Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3 D AVIC-X920BT

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3 D AVIC-X920BT

Dispositif: Pioneer SUPER TUNER 3 D AVIC-X920BT
Catégorie: Récepteur GPS
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 12.62 MB
Date d'addition: 11/8/2014
Nombre des pages: 228
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Contents – Searchingforaspecificsceneand UsingtheSIRIUStuner startingplaybackfromaspecified Startingprocedure 139 time 117 Readingthescreen 139 Usingthe “Function”menu 117 Usingthetouchpanelkeys 140 – SelectingaSIRIUSchannel UsinganiPod(iPod) directly 141 Startingprocedure 118 – DisplaytheRadioID 141 Readingthescreen 118 – Storingandrecallingbroadcast Usingthetouchpanelkeys 120 stations 141 Startingthevideoplayback 122 – Using“MyMix”function 142 Narrowingdownasongor videowiththe – Usingthe “Inst

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Contents Usingthedemonstrationguidance 152 – Adjustingtheresponsepositionsofthe Registeringyourhome 152 touchpanel(touchpanel Correctingthecurrentlocation 153 calibration) 165 Changingtheeco-functionsetting 153 – Settingtheilluminationcolor 165 Displayingthe “MapSettings”screen 154 – Checkingtheversioninformation 166 Settingtheauto-zoomdisplay 154 Selectingthevideofor “Reardisplay” 166 Settingthedetailedcitymap 155 Adjustingthepicture 167 Settingthebarriergraphicforcitymap 155 Displayingthe “AVS

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Contents AvailableBasicVoiceCommands 181 Playablediscs 203 – Basiccommands 181 – DVD-VideoandCD 203 – VoiceoperationfortheiPod 181 – AVCHDrecordeddiscs 203 – VoiceoperationforAVsource(other – PlayingDualDisc 204 thaniPod) 182 – DolbyDigital 204 – Voicecommandsrelatedtohands-free – DTSsound 204 phoning 183 Detailedinformationforplayablemedia 204 TipsforVoiceOperation 184 – Compatibility 204 – Mediacompatibilitychart 207 Otherfunctions Bluetooth 211 Settingtheanti-theftfunction 185 AbouttheSATRADI

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 e.g.) Manualoverview [Destination],[Settings]. ! Extrainformation,alternativesandother Beforeusingthisproduct,besuretoreadIm- notesarepresentedinthefollowingfor- portantInformationfortheUser(aseparate mat: manual)whichcontainswarnings,cautions, e.g.) andotherimportantinformationthatyou p Ifthehomelocationhasnotbeenstored shouldnote. yet,setthelocationfirst. ! Descriptionsofseparateoperationstobe performedonthesamescreenareindi- Howtousethismanual catedwith#at

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Chapter 01 Introduction “SDmemorycard” required.Fordetails,pleasevisit TheSDmemorycard,SDHCmemorycard,mi- croSDcardandmicroSDHCcardarecollec- tivelyreferredtoasthe “SDmemorycard”. iPodcompatibility ThisproductsupportsonlythefollowingiPod Noticeregardingvideo modelsandiPodsoftwareversions.Others maynotworkcorrectly. viewing ! iPodnanofirstgeneration:Ver.1.3.1 Rememberthatuseofthissystemforcom- ! iPodnanosecondgeneration:Ver.1.1.3 mercialorpublicviewingpurposesmaycon-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 ingthenavigation systemtothedefault ProtectingtheLCDpanel or factorysettingsonpage186. andscreen p Donotallowdirectsunlighttofallonthe LCDscreenwhenthisproductisnotbeing used.Extendedexposuretodirectsunlight canresultinLCDscreenmalfunctiondue totheresultinghightemperatures. p Whenusingacellularphone,keepthean- tennaofthecellularphoneawayfromthe LCDscreentopreventdisruptionofthe videointheformofspots,coloredstripes, etc. p ToprotecttheLCDscreenfromdamage,be su

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Chapter 02 Basicoperation Checkingpartnamesandfunctions Thischaptergivesinformationaboutthenamesofthepartsandthemainfeaturesusingthebuttons. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 AVIC-Z120BT(withtheLCDpanel closed) 8 9 AVIC-Z120BT(withtheLCDpanelopen) 12 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Basicoperation Chapter Basicoperation 02 6 8 9 2 3 7 4 5 1 AVIC-X920BT 1 button ! Presstodisplaythemapscreenwhile Pressthe buttontoactivatevoiceopera- thenavigationfunctionscreenisdis- tions. played. Pressandholdthe buttontoswitchthe ! Pressandholdtodisplaythe “Picture AVsourcetomute. Adjustment”screen. Tocancelthemuting,pressandholdit = Fordetails,refertoAdjustingthepic- again. tureonpage167. 2 VOL(+/–)button 5 TRKbutton PresstoadjusttheAV(AudioandVideo) Presstoperformmanualseektuning,fast sour

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Chapter 02 Basicoperation ! DonotusewiththeLCDpanelleftopen.If AdjustingtheLCDpanelangle LCDpanelisleftopen,itmayresultininjury p ThisfunctionisavailableforAVIC-Z120BT intheeventofanaccident. only. CAUTION WARNING ! DonotopenorclosetheLCDpanelbyforce. Whenopening,closingandadjustingtheangle Thismaycausemalfunction. oftheLCDpanel,becarefulnottogetyour fin- ! Donotoperatethisnavigationsystemuntil gerscaught. theLCDpanelcompletelyopensorcloses.If thisnavigationsystemisoperatedwhilethe LCDpanelisope

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Basicoperation Chapter Basicoperation 02 1 Pressthehbutton. Ejectingadisc(forAVIC-Z120BT) Thetouchpanelkeysforejectingthemedia p ThissectiondescribesoperationsforAVIC- appear. Z120BT. 2 Touch[DiscEject]. 1 Pressthehbutton. The “MonitorSetup”screenappears. 2 Touch[DiscEject]. Thediscisejected. TheLCDpanelopens,andthediscisejected. Insertingandejectingan SDmemorycard 3 Removethedisc,andpressthehbut- ton. WARNING TheLCDpanelcloses. EjectinganSDmemorycardduringdatatransfer candamagetheSDmemorycard.B

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Chapter 02 Basicoperation EjectinganSDmemorycard CAUTION (forAVIC-Z120BT) ! DonotpressthehbuttonwhenanSDmem- p ThissectiondescribesoperationsforAVIC- orycardisnotfullyinserted.Doingsomayda- Z120BT. magethecard. ! DonotpressthehbuttonbeforeanSDmem- 1 Pressthehbutton. orycardhasbeencompletelyremoved.Doing The “MonitorSetup”screenappears. somaydamagethecard. 2 Touch[EjectSD]. 1 Pressthehbutton. The “MonitorSetup”screenappears. 2 Touch[SDInsert]. TheLCDpanelopens. p Touch[Yes]ifthemessageindicatingt

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Basicoperation Chapter Basicoperation 02 4 PulltheSDmemorycardoutstraight. EjectinganSDmemorycard (forAVIC-X920BT) p ThissectiondescribesoperationsforAVIC- X920BT. 1 Pressthehbutton. Thetouchpanelkeysforejectingthemedia appear. 5 Pressthehbutton. 2 Touch[EjectSD]. TheLCDpanelcloses. p Ifdatarelatedtomapdata,suchascusto- mizedPOIdata,isstoredontheSDmem- orycard,thenavigationsystemrestarts. p WhenyouejecttheSDmemorycardby touching[EjectSD],themodelinformation thatyouareusingwillbeautomatically sto

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Chapter 02 Basicoperation ! Ifdatalossorcorruptionoccursonthesto- Whenthedatarelatedtomapdatais ragedeviceforanyreason,itisusuallynot stored possibletorecoverthedata.Pioneeraccepts Ifdatarelatedtomapdata,suchascusto- noliabilityfordamages,costsorexpenses mizedPOIdata,isstoredontheSDmemory arisingfromdatalossorcorruption. card,operatingproceduresareslightlydiffer- ent. PlugginginaUSBstoragedevice 1 Pressthehbuttonandthentouch [EjectSD]. % PlugaUSBstoragedeviceintotheUSB connector. 2 Touch[Yes]. U

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Basicoperation Chapter Basicoperation 02 ! Ifdatalossorcorruptionoccursonthesto- Flowfromstartupto ragedeviceforanyreason,itisusuallynot termination possibletorecoverthedata.Pioneeraccepts noliabilityfordamages,costsorexpenses 1 Starttheenginetobootupthesystem. arisingfromdatalossorcorruption. Afterashortpause,thesplashscreencomes onforafewseconds. p ToprotecttheLCDscreenfromdamage,be ConnectingyouriPod suretotouchthetouchpanelkeyswith UsingtheUSBinterfacecableforiPoden- your fingeronlyandgently

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

properlyconnectedtoyour vehicle’sparkingbrakeand

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly.After youhave finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ualin asafeplacefor futurereference. – EjectinganSDmemorycard(forAVIC- Important X920BT) 17 PluggingandunpluggingaUSBstorage Thescreensshownintheexamplesmaydiffer device 18 fromactualscreens. – PlugginginaUSBstoragedevice 18 Actualscreensmaybechangedwithoutnotice – UnpluggingaUSBstoragedevice 18 f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents – Searchingforacitynamefirst 34 – Registeringalocationby – Findingthelocationbyspecifyingthe “Favorites” 46 housenumber 35 – Registeringalocationbyscroll – Searchingforanamebyentering mode 46 multiplekeywords 36 Editingregisteredlocations 46 Settinguparoutetoyourhome 36 – Editingtheentryinthe “Favorites” SearchingforPointsofInterest(POI) 36 list 46 – SearchingforPOIsbypreset – Editingyourhome 47 categories 36 – Sortingtheentryinthe“Favorites” – SearchingforaPOIdirectlyfromthe list 47 na

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents – Howtoreadtrafficinformationonthe Receivingaphonecall 71 map 56 – Answeringanincomingcall 71 – Viewingthetrafficflow 57 Transferringthephonebook 72 – Settinganalternativeroutetoavoid – Deletingregisteredcontacts 73 trafficcongestion 58 Changingthephonesettings 73 – Selectingtrafficinformationto – Editingthedevicename 73 display 59 – Editingthepassword 73 Browsinglocalevents 59 – StoppingBluetoothwave Browsingnewsheadlines 60 transmission 73 Browsingstockquotes 61 – Echocancelingandnois

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents Readingthescreen 83 – Searchingforaspecificsceneand Usingthetouchpanelkeys 84 startingplaybackfromaspecified – Storingandrecallingbroadcast time 100 frequencies 84 – Directnumbersearch 100 Usingthe “Function”menu 85 – OperatingtheDVDmenu 100 – Storesthestrongestbroadcast – UsingDVDmenubytouchpanel frequencies 85 keys 100 – Tunesinstrongsignals 85 – Frame-by-frameplayback 101 – Slowmotionplayback 101 HDRadioäreception Usingthe “Function”menu 101 Startingprocedure 86 Readingthescreen 86 P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Chapter 02 Basicoperation 4 Readthedisclaimercarefully,checking itsdetails,andthentouch[OK]ifyou agreetotheconditions. Themapscreenappears. Regularstartup % Starttheenginetobootupthesystem. Afterashortpause,thesplashscreencomes onforafewseconds. p Thescreenshownwilldifferdependingon thepreviousconditions. p Whenthereisnoroute,thedisclaimerap- pearsafterthenavigationsystemreboots. Readthedisclaimercarefully,checkingits details,andthentouch[OK]if youagreeto theconditions. p Iftheanti-theftfunction

Instructions pareilles
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