordeath Gasolineand itsvaporsareextremelyflammableandexplosive.Fire could resultfrombackfire.Do notattemptto startthe enginewith orexplosioncan causesevereburnsor death. themremoved. • Keepgasolineawayfromsparks,openflames,pilotlights,heat, andotherignition sources. • Checkfuel lines,tank,cap,andfittingsfrequentlyforcracksor Donot use pressurized air or solventsto cleanthe aircleaner leaks.Replaceif necessary. car

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