Instruction d'utilisation ELAN Home Systems THP525LS

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif ELAN Home Systems THP525LS

Dispositif: ELAN Home Systems THP525LS
Catégorie: Kit de cinema à domicile
Fabricant: ELAN Home Systems
Dimension: 1.57 MB
Date d'addition: 10/18/2014
Nombre des pages: 28
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ELAN Home Systems THP525LS Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Contents Introduction ....................................................................... 2-4 Specifi cations ......................................................................... 2 Features .................................................................................. 4 Installation ....................................................................... 5-10 Wiring ............................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Introduction Congratulations and thank you for purchasing ELAN TheaterPoint speakers. The TheaterPoint speaker line has been designed spe- cifi cally to match the needs of dedicated Home Theater and critical listening areas within the home. Using state-of-the-art materials like woven Kevlar fi ber cones, neodymium magnets, and aluminum phase plugs each speaker seamlessly reproduces movie soundtracks and music wit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Specifi cations (cont’d.) THP650LS System Type ....................................... 2 Way Acoustic Suspension, Dual Woofer w/ Pivoting Tweeter Woofer Cone ....................................... 2 X 6.5" Woven Kevlar w/Aluminum Phase Plug Magnet ..............................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Features • Long Throw Woven Kevlar Cone Woofers • Kevlar Fiber Dome Pivoting Tweeters w/ Neo Magnet & Fluid Cooling • Woofer Aluminum Phase Plugs • Cast Aluminum Basket • Custom Q High Order Crossovers • Inverted Butyl Rubber Surrounds • EQ Switch • Bass Limiting Switch • OmniMount Compatible • ‘TheaterPoint’ Pointing Laser Included • Gloss Black Finish P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Installation The Installation process is divided into two distinct processes: Wiring Mounting After carefully considering the intended application (defi ning a Listening Area, Home Theater/Stereo, etc.) specifi c mounting locations can be decided upon. Once the specifi c locations are determined, installation can commence. Wiring Before actually running any wire or cable, take the time to look around each room

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Wiring (cont’d.) When pre-wiring for a Home Theater, run 14-16AWG stranded speak- er wire from the equipment location (head-end) to each speaker location. Use speaker wall plates in the listening room as termination points and use ELAN PSP6 or PSP12 Precision Panels for neat and accurate speaker wire management at the head-end equipment location. Note: When pre-wiring for a Home Theater, it is essential to make

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Mounting There are typically two situations that can exist when mounting cabi- net Home Theater speakers: Wall Mount Shelf or Speaker Stand Wall Mount Speakers should be placed slightly above ear level when situated in the listening area, or pointed slightly downward when mounted higher. Note: ELAN THP525LS and THP650LS TheaterPoint speakers are compatible with OmniMount 30.0 Series speaker mounts. Please see t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Pointing Speakers TheaterPoint speakers are specifi cally designed to produce outstand- ing audio quality when properly placed in relationship to the listening area. Human hearing relies on mid-range and high frequencies to determine spatial direction (where a sound is coming from). Mid- range and high frequency drivers (tweeters) tend to produce narrow soundfi elds that sound much better when pointing directly at

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Pointing the Tweeter (cont’d.) 4. Position the tweeter such that the red spot of light is pointing directly at the center of the listening area (as shown below). 5. Repeat this process for each TheaterPoint speaker in the system with the exception of THP650D and THP650SS. If Utilizing THP650D In-Wall Dipole or THP650SS Dipole speakers as side rear channels of a 5.1, 6.1, or 7.1 surround sound

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Setting Switches Once the speakers are wired, mounted, and positioned correctly, use the EQ switches to fi ne-tune the speakers based on local environ- mental variables such as hardwood fl oors, thick draperies, etc. The two EQ switches are labelled “EQ” (Equalizer) and “BASS”. The EQ switch compensates for the “liveness” or “deadness” of the room while the BASS switch cuts bass by aproximately - 20dB. EQ Switch

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Applications All TheaterPoint speakers have similar “voices” designed to work together to create a seamless, high-quality Home Theater or critical listening experience. ELAN strongly recommends installing Theater- Point speakers in matched groups (Left, Center, Right, Rear, Sub) in order to preserve the acoustic integrity of the source material. The following section describes each TheaterPoint speaker in appr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Stereo Applications (cont’d.) THP800C Critcal listening areas require a well-defi ned listening position. Make sure to point the speakers toward the listening area as shown. THP800C THP800C X THP800C/THP1200SW Add a THP1200SW subwoofer to increase bass response. This adds richness to the music and makes a huge improvement in sound quality. THP800C THP800C THP1200SW Subwoofer X Page 12 © E

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS Home Theater It is essential to use voice-matched speakers in any Home Theater application. Sound emanates from each speaker in turn, and all should sound the same. TheaterPoint speakers satisfy this require- ment perfectly, and should be used in combinations shown in the following section. Center Channel Positioning A center channel speaker should be placed as close as possible to the video display utilized in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS Subwoofer Positioning Subwoofers are considered to be omnidirectional. They produce low bass frequencies that are not especially localized. The human ear does not rely on these frequencies to place sounds in space there- fore, placement is not as important as with other types of speakers. Place subwoofers along the front wall of the room approximately 2-3 feet from the corners. Expect a 3-9dB bass boost if the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

THP800C ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS 5.1 Surround Sound Applications THP525LS/THP650LS - Free-Standing L/C/R THP650SS - On-Wall Dipole Rear Side THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP650LS or THP650LS THP525LS THP650LS or or THP525LS THP525LS THP650SS THP650SS THP800C - In-Ceiling L/C/R & Rear THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP800C THP800C THP800C THP800C © ELAN Home Systems 2005 • All rights reserved.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS 5.1 Applications (cont’d.) THP525W - In-Wall L/C/R THP650D - In-Wall Dipole Rear Side THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP525W THP525W THP525W THP650D THP650D THP650W - In-Wall L/C/R & Rear THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP650W THP650W THP650W THP650W THP650W Page 16 © ELAN Home Systems 2005 • All rights reserved.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

ELAN HOME SYSTEMS INSTALLATION MANUAL THP525LS/THP650LS 5.1 Applications (cont’d.) THP650W - In-Wall Left/Right THP525W - In-Wall Center THP650D - In-Wall Dipole Rear Side THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP525W THP650W THP650W THP650D THP650D THP525LS/THP650LS - Free-Standing L/C/R THP650D - In-Wall Dipole Rear Side THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP650LS or THP650LS THP650LS THP525LS or or THP525LS THP525LS THP650D THP650D © ELAN Home Syst

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

THP525LS/THP650LS INSTALLATION MANUAL ELAN HOME SYSTEMS 5.1 Applications (cont’d.) THP525LS/THP650LS - Free-Standing L/C/R THP800C - In-Ceiling Rear THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP650LS or THP650LS THP525LS THP650LS or or THP525LS THP525LS THP800C THP800C THP650W - In-Wall L/C/R THP800C - In-Ceiling Rear THP1200SW - Subwoofer TV THP1200SW Subwoofer THP650W THP650W THP650W THP800C THP800C Page 18 © ELAN Home Systems 2005 • All

Instructions pareilles
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1 ELAN Home Systems THP650LS Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 3
2 Sony 3-285-995-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 36
3 Sony 3-298-611-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 4
4 Sony 3-299-549-12(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 11
5 Sony 3-283-036-11(3) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 5
6 Sony 3-094-057-22(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 4
7 Sony 3-295-947-01(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 1
8 Sony 3-283-375-11(2) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 4
9 Sony 3-299-549-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 0
10 Sony 4-130-029-13(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 1
11 Sony 4-178-254-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 3
12 Sony 4-147-228-12(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 1
13 Sony 4-178-247-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 2
14 Sony 5950DP Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 0
15 Sony 490S Manuel d'utilisation Kit de cinema à domicile 5