Instruction d'utilisation ViewSonic VOT550 VS12663

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif ViewSonic VOT550 VS12663

Dispositif: ViewSonic VOT550 VS12663
Catégorie: Ordinateur portable
Fabricant: ViewSonic
Dimension: 2.44 MB
Date d'addition: 10/7/2013
Nombre des pages: 52
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ViewSonic VOT550 VS12663 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

- User Guide
- Guide de l’utilisateur
- Bedienungsanleitung
- Guía del usuario
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Model No. : VS12663

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Preface Compliance Information For U.S.A. Ths devce compl  es wth part 15 of FCC Rules. Operaton  s subject to the follow  ng two condtons: (1) ths devce may not cause harmful  nterference, and (2) th  s devce must accept any nterference rece  ved,  nclud  ng nterference that may cause undesred operaton. Ths equpment has been tested and found to comply w  th the l  mts for a Class B dgtal devce, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lm  ts are des  gned

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

FCC RadiationExposure Statement Ths equpment should be  nstalled and operated w  th mnmum d  stance 20cm  between the radator & your body. Ths wreless module dev  ce compl  es w  th part 15 of FCC Rules. Operaton s subject to the followng two cond  tons: (1) ths dev  ce may not cause harmful  nterference, and (2) ths dev  ce must accept any nterference receved,  nclud  ng  nterference that may cause undesred operaton. Industry Canada Notice Ths w  reless mod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

ImportantS afetyIn structions 1. Read these nstructons completely before usng the equ  pment. 2. Keep these nstructons n a safe place. 3. Heed all warnngs.  4. Follow all nstruct  ons.  5. Do not use this equipment near water. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electrc shock, do not expose ths apparatus to ran or mo  sture. 6. Do not block any ventlaton openngs. Install the equpment  n accordance w  th the manufacturer’s nstruct  ons.  7. Do not nstall near any h

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Declaration of RoHSC ompliance Ths product has been des  gned and manufactured  n compl  ance w  th Drect  ve 2002/95/EC of the European Parlament and the Counc  l on restrcton of the use of certan hazardous substances n electr  cal and electronc equ  pment (RoHS Drectve) and s deemed to comply w  th the max  mum concentrat  on values ssued by the European Techncal Adaptaton Commttee (T  AC) as shown below: Substance Proposed MaximumConcentration ActualConcent

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Copyright Information ® Copyright © ViewSonic Corporation, 2010. All rights reserved. ® ® ® ® Microsoft , Windows , Windows NT , and the Windows logo are registered ® trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. ® ® ™ ® ViewSonic , the three birds logo, OnView , ViewMatch , and ViewMeter are ® registered trademarks of ViewSonic Corporation. ® ® Intel , Pentium , and Atom™ are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. ® Award is a registered trademark of Phoen

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Chapter1 Getting Started System Overview The PC Mn   VOT550, wth ts compact desgn, s one of the smallest Intel powered personal computers n the world. Powered by an Intel Core Two Duo processor t features a Mcrosoft Wndows 7 operat  ng system.  Connect to an LCD or large format TV to grab your vdeos from the Web or from a CD. It s equpped wth Opt  onal BluRay Dr  ve and 2.5” 320GB/500GB SATA hard dsk drve, perfect for down load  ng mov  es,  managng your content or

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Getting Started Packing Content Recovery and VOT550 PC Mn Wzard CD Quck Start Gude Drver D  sk DVI to VGA 90W DC 20V Power cord Converter S/PDIF Converter Power Adapter (Select Model) Antenna Remote Control ViewSonic VOT550 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Getting Started Application Scenarios Living Room Scenario You can connect the system n your l  v  ng room  to an HDTV, speakers, DVD/VCD players, DSL (cable) modem, or other perpheral devces to buld a d  gtal home center.  Home Office Scenario You can place your system together wth an LCD vdeo dsplay, speakers, prnter/scanner/fax, DSL (cable) modem, or other perpheral devces n  your study. Professional Scenario You can connect the system n a busness conference room to a p

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Getting Started TheFront View The power button s located n the center of the front panel. The optonal optcal dsc drve s also located near the top of the front panel. You can place a DVD or CD  optcal dsc nto the open  ng near the top of the front cover. The d  sc eject button s located to the left of the front panel when you face the front of the system. 2 USB ports are also located on the left hand sde of the power button, and both of power ndcator and HDD  nd  cator w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Getting Started The Rear View You can fi nd the connectors for the power source, DVI, network, USB 2.0, eSATA, Lne n (S/PDIF out), Lne out, and MIC as llustrated below. + e-SATA DVI S/PDIF cable connector There s one S/PDIF cable connector n your package box. To connect to the back panel of your machne correctly, please refer to the dagram as shown below: + DVI e e- -S SA AT TA A ViewSonic VOT550 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

GettingStarted Rearpanel I/O portIndicator Projector CRT Montor  LCD Montor HDMI TV 3 4 DVI to HDMI Adapter DVI to VGA & DVI Adapter 5 Wreless 802.11 Antenna 2 + 6 S/PDIF out Lne out  7 1 8 Mcrophone (MIC) Securty lock DVI e-SATA Internet 9 eSATA Port 11 ADSL (Cable) Modem 10 USB 2.0 Port Expander (USB HUB) Fax/Scanner/Prnter  PDA Bluetooth Dongo Card reader/Flash memory 12 Wall Outlet Wreless Lan Card  Webcam USB TV Tuner Box Joystck  USB HDD Mouse/Keyboard 1 Kensington Use th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Chapter2 Connecting Your System Ths chapter wll gu  de you  n nstallng necessary and addt onal components to  maxm  m  ze the system performance of your PC Mn. The followng topcs are covered: • Connectng to Vdeo D  splay  • Connectng the LCD or CRT Mon  tor  • Connectng to HDTV Set • Connectng to Projector • Connectng to Keyboard and Mouse • Connectng to USB Hub • Connectng to Fax/Prnter/Scanner • Connectng to Speaker • Connectng to the Internet and Network •

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Connecting Your System Connecting Power Source The system comes wth a power cable and adapter. Plug the output of the power  adapter to the power connector on the back panel of the system unt. Then, connect  the power plug to the wall outlet. Once the system s connected to the power source, the power ndcator n the mddle of the front panel w  ll l  ght up. You should press the  power button on the front panel to start the system. + + ViewSonic VOT550 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Connecting Your System Connectingto VideoDisplay You can connect the system to many types of vdeo d  splay devces, ncludng  projector, LCD or LCD TVs. Connectingto a LCD You can connect the system to an LCD montor. The v  deo s  gnal connector from the LCD montor connects to the DVI connector through a DVI cable. If you want to connect the system to VGA nput montor, you have to use a DVI to VGA converter. TheVOT550 has 3 optionsto connect toa LCD monitor.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Connecting Your System Connectingto a HDTV You can connect the PC Mn   to a HDTV wth HDMI connect ons. You wll  need to use the DVI to HDMI adapter along wth your HDMI cable. VOT550 to HDTV: • Add the DVI-to-HDMI adapter to the DVI jack and then connect the HDMI cable to the HDTV. + + HDMI Cable HDTV ViewSonic VOT550 10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Connecting Your System Connecting to aProjector More and more people have the need to connect a PC to a projector n order to make presentatons. The system  s desgned w  th the connector for outputtng content to a projector usng the DVI to VGA adapter.  VOT550to Projector: • DVI to DVI: Drect cable connecton • DVI to HDMI: Use the DVI to HDMI Adapter • DVI to VGA: Use the DVI to VGA adapter + + or or VGA Cable HDMI Cable DVI Cable ViewSonic VOT550 11

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Connecting Your System Connecting to Keyboard and Mouse You can connect the keyboard and mouse to the USB connectors. + + Connectingto a USB Hub + The system s desgned to connect a USB  hub whch allows a user to nstall multple + USB devces to the system by smply connectng the USB connector to the  system. ViewSonic VOT550 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Connecting Your System Connecting to a Multi Function Printer(Fax/Printer/ Scanner) Currently, many manufacturers buld the functons of pr  nter, scanner, and fax nto one unt. You can connect the system to a mult functon unt thru an USB connector.  Connecting to External Speakers Use the S/PDIF or earphone jack as ndcated n the llustraton. + + ViewSonic VOT550 13

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Connecting Your System Connecting to the Internet and Network Your system s bu  lt w  th a network connector on the back panel as llustrated n  Chapter 1. The connector allows you to connect your system to the Internet through a DSL (or ADSL), cable modem, or to an Ethernet network. If you want to connect to the Internet through DSL (or ADSL) modem, you should contact your local network servce provder for servce. DSL provdes faster data transmss  on speed rather than conventonal

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