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INTRODUCTION ThankyouforbuyingthisBushproduct,whichisdesignedtogiveyoumanyyearsof trouble-freeservice. Youmayalreadybefamiliarwithusingasimilarunit,butpleasetaketimetoread theseinstructions.Theyaredesignedtofamiliariseyouwiththeunit smanyfeatures andtoensureyougettheverybestfromyourpurchase. Safetyisimportant Yoursafetyandthesafetyofothersisimportant.Therefore,pleaseensureyouread the SafetyInstructions beforeyouoperatethisunit. Warranty Intheunlikelyeventthatyourproductfailstoworknormally,please
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CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................1 2. SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS...........................................................3 3. INSTALLATION.........................................................................4 WALLMOUNTING INSTALLATION GUIDLINES.............................4 ACCESSORIES..........................................................................5 FRONTPANEL...................................................................
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SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS 1. Donotusethisapparatusnearwater. 2. Cleanonlywithdrycloth. 3. Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Installinaccordancewiththemanufacturers instructions. 4. Donotinstallnearanyheatsourcessuchasradiators,heatregisters,stoves,or otherapparatus(includingamplifiers)thatproduceheat. 5. Protectthepowercordfrombeingwalkedonorpinchedparticularlyatplugs conveniencereceptacles,andthepointwheretheyexitfromtheapparatus. 6. Onlyuseattachments/accessoriesspecifiedbythemanufacturer. 7. Unplugth
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INTSTALLATION INSTALLATIONNOTES ThisTVcanbeconnectedtoAC100-240Volts.50/60Hz.NeverconnecttoaDC supplyoranyotherpowersupply. LocatetheTVintheroomwherelightdoesnotstrikethescreen. Totaldarknessora reflectiononthepicturescreencancauseeyestrain.Softandindirectlightingis recommendedforcomfortableviewing. AllowenoughspacebetweentheTVandthewalltopermitventilation. Avoidexcessivelywarmlocationstopreventpossibledamagetothecabinetor prematurecomponentfailure. DonotcovertheventilationopeningswhenusingtheTV
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INTSTALLATION ACCESSORIES ACPowerCord.........................1 InfraredRemoteControl............1 User sManual ........................ 1 Battery(AAA)...........................2 FRONT PANEL 3 4 2 1 30 30 1: Remotecontrolsensor. 2: IndicatorLED: GREEN POWERON. POWER MUTE NICAM 1 2 3 RECALL RED STANDBY. 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TVMENU INPUT 3: Keyboard(seenextpage). ENTER DVBMENU SOUND EXIT + + VOL PIC CH _ _ 4: ACpowerswitch. SLEEP ASPECT SOURCE DISPLAY TEXT INFO FAV EPG REVEAL HOLD LIST INDEX SUBPAGE SIZ
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INSTALLATION KEYBOARD SOURCE MENU CH+ CH- VOL+ VOL- 1 SOURCE Todisplaytheinputsourcemenu. 2 MENU TodisplaymainMENU. 3 CH+/CH- InTVmode tochangethechannelupanddown. InMENUmode,toselectthemenuitems. In standbymode,itcan turnontheTV. 4 VOL+/VOL- Toadjustsoundlevel. InMENUmode,toselect the menuitems. REAR PANEL AV AV L L Y Y 100-240V~ 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 50/60Hz VGA VGAINPUT INPUT VGA AUDIO Pr Pr INPUT INPUT HDMI HDMI ANT ANT AC-INPUT AC-INPUT S-VIDEO S-VIDEO R R Pb Pb SPDIF SPDIFOUTPUT OUTPUT All the
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INSTALLATION ANTENNACONNECTION Note: Aerialconnections:IEC(female). Inputimpendance:75 unbalanced. -7-
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INSTALLATION CONNECTING TO PC STEPS: BesureboththeTVandcomputeraresetto Poweroff. 1.ConnectVGA andaudiocable. 2.Connectthepowercord. 3.PowerontheTV,switch theinputsourcetoVGAmode. 4.PoweronthePC. Thissequenceisveryimportant. 8 100-240V~ 100-240V~ 50/60Hz 50/60Hz VGA VGAINPUT INPUT AV AV L L Y Y Pr Pr VGA AUDIO INPUT INPUT HDMI HDMI ANT ANT AC-INPUT AC-INPUT S-VIDEO S-VIDEO R R Pb Pb SPDIF SPDIFOUTPUT OUTPUT VGAcable PCAudio Powercord -8- A AU UD DIO IO IN INP PU UT T Y YP PbP bPrr IN INP PU UT T
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INSTALLATION PC PRESET PRESET MODE(recommended resolution is 1024*768@60Hz) V.Freq.(Hz) H.Freq.(KHz) RESOLUTION 1 720*400 70 31.47 2 640*480 60 31.47 800*600 56 35.156 3 800*600 60 37.88 4 800*600 75 46.88 5 800*600 72 48.08 6 7 1024*768 60 48.36 8 1024*768 70 56.48 1024*768 75 60.02 9 -9-
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INSTALLATION CONNECTING TOAV EQUIPMENTS This TV provides one group of AV, one S-Video,one group of YPbPr for convenient connection to VCR, DVD or other video equipment. Please refer to the owner s manual of the equipment to be connected as well. You can use the input terminals on TV set rear as follows. VIDEO EQUIPMENT with YPbPr To audio with outputs terminal G B R To video VIDEO EQUIPMENT output Y Yellow (video) W White(audio L) R Red(audio R or Pr) B Blue(Pb) G Green(Y) Y W R G B R AV AV L L
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REMOTECONTROL BATTERYINSTALLATION 1. Remove the battery cover. 2. Inserting the 2AAA1.5V batteries making sure the polarity (+ or -) of the batteries matches the polarity marks inside the unit. 3. Mount the battery cover. Replace with new batteries when the TV set begins to show the following symptoms: Operation is unsteady or erratic. Sometimes the TV set does not function with Remote Control Unit. Remark: 1)Alkaline Battery Recommended. 2) Remove batteries when they are exhausted or if the rem
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REMOTECONTROL KEYS FUNCTION 1:POWER:TosettheTVtostandbyorpoweron. 2:NUMERICKEY:Fordirectaccesstochannels. POWER MUTE 3:TVMENU:TodisplayTVmenu. 1 13 4:CURSOR:Tomovewithinthemenu. AUDIO 5:CH.LIST:Todisplaythechannelslist. 14 1 2 3 6:VOL+/-:Toadjustsoundlevel. RECALL 2 7:PIC:Toswitchpicturemode. 15 4 5 6 8:SLEEP:SettimertoturnofftheTV. 7 8 9 0 9:FREEZE:Tofreezethepicture. TVMENU SOURCE 10:EPG:Todisplayinformationaboutthe 16 3 programbeingviewedandwhat'sonnextin DTVmode. 17 11:FAV:Toaccessyourfavour
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OPERATION BASICOPERATION TURNONTHEUINT PressthePOWERbuttonontheremotecontroltoswitchonthepower.Thepower indicatorwilllightupingreencolour,pressthePOWERbuttonagaintoswitchoff thepower,andtheindicatorwillchangetored. CHANNELSEARCH PresstheSOURCEbuttonontheremotecontroltoselecttheTVorDTVinputmode, andpresstheOKbuttontoconfirm.Ifyouareusingtheunitforthefirsttime,an InstallationGuidemenuwillbedisplayedtoguideyouthroughthechannelscan, Usetheremotecontroltofinishchannelscan(youcanalsorefertoCHANNELMENU
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OPERATION TELETEXT Teletextisaninformationsystembroadcastbycertainchannelswhichcanbe consulted likeanewspaper.Italsooffersaccesstosubtitlesforviewerswith hearingproblemsorwhoarenotfamiliarwiththetransmissionlanguage(cable networks,satellitechannels,etc.) Press: You will obtain: Thisisusedtoenterorexitteletextmode.Thesummary appearswithalistofitemsthatcanbeaccessed.Eachitem TEXT has a corresponding 3digitpagenumber.If thechannel selecteddoesnotbroadcastteletext,theindication100will bedisplayedand
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OPERATION EPG(ElectronicProgrammeGuide) TheEPG(ElectronicProgrammeGuide)menuisusedtolookatwhatis beingbroadcastonaDTVorRadiochannelatalaterpointintime. PresstheEPGbuttontoaccesstheEPGmenu,thedetailedprogramme informationofthechannelcurrentlybeingviewedwillbedisplayed. PROGRAMMEGUIDE DTV 801France4 1555.1625LastExit 20Feb200616:07 20Feb DTV 16:00 17:00 800 France2 Information 801 France4 LastExit Movie1 802 France5 Programme2 803 ARTE Programme3 804 LCP Programme4 805 France3 Programme5 Reminder
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OPERATION MENUOPERATION 1.CHANNELMENU ThefirstitemofthemenuisCHANNELmenu(forTVsourceonly). CHANNEL AutoTuning DTVManualTuning ATVManualTuning ProgrammeEdit EXIT MENU OK Youcansearchchannelsandeditprogramshere. 1).AutoTuning:Searchallthechannelsautomatically(ATV,DTV&Radio) Pleaseselectcountryfirst thenselectStarttoupdateinfo Countryselection Australia Start Cancel Pressthe buttonstoselect countrythenpressthe buttonstoselect startor cancel. PresstheOKbuttontostart orexit autotuning. NOTE:Allthecha
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OPERATION 3).ATV ManualTuning:Youcanchangethesoundsystemtosearchtheanalog TVchannelsandfinetunethechannels,thenstorethechannelsyouselected. ATVManualTuning Storage To System BG CurrentCH 1 Search Fine-Tune Skip Yes Frequency 255.25MHz EXIT SAVE StorageTo:Toselectthechannelnumberyouwanttosaveto. System:ToselecttheTVsoundsystem. CurrentCH:Toselectthecurrentchannel. Search:Tosearchbackward/forward. Fine-Tune:Tofinetuningwhenthesignallevelofcurrentchannelisweak. Skip:WhenitsettoYes,thecurrentchannel
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OPERATION 2.PICTUREMENU TheseconditemofthemenuisPICTUREmenu. Youcanadjustpictureeffecthere,includingcontrast,brightnessandcolouras wellasotherpicturefunctions. Press the buttonstoselectitemsandpress the buttons toadjust. PICTURE PICTURE ColourTemp Normal PictureMode Dynamic Red 70 Contrast 70 Green 70 Brightness 70 Blue 70 Colour 70 AspectRatio 16:9 Sharpness 70 NoiseReduction ON Tint 0 EXIT MENU OK EXIT MENU OK (1) (2) PICTURE PICTURE PCSetup AutoAdjust H-Position 70 V-Position 70 Clock 70 Phas
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OPERATION 4.TIMEMENU TheforthitemofthemenuistheTIMEmenu. Youcanadjusttheclock,poweron/offtime,sleeptimerandtimezoneaswellas othertimeclockfunctions. Pressthe buttonstoselectandpressthe buttonstoadjust. TIME Clock OffTime Off OnTime Off SleepTimer Off AutoSleep Off TimeZone NewSouthWalesGMT+10 EXIT MENU OK NOTE: WhentheAutoSleepissettoON,theunitwillturntostandbymodeautomatically ifthereisnosignalinputforaperiodofabout15minutes. 5.DEFAULTMENU ThefifthitemoftheMENUistheDEFAULTmenu. Inthismenu,youca