Instruction d'utilisation Meyer 4116

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Meyer 4116

Dispositif: Meyer 4116
Catégorie: Accessoires pour la voiture
Fabricant: Meyer
Dimension: 0.47 MB
Date d'addition: 4/13/2014
Nombre des pages: 28
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Meyer 4116 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

3100 & 4100 SERIES
3100 SERIES: 4100 SERIES
3116 4116
3118 4118
3120 4120
P.O. BOX 405
PHONE 715-654-5132 • FAX 715-654-5513

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

INTRODUCTION Congratulations on the purchase of your new nience and for proper identification of your Meyer Quick Dump Rear Unload Box. This is dump box by your dealer and the manufac- the simplest, most flexible system on the turer when ordering repair parts. The serial market today. With proper operation and pre- number tag is found on the left rear drive ventative maintenance it will last for years. frame plate and is also stamped near the PTO shaft hanger bracket on the left front up- This S

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................2 TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................3 SAFETY..........................................4 SAFETY DECALS.....................................5 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS.................................6 PRE-OPERATION ....................................7 TRANSPORTING.....................................8 OPERATION .......................................9 ADJUSTMENTS.....................................11 APRON CHAIN......

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

SAFETY A brief definition of signal words that are used in this manual is as follows: DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, WILL re- sult in death or serious injury. WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury. CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It is also used to alert against unsafe practices. B H F G I A D G

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

SAFETY DECALS DECAL C. PART #46-0001-26 DECAL A. DECAL B. PART #46-0001-4 PART #46-0001-12 DECAL D DECAL F PART #46-0011 PART #46-0001-62 DECAL E PART #46-0001-33 DECAL G. PART #46-0001-20 DECAL I. PART #46-0001-35 DECAL H. ADMA SAFETY MANUAL SUPPLIED PART #46-0001-22 PART #46-0013 Page 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • This equipment can be hazardous in the hands of an unfamiliar, untrained or careless oper- ator.  For your safety you must not operate, service, inspect or otherwise handle this equipment unless you have read the Owner’s Manual and have been properly trained in its intended usage.  Require anyone who will operate this machine to read and understand this manual. Give necessary instructions.  Do not operate until all shields, covers and guards are in place.  Keep hands, fe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

PRE-OPERATION Be sure your dump box is properly mounted ARE TIGHT AND SECURE BEFORE OP- to the running gear. Consult your dealer if ERATING. FAILURE TO HEED MAY RE- you have any questions about the tie down SULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY kit from the manufacturer and illustrated in OR DEATH. the parts listing of this manual. Inspect all adjustments on the machine to be This dump box is to be operated with 540 sure they are proper and to provide maxi- rpm PTO only. Set your tractor drawbar to mu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

TRANSPORTING HIGHWAY LIGHTING AND MARKING RE- WARNING: DO NOT TOW AT QUIREMENTS. SPEEDS GREATER THAN 10 MPH. FAIL- URE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS Be sure and observe that the rear discharge PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. door is latched closed before traveling on roadways. Operating speed is dictated by the terrain over which you are traveling. Always use caution. Avoid traveling on slopes or hills that WARNING: INSTALL A SMV EM- are unsafe. BLEM ON REAR OF DUMP BOX FOR TRANSPORTING ON ROADWAYS AN

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

OPERATION WARNING: MAKE CERTAIN EV- ERYONE IS CLEAR OF EQUIPMENT BE- FORE APPLYING POWER. FAILURE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PER- SONAL INJURY OR DEATH. Pull the dump box into position. Always park as straight ahead as possible so there is a minimum angle on the PTO shaft U-joints when it is connected to the tractor. Set the brakes and shut the tractor off. NOTE: Normal operation is using a tractor. If using some other vehicle exercise caution when parking and exiting this vehicle. Remove dri

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Return to the tractor, restart, and slowly en- comes clogged, shut off all power to the gage the PTO to start the apron chains and dump box. Wait for all motion to stop. Dis- open the rear door. Once the door opens, connect PTO shaft or hydraulic supply regulate the discharge flow with the tractor hoses. Then clean out machine. Never use PTO speed (or tractor hydraulic flow control power to aid clean out. If any mechanism for hydraulic driven). Do not operate above fails, remove dump box to safe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

ADJUSTMENTS WARNING: DISCONNECT PTO DRIVE SHAFT (OR OPTIONAL HYDRAU- LIC POWER SOURCE) BEFORE CLEANING, ADJUSTING, LUBRICATING OR SERVICING THIS MACHINE. FAILURE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PER- SONAL INJURY OR DEATH. APRON CHAIN Correct tension on the apron chains is when about three feet of chain does not touch the return slides at the rear of the box. To tighten chains, tighten the adjuster bolts at each end and center of the front sprocket shaft, see fig- ure 6. Each apron chain has its ow

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

LUBRICATION WARNING: DISCONNECT PTO DRIVE SHAFT (OR OPTIONAL HYDRAULIC POWER SOURCE) BEFORE CLEANING, ADJUSTING, LUBRICATING OR SER- VICING THIS MACHINE. FAILURE TO HEED MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PER- SONAL INJURY OR DEATH. Grease (2) Pto drive shaft joints daily. Maintain oil in gearbox to centerline of shafts. Use Multi purpose 80-90 transmis- sion lube. Lighter oil may be used in temper- atures lower than 20 degrees. Grease the (3) main apron drive shaft bearing at rear, weekly. Grease jackshaft

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

REPAIR PARTS APRON - REAR UNLOAD QUICK DUMP KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 25-0146 Tightener Bracket LH 11 11-0068-2 Attachment Link-D667H 2 25-0145 Tightener Bracket CENTER 11-0008-3 Attachment Link-D667X 3 25-0144 Tightener Bracket RH 12 24-0091 Front Shield with Hinges 25-0147 Tightener Nut 13 24-0090 Deflector Shield 830-5013-6Z Tightener Bolt 15 25-0141 Brkt, Deflector Shield Support 4 10-0054 Sprocket #67-6 16 11-0081-2 Chain Slat 5 23-0043 Idler Shaft w/attachments-66

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

UNIVERSAL JOINT TELESCOPING ASSEMBLY QUICK DUMP REAR UNLOAD KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 18-0014 Joint Assy, W-90 Universal 1 18-0014-1 Joint & Tube Half w/guard (implement half) 2 18-0001-4 Repair Kit 3 18-0014-3 Tube & Yoke 5 18-0005-17 Nylon Bearing with Retainer 6 18-0014-6 Inner Guard 7 18-0014-7 Joint & Shaft Half w/guard (tractor half) 8 18-0014-8 Outer Guard 9 18-0014-9 Shaft & Yoke 10 18-0005-15 Yoke Assy, Lock 11 18-0005-16 Quik Lok Repair Kit 16 18-0001-13 “W” Repair Kit w/2 pins 17 18-00

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 24-0105-3 PTO Belting 6"x14" 2 24-0105-2 PTO Belting 6"x10" 3 24-0105-1 PTO Shield 4 14-0003-2 1-1/4 Two Bolt Flange 6 14-0002-3 1-1/4 Bearing w/Lock Collar 7 14-0003-1 1-1/4 Pillow Block Flange 8 23-0036 Main Drive Shaft 16ft. 23-0035 Main Drive Shaft 18ft. 23-0042 Main Drive Shaft 20ft. 9 100-9990-20 PVC Pipe Guard 72" 10 37-0007 Shaft Coupler 11 19-0016 Right Angle Gearbox 12 100-9990-21 PVC Pipe Guard 30-1/2" 13 23-0037 Cross Drive Shaft 42-3/8" 14 23-0041 Idler Sh

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

TIE DOWN KIT FOR STEEL BOX KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 52-0003S Tie Down Kit (Steel Stringers) 1 25-0084 Bracket 2 52-0003-1 Chain 3 801-3816-1.5Z Bolt, Hex Machine-3/8x1-1/2 4 805-0038-Z 3/8 Flat Washer 5 815-3816-Z 3/8 Lock Nut 6 801-5013-1.25-Z Hex Machine Bolt 4 1/2x1-1/4 7 805-0050-Z 1/2 Flat Washers 8 815-5013-Z 1/2 Lock Nuts Page 18

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

REAR DISCHARGE DOOR COMPONENTS KEY PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1 25-0179 Bearing Bracket Brace 2 25-0190-1 Left Main Roller Bracket 3 100-9990-23 Left Gate Side Frame 4 100-9990-25-12 Latch Catch 5 100-9990-25-13 Back Gate Frame 6 33-1002 Slow Moving Vehicle Bracket 7 100-9990-25-13 Back Gate Panel 40-3/4x84-1/4 8 100-9990-24 Right Gate Side Frame 9 25-0191-1 Right Main Roller Bracket Page 19

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20


Instructions pareilles
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2 Meyer 3116 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour la voiture 0
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5 Meyer 3120 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour la voiture 0
6 Meyer 4118 Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour la voiture 0
7 Meyer Quick Dump Rear Unload Box Manuel d'utilisation Accessoires pour la voiture 0
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