Instruction d'utilisation Chief Manufacturing KSA-1004

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Chief Manufacturing KSA-1004

Dispositif: Chief Manufacturing KSA-1004
Catégorie: Meubles
Fabricant: Chief Manufacturing
Dimension: 0.46 MB
Date d'addition: 10/19/2014
Nombre des pages: 7
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Chief Manufacturing KSA-1004 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Small Flat Panel Lift Arm
FSA-1004 and KSA-1004
The Lift Arm FSA/KSA-1004 is an accessory that can be
used with a broad range of Small Flat Panel Displays.
Lift Arm
The FSA/KSA-1004 allows the user to move a display
vertically up or down in a 13 inch radius. The lift arm can
be moved vertically 6-1/2” up from center and 6-1/2”
down from center.
The FSA/KSA-1004 is designed to safely hold a display
weighing up to 25 lbs. (11.3kg). The display can be up to
30 inches wid

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 IMPORTANT WARNINGS and CAUTIONS! WARNING A WARNING alerts you to the possibility of serious injury or death if you do not follow the instructions. CAUTION A CAUTION alerts you to the possibility of damage or destruction of equipment if you do not follow the corresponding instructions. Improper installation can result in serious personal injury! Make sure that the WARNING mounting surface can support a redundant weight factor five times the total weight of

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 PARTS Tension 70 50 adjustment bolt 50 70 30 70 10 70 30 20 40 80 20 60 Figure 1. Lift Arm Installation Drawing PARTS LIST Table 1. Lift Arm Parts PART DESCRIPTION QTY 10 LIFT ARM 1 20 WASHER, UHMW, .640 ID X .845 OD 2 30 WASHER, UHMWPE, .318 ID X .031 OD 2 40 PIVOT PIN, SPF 1 50 CAPSCREW, BUTTON HEAD 2 60 LOCK NUT, NYLOCK 1 70 SPACER, STAINLESS STEEL, .320 X .018 4 80 LARGE LOCK NUT, NYLOCK 1 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 INSTALLATION Adding a lift arm modifies your mount configuration. This 3. To remove the pivot pin (see Figure 2) from the other procedure applies to most small flat panel displays, end, do the following: particularly those with a pivot or swing arm, whether wall mount or desk mount. a. If the mount is a pivot/pitch wall mount, remove the attaching hardware from the display. b. If the mount is wall mounted, desk mounted, or Removing the Display from the Moun

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 Installing display end of lift arm Installing the Lift Arm 1. Install the original pivot pin (see Figure 3) that was To install the lift arm, perform the following procedures: retained when the display was removed and a washer (20) onto the base of the mount. Installing base end of lift arm 2. Assemble a button head cap screw (50), one 1. Locate the tension adjustment bolt on the lift arm stainless steel washer (70), washer (30), and a (see Figure 3). Insta

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 Lateral Adjusting Lateral Movement Tension Adjustment CAUTION: Over-tightening tension bolt will cause Bolts (Typical) excessive wear and may distort adjustment components. To adjust the lateral movement tension, perform the following procedures: 1. Slightly tighten or loosen the tension adjustment bolt. 2. Check for desired tension. Repeat as necessary. Adjusting Lift Arm Tension CAUTION: Over-tightening tension bolt will cause excessive wear and may dis

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Installation Instructions FSA/KSA-1004 7

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