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Installation instructions for Standard front steer I.F.S.
Scotts Hotrods 3421 Galaxy Place Oxnard CA 93030 (805) 485‐0382
Rev: A Installation Manual for Standard front steer IFS www.scottshotrods.com
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
Installation Manual for Standard front steer IFS Please note a few things before beginning: Check the parts list thoroughly to be sure all items are there. If any items appear to be missing immediately call our tech department. Remember, you must call within 30 days of receipt or you may be responsible for missing parts. Do not begin installation until all parts are received. This will make it much easier to complete the installation These instructions serve merely as a guideline. Scot
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Revv: A Installation Manual for Standard d front steer IFS www.sco ottshotrods.com B Before beginn ning installation take thesse safety preccautions: Wear eaar protection an nd safety glassses at ALL time es Do not work in a me essy environme ent. A clean work place is a ssafe work place e If yourr car/truck hass a battery in it, disconnect it. USE SOLLID JACKSTAND DS. DO NOT WORK UNDER A CAR WITH A JA ACK ONLY. DO OING SO CAN R RESULT IN DEATH OR INJURY When welding alwayys u
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Crossmember installa ation 1 1. Place the vehicle or chassis on to su uitable jack sttands. Take aa few extra moments to ve erify your chassis is level from side to side, and at ride stance e from front tto back. Leve eling the chassis prior to in nstallation is e extremely importantt because thaat will determ mine how your vehicle sits once the insttallation is finished. 2 2. Find the ccenterline on top of the fraame that you marked earlier. Measure e 2” in front
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Crossmemb ber installatio on cont: 3 3. Take yourr Scotts cross‐ ‐member and d prepare it fo or installation n. You will waant to wipe o off any oils and wire brush the pointss of contact w where the cro oss‐member w will be welded d to the frame; this will he elp to insure aa solid installatio on. 4 4. Your crosss‐member wiill sit on the in nside of the frame rails, orr on the outsiide depending upon your aapplication. Determine which one yyou have, and d mock the crross‐memberr in
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Crossmemb ber installatio on cont: 6 6. Place the level on the ccross‐membe er pointing fro ont to back. A As pointed ou ut before, you u will determine your ride stance. W Whatever thatt ride stance may be, it is ccritical that th he chassis is aat that point n now. Level th he cross‐ member ffront to rear; this may require a little trrimming to make fit. 7 7. Tack the ccross‐membe er in place and d double checck your level. When
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A‐Arm sspindle assem mbly Conggratulations, tthe hard part is over. Now w you will beggin bolting all of the compo onents togeth her. Take tim me to lay yourr partss out and get familiar with them. R Remember; iff any items app pear to be misssing immediate ely call our tech department.. 1 1. Step one iss to thread the e rod ends into the a‐arms. Be efore any step p is taken an an nti‐seize compo ound MUST be e used.
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A‐Arm spin ndle assemblly cont It is of utm most importancce that the clevvises be free off debris and that the a‐arms are clear of any obstructionss. Because of the tight to olerances nece essary to achieve a precision n nt of interferen nce in the threaads will cause fit, any amou the rod end and a‐arm to bind; possib bly resulting in n irreparable daamage to both h pieces. To staart you will nee ed (8) rod endss and (8) ¾‐16 jam nuts. Fully thread th he jam nuts on nto all (8) rod
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A‐Arm spin ndle assemblly cont 4 4. Join clevise es to the rod ends (a‐arms) n next. You will need (8) ½” sho oulder bolts, (2 24) ½” AN wash hers, (8) 3/8” n nyloc nuts. Each joint will use (3) ½”A AN washers, (1 1) shoulder bolt, and (1) nylo oc. Beginning w with the driverr’s side lower aa‐arm, hold it in n place with the rod ends iin the clevises. At this point it will most like ely line up, how wever if it does not, you will need to thread the e rod end in or out of the a‐arrm unti
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A‐Arm spin ndle assemblly cont 6 6. To install the spindles you will need (2)) spindles, one left, one right,, (4) ball‐joint ccastle nuts (the ese are still on n the ball joints), (2) 3/16” ball‐join nt spacers, and d (2) 3/8” ball‐joint spacers. Because the lo ower a‐arm is lo ocked into place with the coil‐over shock, placeme ent of the spind dle to the lowe er a‐arm is mad de easy. Simply remove the ball joint nut aand place the driver’s sid de spindle onto o the driver’s side lowe
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Ra ack Assembly y cont 2 2. If you do n not have rack e extensions, skip p this step. At the base of the rubber boot is a metal band clamp you w will need to remove. D Do not cut the boot. With the e clamp removved, slide the b boot up out of the way. Whe ere the inner tie rod threads onto the raack is where th he rack extensiion will be placced. Unthread the inner tie rrod end, thread d on the rack e extension, then n thread on the inner tie ro od end to the e extension. Wh hen fini
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Torque specs; a-arm bolts 50-55 ball joints 55-60 crossmember screws tighten them up rodend clevis 45-50 coilover shock bolts 50-55 rack bushings 40-45 rack extensions 40-45