Instruction d'utilisation Aastra Telecom SIP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Aastra Telecom SIP

Dispositif: Aastra Telecom SIP
Catégorie: Téléphone IP
Fabricant: Aastra Telecom
Dimension: 0.67 MB
Date d'addition: 5/22/2013
Nombre des pages: 41
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Aastra Telecom SIP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Aastra Telecom will not accept liability for any damages and/or long distance charges, which result from unauthorized and/or unlawful use. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Aastra Telecom will not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained within this documentation. The information contained in this documentation is subject to change without notice. Copyright 2005 Aastra Telecom. All Rights Reserved.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of Contents Table of Contents Overview.......................................1 General Requirements................1 About this Guide..........................1 Methods of Installation................2 480i IP Phone Set up ...................2 The 480i’s Options List ..............3 Administrator Level Options ......3 Network: ....................................3 SIP Settings:..............................4 Phone Status:............................4 The Aastra 480i Web Cl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

About this Guide Overview This SIP 480i IP phone This guide targets network Administration Guide provides administrators, system information on the basic network administrators, developers and setup that is required for the partners who need to understand SIP 480i IP phone. It also includes how to install the 480i on a SIP details on the functioning and network. This guide contains conÞguration of the 480i phone. information that is at a technical level more suitab

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Methods of Installation Methods of Installation 480i IP Phone Set up The Þrmware set up and installation When the 480i is Þrst plugged in for the 480i can be done through the or reset it will automatically Options List available directly from download any Þrmware updates the phone or through the Aastra 480i for the phone. The binary and Web Client web interface. When the conÞguration Þles that are required 480i is initialized for the Þrst time, for the 480i are: “Þr

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The 480i’s Options List Network: 1. Press the £button on the If DHCP is enabled, all the phone to enter the options list Network settings are automatically conÞgured. The 480i’s Þrmware 2. Use the r and s to scroll allows the network settings to be through the list of options manually entered, if for any reason 3. Press the Show softkey, the 4 the phone cannot populate any of button or press the number the settings with DHCP

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480i IP Phone Set up SIP Settings: Phone Status: If you have a proxy server or have The following options display a SIP registrar present at a different the phone’s status or allow you to location than the PBX server, the power cycle the phone or reset the following settings may need to be phone to its factory default settings. changed: 1. Network Status 1. Proxy IP This shows the network status This is the IP address of the proxy of the two Ethernet ports at the server. back

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The Aastra 480i Web Client To access the Aastra 480i Web Client, open your web browser (supports Internet Explorer and Gecko engine based browsers like Firefox, Mozilla or Netscape) and enter the phone’s IP address into the address Þeld, starting with the web preÞx “http://”. In the side menu of the Aastra 480i • The ADMIN category contains Web Client, there are three main administrator only conÞgurable categories: Status, User and Admin. sub-categories: Network, Firmware and SIP Settings.

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480i IP Phone Configuration 3. In the web page that has just 480i IP Phone opened, check the Use DHCP check Configuration box to use DHCP and uncheck The Network and SIP options to indicate that you do not want within the 480i phone can be to use DHCP. conÞgured from the phone or from the Aastra 480i Web Client web 4. Click on the Set Values button interface. Administrator level to save the changes that you just options are password protected in made. both the phone and the web Manu

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From the Web Client: SIP settings The 480i uses the information in 1. Click on the Network sub-category the SIP settings to register at the IP under the ADMIN main category. PBX. To conÞgure the SIP settings: 2. Enter the administrator’s From the 480i Phone: user name and password (the default user name is “admin” 1. Press the £button to enter and password is “22222”). the Options List. 3. In the web page that has just 2. Select option 9. SIP Settings. opened enter the IP address of the

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480i IP Phone Configuration Note: At this point modiÞcations performed to the User name, Screen name, Authentication name and Password affect line 1 of the 480i only. ModiÞcations to the other lines should be done through the .cfg Þle. The NAT IP Address and NAT Port are currently not supported and will have no effect when set. Setting Parameters through Configuration Files The following are the parameters that can be used to conÞgure the 480i phone through the conÞguration Þles – aast

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Setting Parameters – Network Settings The following section contains the parameters to conÞgure the network settings. Parameter – dhcp ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List, the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description Enabling DHCP will populate most of the network information. The DHCP server should serve the network information that the 480i requires. If the 480i is unable to get any required information then it should be entered manually. Parameters a

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Setting Parameters – Network Settings Parameter – ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List, default gateway the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description The IP address of the network's gateway or the router IP address Format IP address Default Value Range Not Applicable Example default gateway: Parameter – dns1 ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List, the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description Primary domain

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Parameter – tftp server ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List, the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description The TFTP server’s IP address. If DHCP is enabled and the DHCP server provides the information, this Þeld is automatically populated. Use this parameter to change the IP address of the TFTP server. This will become effective after this conÞguration Þle has been downloaded into the phone. Format IP address Default Value Range Not Applicable Ex

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Setting Parameters – Time Server Settings Parameter – ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List time server1 or the conÞguration Þles. Description The primary time server's IP address. If the time server is enabled, the value for time server1 will be used to request the time from. Format IP address Default Value Range Not Applicable Example time server1: Parameter – ConÞgurable through the conÞguration time server2 Þles only Description The secondary time server's IP ad

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Parameter – ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List time format or the conÞguration Þles Description This parameter changes the time to 12 hour or 24 hour format. Use “0” for the 12 hour format and “1” for the 24 hour format. Format Integer Default Value 0 Range 0 or 1 Example time format: 0 Parameter – ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List date format or the conÞguration Þles Description This parameter allows the user to change the date to various formats. Format Integer Default

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Setting Parameters – SIP Authentication Setting Parameters – SIP Authentication The following parameters are the settings speciÞc to SIP authentication. Parameter – sip proxy ip ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options List, the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description A SIP proxy is a server that makes and forwards requests generated by the 480i to the targeted user. This parameter’s IP address will be the address of the proxy server that the 480i will use to send

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Parameter – ConÞgurable through the 480i's Options sip registrar port List, the Aastra 480i web client or through the conÞguration Þles Description The registrar's port number Format Integer Default Value 5060 Range Not Applicable Example registrar port: 5060 Parameter – ConÞgurable through the conÞguration sip digit timeout Þles only Description Represents the time in seconds to conÞgure the timeout between consecutive key presses. Format Integer Default Value 4 Range Not Applicable Example

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Setting Parameters – SIP Authentication Parameter – ConÞgurable only through the conÞguration sip session timer Þles Description This session timer parameter is the time in seconds that the 480i uses to send periodic re-INVITE requests to keep a session alive. The proxy uses these re-INVITE requests to maintain the status' of the connected sessions. Format Integer Default Value 0 Range Not Applicable Example sip session timer: 30 Parameter – ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles. sip

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Parameter – ConÞgurable through the conÞguration Þles. sip lineN user name ConÞgurations done through the 480i's Options List or the Aastra 480i web client affect the Þrst line only. Description The value for this parameter is used in the name Þeld of the SIP URI for the 480i phone and for registering the 480i at the registrar. Format Text Default Value Not Applicable Range N in the sip lineN user name ranges from 1 to 9 Example sip line1 user name: 1001 Parameter – ConÞgurable only throu

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