Instruction d'utilisation Triarch Semi Flush 31601-16 2lts

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Triarch Semi Flush 31601-16 2lts

Dispositif: Triarch Semi Flush 31601-16 2lts
Catégorie: Meubles
Fabricant: Triarch
Dimension: 0.06 MB
Date d'addition: 4/10/2013
Nombre des pages: 2
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Triarch Semi Flush 31601-16 2lts Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

30601-16 2lts Semi Flush Assembling Instruction(for pendant)

1. Unpack the carton and place the fixture on a flat surface. Attention: All necessary

hardware and loose components have been verified for this fixture and are packed inside.

Do not discard inner packing until you have inspected it thoroughly.

2. Thread the LOOP (A) onto the NIPPLE (B). Hang tightens until snug!

3. Put the CENTER COLUMN (F) onto the hook of the CANOPY ASSEMBLY(C).

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

30601-16 2lts Semi Flush Assembling Instruction(for SEMI FLUSH) 1. Unpack the carton and place the fixture on a flat surface. Attention: All necessary hardware and loose components have been verified for this fixture and are packed inside. Do not discard inner packing until you have inspected it thoroughly. 2. Put the CENTER COLUMN (F) onto the hook of the CANOPY ASSEMBLY(C). 3. Place GLASS (G) Into the GLASS FRAME (H). 4. With the help of

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