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Pilot’s Guide KLN 90B
TSO’d GPS Navigation System
ORS 20
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AlliedSignal, Inc. Commercial Avionics Systems 400 North Rogers Road Olathe, Kansas 66062-1294 FAX 913-791-1302 Telephone: (913) 782-0400 006-08773-0000 Rev.1 05/97 A
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KLN 90B PILOT’S GUIDE 006-08773-0000 for KLN 90Bs with OPERATIONAL REVISION STATUS (ORS) 20 IMPORTANT: Special installation procedures must be followed in order for the KLN 90B to be certified for IFR use. Consult the KLN 90B Flight Manual Supplement for the operating limitations of this unit. For Important Database Update Information See Section 2.7 May, 1997 i Rev 1
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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................................I PREVIEW OF OPERATION............................................................................................................................................II CHAPTER 1 - KLN 90B SYSTEM COMPONENTS....................................................................................................1-1 CHAPTER
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3.11 VIEWING THE WAYPOINT PAGES ...........................................................................................................3-42 3.11.1 Airport Pages ..................................................................................................................................3-42 3.11.2 The Airport 1 Page (APT 1) ............................................................................................................3-42 3.11.3 The Airport 2 Page (APT 2) ...................
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5.1.4 The Trip Planning 5 And Trip Planning 6 Pages (TRI 5 and TRI 6) ..................................................5-6 5.2 ADVISORY VNAV OPERATION .....................................................................................................................5-7 5.2.1 VNAV For Direct To Operation ...........................................................................................................5-7 5.2.2 VNAV For Flight Plan Operation ............................................
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CHAPTER 6 - LEVEL 4 OPERATION.........................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 NON-PRECISION APPROACH OPERATIONS ..............................................................................................6-1 6.1.1 Selecting An Approach .......................................................................................................................6-4 6.1.2 Interpreting What You See ...........................
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INTRODUCTION The KLN 90B is an extremely sophisticated navigational As you become proficient with using the KLN 90B, don’t device, capable of providing highly accurate navigation be tempted to rely on it as the sole means of navigation. over most parts of the world. You will be amazed at all A good pilot never relies on just one source of naviga- of the navigational and other aeronautical functions that tion for either VFR or IFR flying. Cross check your posi- the unit can perform. However, y
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PREVIEW OF OPERATION No doubt you are going to read this entire manual just Test page. (Note: If the KLN 90B is installed for as soon as you possibly can. But just to get an idea of VFR only operation, a VFR only warning page is how easy the KLN 90B is to operate, the following oper- diplayed after the self test page has been ational preview is presented. This operational preview approved. This warning page must be acknowl- assumes the KLN 90B has been properly installed, the edged by pressing
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12 15 15 15 15 E 12 12 12 12 6 E E E E 3 6 6 6 6 N 3 3 3 3 33 CHAPTER 1 - KLN 90B SYSTEM COMPONENTS A basic KLN 90B system consists of a panel mounted capabilities. Some of these optional components include KLN 90B GPS sensor/navigation computer, a data base an external course deviation indicator (CDI) or HSI, RMI, cartridge, and an antenna. An altitude input is required to fuel management system, air data system, ARTEX ELS- obtain full navigation and operational capabilities. 10 emergency loc
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KA 91 GPS Antenna KA 92 GPS Antenna Two GPS antennas can be used with the KLN 90B. One Compatible air data systems are available from is the KA91 and the other is the KA 92. The KA 92 is Bendix/King and Shadin Co. An air data system is capa- used with new production KLN 90Bs and the KA 91 is ble of providing the KLN 90B with true air speed data used with units that have been upgraded from either a which is used for wind determination. The Shadin air KLN 90 or a KLN 90A. They are “patch” anten
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CHAPTER 2 - DATABASE One reason the KLN 90B is such a powerful navigation system is because of its extensive database. A database is an area of electronic memory used to store a large cat- alog of navigational and aeronautical information. 2.2 DATABASE COVERAGE AREAS AND 2.1 FUNCTIONS OF THE DATABASE CONTENTS The database provides two primary functions. First, it makes pilot interface with the GPS sensor much easier. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and Rather than having
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only for airports in the primary area of the database. NDBs Intersections, air route traffic control center data, flight • Identifier service station frequencies, and special use airspace are • Name also provided only for the primary area. • Frequency • Latitude and Longitude The following is a list of the KLN 90B database contents: (Note - Outer Compass Locators are stored as Intersections) *AIRPORTS • Identifier *INTERSECTIONS (low altitude, high altitude, SID/STAR, • Name approach, and outer
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2.3 USE OF ICAO IDENTIFIERS 2.4 UPDATING THE DATABASE Waypoints are stored in the KLN 90B database almost The information stored in the database would eventually exclusively by their ICAO identifiers. ICAO is an interna- become obsolete if there wasn’t some means to update it. tionally accepted reference for the data. In almost all For example, navaids can move or change frequency, cases the proper ICAO identifiers may be taken directly new runways can be added to an airport, communication fro
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2.4.1 Computer Updating Of The Database Update information is sent to you on several 3.5” disks. In order to use this update method you must have access to an IBM compatible computer having a disk drive capa- ble of using and booting (loading) from 3.5” 1.44 megabyte high density disks. This computer also needs to have an available COM 1 or COM 2 serial port. In addition, an optional PC Interface kit must be used. Included in the kit are a data loader jack (wired to the KLN 90B and usually inst
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3. Turn on the computer being used for the database update. Insert Disk 1 into the computer’s disk drive. There can be either 2 or 3 disks used for the update so be sure the label on the outside of the disk says “Disk 1 of 2” or “Disk 1 of 3”. The program on the disk will automati- U P D A T E
cally “boot” (load) and the computer screen will display D A T A B A S E
“Ready” when the computer is ready to continue with the
database update operation. O N G R O U N D
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8. Press E to acknowledge the estimated load time U P D A T E
and begin erasing the existing database. The unit will D A T A B A S E
now display ERASING DATA BASE (figure 2-6). After
the database has been erased, loading of the new data E R A S I N G
begins automatically. As the new data is being loaded, D A T A B A S E
the percentage of transfer is displayed (figure 2-7).
SET 0 9. Monitor the computer screen. When the first disk is complete the computer scr
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õ GPS KLN 90B TSO PUSH BRT ON CRSR CRSR NAV CALC NAV APT FPL STAT D/T VOR MODE SETUP ACTV NDB TRIP OTHER REF INT MSG ALT D CLR ENT SUPL CTP. PULL SCAN 2.4.2 Cartridge Exchange Updating of the Database To exchange the KLN 90B cartridge it is necessary to remove the KLN 90B from the aircraft’s instrument panel. The KLN 90B and the mounting rack have been designed to provide for easy removal. Follow these steps to update the database cartridge. FRONT LUG UP AND BACK LUG DOWN Figure 2-9 1. Insert t
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which side is up and which end to insert into the KLN 90B. Insert the new cartridge into the back of the unit. When the cartridge is properly inserted, the “Insert To Here” marking on the label can just be seen protruding from the rear of the KLN 90B (figure 2-11). 6. Make sure that the front lug of the locking mechanism is in the up position (figure 2-9). Insert the KLN 90B back in the rack as far as it will go. 7. Re-insert the insertion/removal tool. Turn the tool clockwise until snug. T