Instruction d'utilisation 3Com Equity Series Computers Equity I+

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif 3Com Equity Series Computers Equity I+

Dispositif: 3Com Equity Series Computers Equity I+
Catégorie: Barbecue à gaz
Fabricant: 3Com
Dimension: 0.14 MB
Date d'addition: 11/9/2014
Nombre des pages: 6
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3Com Equity Series Computers Equity I+ Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Computer Specifications
CPU 608610 mfcroprocessor 4 77MHz 1 Switch Settings 1
or 1OMHz swatch selectable clock
8087 support (optron). 477MHz
The CPU SPEED switch selects between 4.77 MHz and 10
or 1OMHz
MHz. When the computer is running at 4.77 MHz, the power
RAM 64OKB. parrty brt optronal
light is orange, and at 10 MHz, the light is green.
ROM 16K6 one socket
Supports four droves maximum.
System Configuration Switches
5 25” double-densfty (360KB)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

EQUITY I+ Keyboard Connector Connector Pin Assignments Parallel Port Connector PIN NO. SIGNAL NAME DIRECTION DESCRIPTION 1 -STROBE 0 Strobe DESCRIPTION PIN NO. SIGNAL NAME DIRECTION 2 DATA 0 0 Data Bit 0 3 DATA 1 0 Data Bit 1 Keyboard Clock 1 KBD CLK I/O 4 DATA 2 0 Keyboard Data Data Bit 2 2 KBD DATA 5 DATA 3 0 -Keyboard Reset Data Bit 3 3 -KBD RESET 0 6 DATA 4 0 Data Bit 4 Ground 4 GND 7 DATA 5 0 Data Bit 5 Power 5 +5v a DATA 6 0 Data Bit 6 6 -a NC tie connection 9 DATA 7 0 Data Bit 7 -Acknowle

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

EQUITY I+ DMA Channels Jumper Locations Function Channel Refresh 0 1 Spare FDD Adapter 2 HDD Adapter 3 Hardware Interrupts Function Number EGA, PC Net, Serial 2 Serial 1 Jumper Settings for FDC, RAM, and EPROM Hard Disk Configuration Floppy Disk Printer I:““:’Function 3 , 1 FDC enabled A FDC disabled B Parity RAM disabled A Parity enabled B A EPROM selected 256KB EPROM selected B Parity RAM lnstallation The Equity I+ supports parity RAM checking to insure that the data stored in memory is vali

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

EQUITY I+ Installing Hard Disk Drives lnstallation/Support Tips - If you are having difficulty in formatting the hard disk drive, try starting over with the Unconditional Power Format option in diagnostics. The Equity has a power supply that is switchable between 115 V, for US and Canadian use, and 230 V, for Third Party Option Boards use in other countries. The voltage switch is located at the --- If you find that some third party option boards do rear of the CPU between the AC inlet and the A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

EQUITY I + Equity It t Worldwide Power Selection MS-DOS 3.2 Select Command Manual Error - IDEA - 3COM - a/25/87 - Fox Research - Manzana Equity/Apex Coprocessor Selection Guide Equity It MGA Card - 50023 Equity t Compatibility Certification Equity Series with Word and Serial Printers Equity Series Power Available and Consumption 3/3/88 Equity It - Common Questions and Answers 3/28/88 Equity It File Creation Error Update 6/7/89 Using Expanded Memory Equity and Apex PLUS 5/18/88 Math

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

EQUITY I+ Related Documentation Equity I+ M-TMEQI Equity I+ Technical Manual MPL-EQI + I+ Parts List 5/9/88 Equity I+ User’s Guide Equity I+ Diagnostics Equity Series Computers 9/22/89 EQI + -7 Y144991022w Manual Y144QQ102101 Equity hbnual Reference Equity I+ Programmer’s PRM + MPMEQI + laOsO Package. MS-DOS 3.3 Upgrade software Q3QokA.4 GW-Basic Equity I+ Software Package. MS-DOS 3.2 and

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