Instruction d'utilisation Mega System Tech PM0425-04

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Mega System Tech PM0425-04

Dispositif: Mega System Tech PM0425-04
Catégorie: Jeux
Fabricant: Mega System Tech
Dimension: 1.92 MB
Date d'addition: 7/16/2014
Nombre des pages: 44
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Installation & Owner’s
For a list of distributors, visit the Merit Industries, Inc. Web site
merit industries, inc. PM0425-04

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of Contents Site Preparation .............................p. 1 Hi Scores Menu ..............................p. 12 View/Clear Hi Scores ............... p. 12 Setting up your Megatouch Game .........................p. 1 Books Menu....................................p. 13 Books Display ............................ p. 13 Game Description ..........................p. 1 Cash Settlement ........................ p. 14 CPU Section ............................... p. 1 System Menu ..................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Site Preparation to be adjusted, however it is recom- mended that the screen be calibrated In determining the location for your (see “Screen Calibration”) and the coin Megatouch FORCE™ video game, consid- or bill acceptor(s) be tested. eration must be given to a suitable, grounded electrical outlet. Since the game is a com- 4. There are many custom settings avail- puterized device, it should have a separate able for the game. To customize the circuit, if

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. There is also a security key port on the How To Calibrate the Touchscreen: control board, but in Fusion games, it • Find the “CALIBRATE” button located is not operable. on the I/O board in the CPU section and Coin Mech/Bill Acceptor Cash Box press it to enter the screen calibration The coin mech and/or bill acceptor are ac- mode. cessible by opening the front bezel of the • Touch the center of the first cross that cabinet (see Figure 24 for locations). T

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. 1. Set the game to the Checkerz game Cleaning the Cabinet screen. • The cabinet should be cleaned with a 2. Adjust the vertical and horizontal size damp cloth and mild detergent. Always and vertical and horizontal position to apply the cleaner to the cloth and not make sure that the game screen fills directly on the game. Liquids could the monitor screen and that the game enter the cabinet and damage electron- screen is centered. ics inside. 3. Adjust th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Linking Games Some games include an Ethernet cable and a crossover connector used to link games together. By linking your games, players can play compete against one another in real-time interactive play. Follow the instructions below to link your games. The software will allow up to 8 games to be linked. NOTE: One Ethernet cable is required for 4. Linking two games: Plug the free ends each game you are linking. Additional Cat- of both the Ethernet c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Game Name and Score Needed for Initial Replay Solitaire, Power Solitaire, Lone Star, and Super Lone Star will always offer a replay once the listed score is attained. The other games have to reach the score listed as well as attain the high score for the game in order to offer a replay. 11 Ball 125,000 MGA Champ. Golf No Replay 11-Up 125,000 Monster Madness 400,000 3 Blind Mice 150,000 Moon Drop 160,000 3 Some 150,000 Mystery Phrase 325,000 Air Shot No Re

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Main Menu The Main Menu can be accessed by pressing the SETUP button inside the game. Use the Main Menu to set up all game software options. NOTE: For help with the Options in any menu section, touch the green “?” icons to bring up a help screen. Figure 1 - Main Menu A summary of the Main Menu functions appears in the following table. For more detail, see the corresponding sections of the manual. Main Menu Available Options Information CREDITS/ • Quick

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Main Menu Available Options Information DIAGNOSTICS • Video Test • Enters the Video Test to display the test screens. Touch the screen to cycle through test. • I/O Test • Tests the function of the I/O board, DIP switches, coin meter, lockout (if applicable), and light (EVO only). • Touchscreen • Allows the operator to calibrate the Calibration touchscreen. Follow the instructions on the screen. • Touchscreen Test • Checks touchscreen calibration. Touch t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Credits/Pricing Menu Quick Price Setup Quick Price Setup allows the operator to make general pricing changes without entering the Games Menu. Figure 2 - Quick Price Setup Screen 3 Credits for a Dollar: Sets each game to the following price settings: COIN INPUT COIN VALUE COINS = CREDITS & METER PULSES 1A 25¢ 2 1 2 2B 25¢ 3 2 3 3C 25¢ 4 3 4 NOTE: If the game is set to 3 Credits for a Dollar, prices will be displayed in credits unless otherwise specified. 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Coin-In To Enter The “Coin-In” Screen, Touch “Coin-In” on the Credits Menu Game cost can be controlled two ways: by changing the number of credits required to play a game or by changing the cost of a credit. The Coin-In Menu allows you to adjust the cost of a credit, as well as providing a way to give players “bonus” credits for depositing a higher amount of money. When programming the Coin-In Menu, Channel 1 is set for the lowest value coin, Channel 2 fo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Coinless Coin Op Menu (FORCE Games Only) When enabled via the Options button on the Credits/Pricing Menu, the Coinless Coin Op feature allows the operator to charge on a per-game or per-time basis without players inserting money into the game. The total amount owed after gameplay is tallied by the machine and collected by the location owner. Location owners reset the game Figure 4 - Coinless Coin Op Menu - with a PIN after collection. Settings Screen Set

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. M m e d o e iT T c p 1 e h b m e p 5 e e im r r - in lo tb e e u w c ik ll t i g m a n m g D a ie s a p y, y ih m d r m e te e la u e ib p r td p c ln y o e e h e s l n g r o fo s r d a ie h o .iis te a W s y p e d a m o l e s d n ic n a e r b o d i m n e c b h h k .e tle e t n lo o w u w a ln h y p e te e ltb ir d y m a O p ic y u a e h s lh tr p n n r e o e m e ttw u ,s c u .s s r h a r d e o te a b in , is a ia la e n lc d lt h w e d ili i a h a n

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Games that were not originally enabled will Hi Scores Menu be turned off and all price settings will be View/Clear Hi Scores reset. Use this menu to manage hi scores. The When you touch a category name, the next first screen allows you to select a particular Game Setup screen shows the game posi- game to edit or clear all scores for all games. tions available for that category and the price for each game, with the list at the bottom To Enter This Screen,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Books Menu To Enter This Screen, Touch “Books Display” on the Books The Books Screens display the current and Menu and Choose a lifetime credit totals for each game, as well Game Name as the percentage of credits played per game (the percentage for each game is the total number of credits played on that game di- vided by the total number of credits entered into the machine). Books Display To Enter This Screen, Touch “Books Display” on the Books Menu Figure

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Cash Settlement Setup Cash Settlement Collection The Cash Settlement Screens are used to The Cash Settlement Collection Screens will calculate the percentage of earnings the op- display the balance (total revenue minus to- erator and location will receive, as well as tal fees) to be split between the operator fees collected by the operator. This will help and the location. to offset MegaNet™ operation costs. To Enter This Screen, Touch “Cash Settlement C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. System Menu Figure 14 - System Menu The Set Time Menu allows you to set both the time and date on Set Time the game. Time is shown in 24-hour, "military" time (e.g. 5:00pm = 17:00). Use the up and down arrows to set the time and date. The operator can set the PIN number and select which of the features (Coin-In Menu, Free Credits, Game Menu, Hi Scores, Books, All Options, and Set 6 Star PIN) will be protected by the PIN. To change the PIN, you must firs

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Diagnostics Menu Figure 15 - Diagnostics Menu Video Test Touch the screen to cycle through a series of video test screens. Tests the SETUP and CALIBRATE buttons, all coin channels, the coin meter, and the coin lockout feature (if applicable). A green light next to I/O Test the appropriate button will register each time that item is tested, and the number next to the item should increment by one with each test. The I/O Test Screen also displays which D

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

COPYRIGHT © 2003 MERIT INDUSTRIES, INC. Presentation Menu The Presentation Menu features a slide show for location owners and another slide show for operators and distributors. This menu also allows operators to create ad screens and add custom screens created on a personal computer. Figure 18 - Sales Person’s Presentation Sample Screen Figure 16 - Presentation Menu Operator’s Presentation This presentation is designed to be shown to location owners by the operator. It dem- onstrates how to ma

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